Chapter 730 Storytelling

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Five days later, on Zhuque Street in Wang'an City, Tianxialou.

This is one of the busiest restaurants with the best reputation, the latest dishes, the best drinks and the liveliest restaurants in Wang'an City recently.

When the two brothers Hu Kan and Hu Lai walked into the building together, they heard the storyteller inside telling the story of the devil's burial in the sky.

"With the orders of the gods, 70,000 heads rolled down in an instant. They deceived the human tribes in Middle Earth, saying that their gods needed blood sacrifices for their burial in the sky. However, you need to know that the burial of the God of War is just like our current Holy Emperor.

Generally, one has the blood of eternity in his body, and his energy is endless. There is no addiction to magic, no need for blood food, and he does not need to condense the stars by himself to be free and at ease."

"The gods also sent the scum of the human race, the so-called messengers who took refuge in the gods, to the Middle Earth to ruin the reputation of Zangtian. They claimed that Zangtian was a demon god who loved blood, killing, and war."

"As time went by, Zangtian was surrounded by the evil spirit of resentment every day. Originally, Zangtian's magical power could have wiped out most of the power of the evil spirit of resentment, and it would not have been so painful. However, Zangtian was raised by the Youchao family.

Such a generous and generous mind, he believed that these resentments died because of him, so instead of eradicating them, he carried them on his back and allowed them to eat his own flesh and blood——"

When Hu Kan heard this, the two brothers had already arrived and sat down in the private room on the third floor.

They immediately heard a roar coming from below.

"Damn it! Hateful!"

Then there was a 'bang' sound, and a burst of clattering noises.

Hu Kan glanced down through the window, and then secretly said that it was true.

There was a martial arts cultivator from out of town who was so angry that he smashed the table with his palm, causing sawdust to fly, and the pieces of dishes and soup spilled all over the floor.

Recently, this situation has become the norm in major restaurants and teahouses in the capital.

The shopkeeper and the waiter below were also not surprised, and they were very quick to clean, change tables, and change dishes.

The guests around him didn't have any ill feelings toward the foreigner. On the contrary, they felt sorry for him and talked loudly.

"Well done! It's really annoying!"

"These gods should all be killed! If I are lucky enough to see eternity one day, I will definitely follow Your Majesty with a knife and capture and kill those gods with bloody hands one by one!"

"Isn't that right? The gods and those giant spirits regard us humans as pigs and dogs, and we will also treat us as pigs and dogs in the future!"

"I used to only know that Zangtian was called the Demon God, and there might be some hidden meaning. This Demon God, Li Tan, and Ziyu have never taken the initiative to ask for blood food from believers. That's fucked up by the Demon War Tower lineage, but

Among the many demon sects, he is the one who commits the least evil. But I never thought that there was such a reason."

"The most annoying thing is those humans who have taken refuge in the gods. Damn it, grandma, they don't have the guts to resist the gods, but they are quite capable of harming their fellow humans. If I meet them in the future, I will have to kill a few of them to vent my anger!"

Hu Kan withdrew his head from the window and smiled at each other with his brother Hu Lai.

Hu Lai raised his glass and said with admiration: "As expected of your Majesty, you have seen thousands of miles. Today you and I will be enlightened!"

The Dahonglu Temple of the imperial court began to train a large number of storytellers as early as two years ago, and they are stationed in restaurants, teahouses, city gates and other crowded places.

They are supported by the imperial court and hold official positions below the ninth rank. They are responsible for telling various stories compiled by Dahonglu Temple, as well as the imperial decrees and taxation systems, etc., to prevent local people from being deceived by local officials.

What impressed Hu Lai the most was the several public cases related to the court's legal system that these storytellers told.

The double-nail serial case, the brothers' property dispute case, Zhang San's manslaughter case, Li Si's theft case, and the sister-in-law's dispute case are not only bizarre and fascinating, but also let the people know what the laws of the imperial court are like and under what circumstances

What kind of judgment should be made?

