Chapter 543 Blasphemy

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Chapter 645 Blasphemy

In Wang'an City Imperial City, the air in the entire three major buildings is oppressive and condensing.

From the concubines and eunuchs to the maids in the palace, everyone clamped their tails and were cautious at this time.

Not only did they not dare to speak loudly, they even tried to keep their breathing as low as possible, and they were even more trembling when walking.

Everyone's face was as pale as paper, with panic and fear on their faces.

They can all sense the violent and bloody aura originating from the 'Zhenghe Palace'.

Just one day ago, there was a gentle breeze and drizzle in the palace, the sky was clear and the atmosphere was peaceful.

It wasn't until seven hours ago that the situation took a turn for the worse.

The huge force emanating from the 'Zhenghe Hall' not only shattered the entire hall into pieces, but also shattered all the surrounding white marble brick walls into powder. The bloody smell coming from inside was nauseating.

At that time, none of the chamberlains and maids on duty inside and outside the Zhenghe Palace must have survived.

Almost everyone can guess that this must be some bad news that His Majesty has heard, and something bad for the Daning Dynasty is happening.

Ever since Li Changsheng forced his way into the imperial city a few years ago, similar things have started to happen frequently, and the job of serving Emperor Daning has become more and more dangerous.

At this time, in the crumbling Zhenghe Hall, Emperor Jianyuan's face was also as white as paper. His eyes not only contained rage and hatred, but also a little confusion and panic.

Every piece of news that came from the boundless starry sky made him angry and panicked.

——Mu Jianxian is casting a brand new South Pole Star. Judging from the current situation, the possibility of success is very high.

——King Wu Lietian, Ming Qianqiu, monarch and ministers are also gathering stars. The stars they shine at the southern gate are getting brighter and stronger.

——Chu Xisheng demonstrated the ability of yin and yang to be integrated into one body in the war wind world.

——Si Huangquan has inherited his mother’s power and has become another Nether Phoenix in the world, the master of the human race’s Yin spirits.

——Yijian Qingcheng Wen Suyi succeeded in becoming a god after waking up. Under the cover of the three generations of Holy Emperors, he successfully devoured part of the divine essence of Ice God Xuan Emperor and Yin God Yue Xi, becoming another emperor in the world who is qualified to aspire to be the emperor.

Levels of powerful gods.

Each of these news is extremely bad news.

Each of these incidents alone would be a heavy blow to Daning's national destiny.

But now, these bad news were all gathered together, shocking his mind one after another.

Are these all due to Chu Xisheng's planning?

——This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Is that Zhuzi really capable of changing the world?

The face of Moon God Priest Yue Xiner also had no color.

Her face was solemn and her eyebrows were deeply furrowed.

As the most trusted priest of the Yin God Yue Xi, Yue Xiner, the chief priest of the Moon God, can clearly sense the anger of the Yin God.

The violent divine will originating from God is impacting the sea of ​​consciousness of all the chief priests and the chief priest, making them miserable.

She also managed to find some energy to comfort Emperor Jianyuan.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Yue Xiner looked up at the starry sky and spoke in an extremely firm voice: "God will never allow that God-defying person to return to the mortal world alive! And the imperial lineage of the Dalu Dynasty is all tied to that God-defying person. Today.

He will definitely die! Your Majesty, just wait patiently for the news."

Emperor Jianyuan looked at her intently and said expressionlessly: "I remember that one day ago, the chief priest was so confident."

This stupid woman didn't understand the situation at all.

The current situation is that even if Chu Xisheng falls, the legal authority of their human race will not be in the Daning Dynasty.

Even if the Dalu Dynasty falls, the will of the three generations of Holy Emperors, Wen Suyi, Mu Jianxian, Ming Qianqiu and others can still end the national destiny of the Da Ning Dynasty.

Yue Xiner's face froze slightly.

She was so confident a day ago, thinking that Si Huangquan would definitely not succeed and Chu Xisheng would definitely die in the outer realm.

And now——

"Does your Majesty blame me?"

Yue Xiner sneered with a cold face: "Isn't it His Majesty who indulged Chu Xisheng's growth and eventually became a tiger?"

Emperor Jianyuan's face became even more ugly.

Back in Xiushui County, Chu Xisheng grew up in the Jinyiwei system of the local government, with the help of many resources from the court.

Later, the grand master's indulgence caused him to miss the final opportunity to cut off the thorn.

If he had known today, even if he fought to the death with the Wuxiang Shenzong and risked the fate of the country, he would have killed this scourge Chu Xisheng at all costs.

Emperor Jianyuan had nothing to do with his grand master Dugu Shou, but ordered the purge of the local government a year ago.

It is a pity that the Jin Yiwei named Cao had already defected to the Dalu Dynasty and changed his name, so that the court could not find his trace for a while.

Otherwise, he will definitely cut this person into pieces!