Hu Lai felt it was very novel at the time and thought it was Chu Xisheng's magic touch, which would be of great benefit to the consolidation of Dalu's rule.

For example, the imperial court enforced the policy of equalizing land, equalizing taxes, and equalizing households in various places.

Those powerful nobles tried to incite the people to fight against the imperial court as before, but the effect was not very good.

Everyone knows what's going on, so naturally they won't be easily deceived by powerful people.

Hu Lai never imagined that the real use of these storytellers would be in this dark time.

Recently, the imperial court urgently issued some stories about the Suiren family, Youchao family, Yugong, Zhisou, Zangtian, Xuanhuang Shidi, Li Tan and other sages of the human race, asking these storytellers to preach them, so that people everywhere not only did not learn about them because of the day

The lack of moonlight and the panic caused by the successive disasters gradually led to a surge of public sentiments and common hatred.

Not only that, the recent Tianji Pavilion's "Tianji Martial Arts Book" and the imperial court's "On the Divine Machinery of Martial Arts" have also published large-scale allusions about the battles between the martial arts predecessors of the human race and the gods, such as Xueyi and King Wulie.

"Your Majesty is indeed far-sighted!"

Hu Kan also smiled and clinked glasses with Hu Lai: "The gods want to use natural disasters to shake the people of China, but I don't know that Your Majesty has been on guard against this move."

The power of Dalu's country at this time can be seen from the orderly crowds on each street.

People cooperated extremely well with the government's instructions, which shows their trust in the Dalu Court and the contemporary Holy Emperor.

They may not be able to help the court fight against the gods, but they are unwilling to cause trouble for the court.

Hu Lai clicked his tongue and said with some confusion: "Actually, the court should have asked people to explain these stories of sages long ago, instead of waiting until now."

Hu Kan smiled casually when he heard this: "You are confused now. Don't you know that Kang Long has regrets? I think it is just right to talk about it now."

The dragon is the king, and Kang is the highest, which means that when the dragon rises to the highest position, it will go downhill.

The morale of the people may be stimulated to its peak in a short period of time, but it cannot last for a long time.

After a while, people will gradually become numb after listening to these stories for a long time.

Chu Xisheng clearly expected this, so he waited until now.

What His Majesty needs is this short-term burst of popular support.

This is bound to push His Majesty's reputation and the secrets of the Imperial Way to the pinnacle.

Hu Kan recently read through the royal secrets left by the Ning Dynasty.

It was discovered that the gods were sending many natural disasters at this time to stir up the hearts of the people of the Dalü Dynasty, probably to prevent His Majesty from entering eternity.

He discovered that although the founding emperors of the past dynasties were all the most outstanding geniuses in the world, few of them could witness eternity like Emperor Xuanhuang and the three generations of Holy Emperors.

Only a few emperors in the past dynasties were able to step into the eternal rank.

Many royal martial arts and martial arts experts speculate that this is probably related to the royal secret method.

The more depressed and chaotic the public sentiment is, the greater the impact will be on the parties involved.

It seemed that King Wu Lie had proclaimed himself for thousands of years, and only after the world had almost forgotten him did he step through the gate of eternity with the help of Chu Xisheng.

Therefore, the dragon energy is likely to disrupt the connection between Chu Xisheng's mind and the way of heaven.

Only Emperor Xuanhuang and the three generations of Holy Emperors, as well as those emperors known as the Supreme Saints and Mingjuns in the past years, were less affected by the Dragon Qi and could cross this threshold.

"Moreover!" Hu Kan glanced out the window: "If it hadn't been for this continuous natural disaster, if it hadn't been for the lack of light from the sun and the moon, the people wouldn't be so resentful of the gods, let alone share the same hatred."

The gods thought that bringing disaster would shake Dalu's heart, disintegrate His Majesty's power, and prevent him from entering eternity.

Little did he know that this move was in His Majesty's favor, allowing him to further unite people's hearts and purify the dragon's energy.


Hu Lai couldn't help but fall into deep thought: "It makes sense for you to say that -"

Just as he was talking about this, someone in the Tianxia Building walked to the patio of the building and raised his fist upward: "Are they Hu Kan, the current fourth-grade scholar of divine mechanics, and Mr. Hu Lai, the master of the Tianji Pavilion's Disha Pavilion?"

Hu Kan was startled when he heard this and looked down.

He immediately recognized that it was the master who had recently appeared on the Earth Ranking, Quan Xiao, the 323rd "Bronze Fist Iron Hand" on the Earth Ranking.

Hu Kan immediately clasped his fists and said, "It's just the two of us. May I ask what you have to say?"

About three years ago, Hu Kan was recruited by the imperial court to join the Lunwu Pavilion. As a fourth-grade Shenji bachelor, he became Xie Zhenqing's deputy and helped Xie Zhenqing preside over "Lunwu Shenji".

Hu Lai stayed in Tianji Pavilion. After Old Man Tianji retired, he took over as the head of the Disha Pavilion and was responsible for compiling the Dibang.

"Don't dare!"

Na Quanxiao also cupped his hands with a respectful expression: "I would like to ask you two gentlemen, is this lack of light from the sun and moon, as well as the recent frequent disasters of wind and fire, really caused by the gods? Not by your Majesty.

He behaved absurdly with the imperial court, so he was punished by heaven?"

"It is indeed the gods who bring disaster!"

Hu Lai couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said below: "Have you ever seen such frequent natural disasters since you were a child? Some people say that our dynasty has sinned against God, so disasters from heaven are simply ridiculous!

Since the Dalu Dynasty unified the world, they have clarified the official administration, equalized the fields and the land, and neglected corvee and underpaid taxes. Which one of them is not for the sake of the people? Which one is not for the long-term peace and stability of the world? If God is affectionate, he should reward him. How can he bring disaster to us?


Those who spread far-reaching rumors are either the lackeys of the gods, or because of the imperial court's order to equalize land and taxes, they resent the local tyrants and powerful people in the imperial court, and they are heartbroken! Your Majesty is the first emperor of Xuanhuang, the three generations of holy emperors, and many others.

How could a person recognized by the sages of the human race be as unbearable as they said?

And in recent years, everyone can see the rise of our human race. Don’t you see that our national power, Dalu, is growing day by day? Don’t you see that our army has already reached the south of the red Gobi? Don’t you see that those giant spirit tribes no longer dare to attack

The north is killing our human race wantonly?

After listening to Mr. Storyteller, you should know the grudges between our human race and the gods, and you should also know that the gods never want to see our human race rise again. Therefore, they use divine power to bring down natural disasters just to prevent His Majesty from entering eternity."

Hu Kan looked at Quan and smiled: "Brother Quan, we two brothers are old friends of His Majesty, and our thoughts are naturally towards His Majesty. So no matter what the two of us say, Brother Quan probably won't believe it. So I

I advise you to see with your heart, listen with your heart, and think with your heart. You will naturally know what is right and wrong, and what is right and wrong."

He then bowed his hands to the people below who were listening: "Everyone! Today, although the sun and moon have no light, Your Majesty can take the place of the sun and shine on the heaven and earth. Although the disasters of wind and fire in the heaven and earth are continuous, there is me.

The Dalu Dynasty suppressed and maintained many demigods, making it difficult for the people to harm the people. There was also the Antarctic Immortal Emperor and the human gods in the starry sky for help.

In addition to this, did you know that our Queen of the West Palace, who conquered the city with her sword and asked Su Yi, has become an emperor? She brought a cold disaster in the northern Middle Earth, freezing the land with a radius of three million miles, and the giant spirits of the Middle Earth have not been able to resolve it to this day.

.And these days of continuous natural disasters will not last long——"

He looked up at the sky, his eyes looking expectantly at the big sun in the sky.