Seeing that Emperor Jianyuan was speechless, Yue Xiner chuckled sarcastically: "Your Majesty, you might as well relax and think about it, this is a good thing for you. From then on, the gods became more and more disgusted and hated the person who disobeyed the gods.

Your country in Daning will be as stable as a rock."

Emperor Jianyuan couldn't help but feel moved.

He realized that the situation mentioned by the other party was likely to come true.

The more the gods feared Chu Xisheng, the less they would allow the Dalu Dynasty to unify China.

But this also means that Jianyuan and the Ning Dynasty will definitely be regarded as puppet toys of the gods.

——This doesn’t seem to be a bad thing?

Yue Xiner had promised him 'eternal life' before.

Emperor Jianyuan took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly to suppress the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

He turned to look outside the palace and said in a low voice: "Where is the Imperial Master Yu Kunlun? He has not returned to Wang'an yet? Send another order to ask him to come and see you as soon as possible."

The mockery in Yue Xiner's eyes became even more intense.

Chu Xisheng has already demonstrated the ability of yin and yang to be integrated into one body in the Demon Realm Battle World.

How loyal is that Hidden Dragon to Emperor Jianyuan and the Ning Dynasty?


At this time, Yu Kunlun, the national advisor, was blocked in Yunkong, ten thousand miles north of Wang'an City.

That was Yu Kunlun's sister Ji Yang.

She was covered in clouds and mist, covering her true body, and only appeared as an incarnation in front of Yu Kunlun.

Ji Yang's face was furious, his eyes widened: "Since you know that Chu Xisheng has been able to combine yin and yang, do you still want to go back and be a national teacher? To assist that faint king?"

Imperial Master Yu Kunlun raised his head silently and looked at the boundless starry sky.

He really didn't expect that there was such a method.

Leveraging the power of the divine contract and the Heavenly Monument, and using the law of chaos as a medium, the unity of yin and yang is achieved.

So what on earth have I been planning for these past thousand years? Is it all useless work? It is simply meaningless.

No! It still makes some sense.

At least he attracted the attention of some gods to His Majesty the Human Emperor.

Just - Zhisou, Zhisou, where have you put me?

When Hidden Dragon thought about this, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Ji Yang wanted to hit his brother on the head with a hammer to see if he could wake up this fool.

This guy is just dizzy.

"Don't you know that Emperor Jianyuan sent you away yesterday just to meet and discuss with the envoys of the Yin God? That faint king has long been shaken. If the gods are willing to give him a promise, he will definitely break it without hesitation.


Ji Yang's voice was stern: "Wake up! Chu Xisheng is the third-generation Holy Emperor, the next-generation Holy Emperor selected by Zangtian and Mujianxian! His talent, his conduct, his benevolence, his

His bravery and strategy are hundreds of times stronger than that of the faint king!"

"I don't think so."

Zhilong lowered his head expressionlessly, and looked at Ji Yang indifferently: "I don't want to attack you. Let me tell you for the last time, get out of my way!"

Everything is too late, too late——

From the moment Chu Xisheng's parents died, he could not look back.


At the same time, Chu Xisheng and Lu Luanli had been dragged by Tai Sui's tentacles to the deepest part of the 'Wutian Black Prison'.

Chu Xisheng still underestimated the density of the turbid air here.

This place is simply like the source of turbid air between heaven and earth. The density is at least ten times that of the surface of Wutian Black Hell, and it is extremely dense.

If I had to use words to describe it, it would be the feeling of entering the sewer from the toilet.

It's an ugly description, but that's the truth.

There is almost no concept of time and space here. At a glance, everything is gray, extremely dirty, and exudes a fishy smell.

Chu Xisheng's 'Divine Will Forbidden Energy' could not completely reflect the turbid air, and was invaded by traces of turbid air.

As soon as the turbid air came into contact with his soul consciousness dispersed outside his body, his soul consciousness thoughts went wild and out of control. The outer gang also underwent abnormal changes, and was almost corroded and penetrated by the turbid air, invading his body.

Chu Xisheng had to temporarily invest a large amount of wishing stones to make up for the shortcomings of the move in this short period of time. He used a piece of silver mirror and sword light to protect the two of them like a shield.

Lu Luanli also broke out in a cold sweat.

She was almost contaminated by the turbid air.

Judging from the density of the turbid air here, she might become one of those evil beings in an instant.

Fortunately, Qinglong Xingjun took action in time, shaking part of his body into pieces of wood and throwing them out, and then caused them to sprout and grow. In an instant, they grew into giant trees that held up the sky, temporarily sucking away the turbid air around them.

This not only protected Lu Luanli, but also relieved Chu Xisheng's pressure.

It wasn't until Chu Xisheng completed the sword moves and truly blocked out all the turbid air that one person and one dragon breathed a sigh of relief.

Qinglong Xingjun was confused for a moment: "You two little friends, why are you here?"

He has been in a state of confusion since he was summoned again by Lu Luanli.