"Our Majesty and Queen are about to become gods. When your Majesty sees eternity, they will clean up the world and wipe out all the gods and demons so that they can no longer cause trouble!"

When the guests in the building heard this, they all became energetic and started talking again.

"Is Your Majesty going to become a god now? So soon!"

"It's not too fast. What kind of talent does your Majesty have? He is the first person in history. The world has been waiting for him for a long time."

"I really look forward to it. With his super-grade body, the Holy Emperor can suppress the four sacred mountains of Middle-earth and stand alone against several emperors among the gods. What kind of power will he have after entering eternity?"

"It's no wonder that the gods tried their best to stop it. Once Your Majesty becomes a god, the rise of our human race will be truly unstoppable."

"Our Highness the Queen is no less powerful than Zangtian, Xuanhuang and Wenhuang. She also holds the anti-god flag gun. Once these two become gods, they should raise their flags to defeat the sky like Foolish Old Man Zangtian.


"Fight the sky! It's time to attack the sky. The gods are cruel. We, the human race of China, uphold the destiny of heaven and we should use our chess to attack them!"

And just when Tianxialou, and even the entire Wang'an City, were discussing about the matter of conquering the sky. In the far east of the Middle Earth, Lord Tianzao Xingzheng frowned and looked at a flaming car standing in front of him.

The young man in golden armor on the chariot.

That is his younger brother Chilun, Star Lord God Chilun, who is about to follow the orders of the Void God Sheyuan to replace the sun during the change of the sun and the moon, shining on the Middle Earth and resolving the increasingly serious ice disaster in the Middle Earth.

Shen Chilun was obviously very excited. He was repeatedly fiddling with the chariot under him and the two Sun Lun swords on his waist, adapting to the two artifacts that the Yin God Yuexi was forced to lend.

Lord Tianzao Xing felt vaguely uneasy, and he said earnestly: "My little brother must be careful during this trip. Resolving the cold power accumulated in this Middle-Earth is actually the next best thing. The first thing is to pay attention to protecting yourself. Be careful, be careful, be careful again—"

He thought that the Yin God Yuexi was easy to provoke, and that Lord Si Chenxing was not an easy person.

Can they really watch their youngest brother gain the authority that belongs to the Great Sun?

It is Taihao, the Sun God. Even if he really becomes the moon in the future, he will still be at the level of the Ancestral God.

Father God Yanrong has been very cautious since he was resurrected. Why did he lose his mind again this time?

Shen Chilun was warned earnestly by him, but he showed no sign of impatience.

He smiled calmly: "Brother, don't worry, I know the severity. If the cold can be transformed, forget it if it can't be. I have to protect myself first. If my life is gone, everything I have now is meaningless.


Tianzao Xingjun heard this and felt a little relieved.

Among his many brothers, Shen Chilun is second only to Fu Dou in strength. Now he has two artifacts of Yang Shen Taihao in hand, and his power is even higher than that of the emperor.

If he stays vigilant, few people should be able to kill him in one fell swoop.

At this time, Lord Greedy Wolf Star, who was working with Tian Zao, was looking towards the south with cold and greedy eyes near them.

He was holding a ball of light in his hand, filled with anger.

This golden light comes from God’s universal illumination.

Not long ago, that person who was shining down on the world in the south, that bastard of the Holy Emperor of the human race, actually came to invite him to attack a certain god known as the 'Lord of Desire'!

Doesn't he know that they are mortal enemies?

What's annoying is that Mr. Greedy Wolf Star can't help but be tempted.

He rules greed, while the 'Lord of Desire' rules desire.

Yet greed without desire is incomplete.

Greedy Wolf Star Lord thought that that bastard really deserves to die!

How dare he use the power of desire to seduce him! Let him attack the Lord of All Disasters!

However, Mr. Greedy Wolf Star did not want to suppress his greed at all.

His method of greed is that the more greedy he is, the stronger he becomes.

If you deliberately suppress it, you will only deviate from this heavenly rule.

This chapter has been completed!
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