I have no idea why these two people came to this place. Are they here to seek death?

"Xisheng said that Tai Sui's true body might be the remains of a Heavenly Emperor of our human race, and he wanted to come and see what happened."

Lu Luanli gathered his spirit in his eyes and penetrated the void.

She looked forward with surprise: "Is this Tai Sui?"

She originally imagined Tai Sui to be something in the shape of a big octopus.

After all, this thing has so many tentacles - they are all long, extremely slippery, and have many barbed suckers.

As a result, what she finally saw was a fish jelly with an overall oval shape and a radius of more than 300 miles.

It is a jelly obtained by boiling isinglass or peach gum and then cooling it.

Chu Xisheng raised his eyebrows.

In his perception, the shape of Tai Sui is like an oval jelly.

Of course it is much harder than jelly, but there is not much difference in appearance. They are both translucent, soft and bouncy.

"Emperor of Heaven?"

Qinglong Xingjun murmured, then frowned: "So, I did feel his aura. That should be the ninth generation emperor 'Shen Yu', well, this is -"

He suddenly realized something was wrong and looked to Tai Sui's left side.

There was a small stone house there, and two huge stone monuments stood in front of the stone house.

One is about ninety-nine feet high, and the other is eighty-one feet high.

Qinglong Xingjun couldn't help but exclaimed: "This is actually a blasphemous monument!"

"The Monument of Blasphemy?"

Lu Luanli felt that Qinglong Xingjun's soul was in a state of extreme shock.

He could barely maintain this dreamy incarnation.

This surprised Lu Luanli: "Do you mean those two stone monuments? It's strange, why is there a stone house here? Does anyone live here?"

"The God-blaspheming Monument is also called the Origin Sin Monument. Legend has it that the God-blaspheming Monument records the sins of Pangu's descendants. It was eradicated by all the twelve ancestral gods 15 million years ago. There should be no God-blaspheming in this world.

It’s only right that the monument exists, and they even banned the eternal gods from remembering the blasphemous monument for this reason.”

Qinglong Xingjun explained: "The Sacrifice Monument is just one of them. The other one is like the 'Shenxiao Monument' built by the Nine Heavenly Emperors. The Nine Clouds of Heaven should still exist in the mortal world now, right?

In the past, the Nine Heavenly Emperors used the powerful momentum of Long Xi's descendants to coerce and induce all the gods with the Divine Contract Heavenly Monument, so that all the gods would contribute part of their strength, thus creating the Divine Sky Monument, which separated the worlds of mortals and gods with the nine layers of clouds.

Laying the groundwork for the catastrophe of the human race."

Just when Qinglong Xingjun was explaining, Chu Xisheng had already floated to the front of the so-called 'blasphemous monument' and looked at the images engraved on the monument.

Chu Xisheng was immediately stunned.

The patterns on this 'God-blaspheming tablet' were very similar to those of the 'Blood Origin Pillars' he had seen, which recorded the ancient myth of Pangu's creation of the sky.

The previous dozen pictures are very similar, with almost no difference.

Pangu was born from a dragon egg and was raised by the ancestor of Yinglong.

He grew up in chaos, but he wielded his ax to split the chaos, split the heaven and the earth, smashed countless monsters in the chaos, and killed countless innate giants.

In the end, Pangu died of exhaustion, and his eyes, limbs, and physical bones transformed into the twelve ancestral gods and the nine sons of the dragon.

The difference between the 'blasphemous monument' and the 'blood source pillar' lies in this last part.

He saw the twelve-headed innate giant with a majestic body, eating Pangu's flesh, blood and internal organs.

There were also nine innate giants in the form of divine beasts, licking and sucking the blood spring flowing from Pangu's body.

Only the pale bones of Pangu's body were left. His eyes were still there, but they were wide open, filled with anger and hatred, impacting Chu Xisheng's mind.

What made Chu Xisheng quite concerned was that the upper third of the last picture was still incomplete.

"This is slander and blasphemy against the descendants of Pangu."

Qinglong Xingjun let out a cold snort, full of disdain: "These blasphemous monuments were probably made by the remnants of the first emperor of heaven. At that time, the blood descendants of the twelve ancestor gods gradually became the masters of this world. This made many

The innate giant was dissatisfied and began to miss the first emperor.

They concocted rumors that after Pangu died, how could his body and blood become independent and form new creatures? This was because the Twelve Ancestral Gods and the Nine Dragon Sons took advantage of Pangu's weakness and devoured his body, causing Pangu to die.

He was able to completely open up the way of chaos and heaven, but he fell at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. But if it really happened, and I am of the Yinglong lineage, how could I make a covenant with Long Xi?"

He then said with some reluctance: "But this stone tablet itself is a good thing. It should be one of the twelve blasphemy tablets, made of Pangu's bones. All Pangu blood descendants, as long as they can resist

Its spiritual impact and pollution can be used to purify and promote bloodline power."


This chapter has been completed!
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