Chapter 9 The Sea of ??Blood

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Chu Xisheng stared blankly at the crowd at the stairs.

These people shouldn't think it was him, right?

This is a huge scapegoat!

Chu Xisheng subconsciously hid the stick in his hand behind his back, but when he thought about it, he felt it was wrong. Isn't this the fact that there is no silver in this place?

He didn't want to take the blame, and was preparing words to explain, when he saw a bright firework exploding in his field of vision again.

Chu Xisheng paid close attention and found that although his reputation column had not changed and was still at the bottom of the ninth rank (actual), his martial arts points had inexplicably changed from 5 to 11.

Chu Xisheng blinked immediately.

He didn't understand the reason for this, but it seemed like there were benefits to taking the blame?

At this moment, the people pouring out from the stairs exploded with a 'boom'.

"No wonder they screamed so miserably. All their limbs were broken. I wonder if they are still alive?"

"Did this guy do it? No way, he killed so many people by himself?"

"Who else is here besides him? This person's name is Chu Xisheng. It is said that his swordsmanship has reached the ninth level, but I didn't expect that he would be so powerful."

"This is really a ruthless man. Speaking of which, he almost cut off the young master of the Long family's hand yesterday."

Everyone was talking in low voices, and some timid ones did not dare to look directly at Chu Xisheng.

There was only one black-faced martial artist who glared at Chu Xisheng with a cold expression: "Were these people injured by you? It was too cruel to do so."

"May I ask which eye saw me hurting someone? Is there any real evidence?"

Chu Xisheng smiled casually, with a loud and disrespectful expression: "I don't know who hurt them, but it's best to ask the host or a few instructors to come and see what's going on."

Although there are advantages to taking the blame, he cannot be taken advantage of for no reason.

Something is clearly wrong here.

However, he saw that the faces of the teachers opposite him were a little strange, as if they were a little guilty and fearful.

Chu Xisheng thought for a moment and understood the reason.

These people really thought he did this.

They are worried that things will get bigger and they will be implicated.

The leader of the gym, Lei Yuan, is an inner disciple sent by the Wuxiang Divine Sect to the martial arts gym for training. He only wants to cultivate some talents to help him return to the sect and make further progress.

If this person heard about this, he would be extremely angry.

No one who has received money from the Long family will have an easy time.

As for the Long family in the inner city, in front of the Wuxiang Divine Sect, they are nothing but dust at their feet.

The dark-faced martial artist looked gloomy and uncertain.

If these nine people were not injured by Chu Xi, who else could they be? What this guy said is just excuses!

Just when the martial arts teacher was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do, he suddenly felt a sway under his feet, and the entire ground and building around him shook violently at this moment.

Many people present could not stand firm and fell to the ground.

Above, there was dust and sand, and countless gravel fell from the ceiling.

Chu Xisheng almost didn't stand still. He immediately raised his head and looked up in surprise and astonishment.

What's going on? Could it be an earthquake?


When the entire library was shaking, Li Daogui stepped heavily on the last step of the twelfth floor of the library.

This floor is extremely open, with a length and width of seventy feet without any walls.

The four walls are covered with tall wooden bookshelves, with various books and scrolls stacked on them.

But the moment Li Daogui stepped onto this floor, all the bookshelves turned into dust in an instant, and deep marks appeared on the four walls.

The violent bloody sword energy emanating from Li Daogui's sleeves was clashing with a powerful force of Gang Yuan.

Countless pieces of scattered sword energy cut in all directions, and the shattered Gang Yuan also spilled out to the surroundings, sweeping everything.

Right in the center of this floor, an old man with white hair and pale face floated in the air from behind a nanmu writing desk.

Although he was old, he was extremely tall. He looked down at the man at the top of the stairs who was wearing a green disciple's uniform, with a handsome face and a green sword mark between his eyebrows.

"Blood Sea Floating Sword? Are you Li Daogui, Blood Wind Sword?"

The old man in white robe said with surprise and anger: "You are very brave, have you ever thought about the consequences of this?"

"How come you don't know?"

Li Daogui burst out laughing when he heard this. He raised his head with unruly eyes: "Isn't it that you, the Wuxiang Divine Sect, regard you as an enemy bandit? But my people are already here, how can you be afraid?"

All his clothes turned into blood at this moment.

Countless bloody sword energies instantly merged into one force, forming a huge blood sword that struck directly in front of the white-robed old man.

"Absolutely lawless!"

The old man in white robe took out a whisk from his sleeve and smashed the bloody sword into pieces with a wave of his hand: "In the past few years, you have been willing to go into evil ways and do all kinds of evil. If your master is still alive, he will be ashamed of you."

"If I hadn't entered the sea of ​​blood, I would have been a victim of the imperial court a few years ago."

Li Daogui smiled disdainfully, and there was blood in his eyes: "Stop talking nonsense, I am here this time for the things that Qin Muge left in this building in the past. You have all the notes, annotations and true intentions that she left in the past.

Hand them all over, and my subordinates and I will retreat immediately without harming any plant or tree in this building."

The white-robed old man was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face: "Is this why you came here? There are several true intentions copied by Qin Muge when he was young in this building, but are they worth such a big fight on your part?"

Li Daogui snorted in dissatisfaction, with murderous intent in his words: "Stop pretending to be ignorant! How could I take it seriously when she was a child? What I want is Qin Muge's anti-god flag!"

After hearing this, the old man in white robe looked even more stunned, as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Li Daogui continued: "Qin Muge practiced martial arts at the age of ten, and entered the first level of Yuan Gong at the age of twenty-two. He was undefeated throughout his life and dominated the northern region. Such an achievement is unprecedented and unprecedented. It cannot be explained by talent.

Some people concluded that the ancient relic 'The Flag of the God of Defiance' was in the hands of Qin Muge. It was the only thing in the world that could defy heaven and change destiny, and take over the creation of heaven and earth in one body. But after Qin Muge's death, the Tieshan Qin family cooperated with the masters of the inner court to search for it.

I found all her relics, but no trace of the Ni Shen Banner was found."

The old man in white robe shook his head: "Let's not talk about whether this Nishen Flag is in Qin Mu's singer. Even if it is in her hands, what does it have to do with our Zhengyang Martial Arts School? She left the Martial Arts School and went to Wuxiang

Shenzong was only twelve years old when he came to Shenzong. Since then, Qin Muge has never set foot here again in his life."

"She is a sixth-grade martial arts cultivator who is only twelve years old!" Li Daogui smiled coldly: "She was still young at that time, so she was more likely to leave clues to the anti-god flag here. Half a month ago, the emperor asked the imperial master to spend

Shouyuan divined the whereabouts of the Ni Shen Banner, and came up with the prophecy that 'the great pass is as long as iron, and now we are crossing it from the beginning'——"

His expression suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a stern look: "Are you stalling for time, waiting for others to help you? You are wishful thinking!"

Li Daogui's body suddenly slid forward, and he pointed one finger towards the middle of the white-robed old man's eyebrows.

Countless bloody sword energy gathered together, spiraling like a swimming fish, cutting and striking forward like a bloody storm, the momentum was astonishing.

The pure yang energy in front of the white-robed old man was shattered inch by inch. He didn't panic, his energy instantly changed from yang to yin, and then he slapped his palm in front of him.

In an instant, Li Daogui and the bloody sword energy were all frozen three feet in front. Countless water vapor condensed outside his body surface and solidified into ice.

The old man in white robe was not happy at all. Instead, he took a few steps back, pulled out a soft sword from his sleeve, and tried his best to accumulate real energy.

The ice around Li Daogui cracked open inch by inch, and countless bloody sword energy leaked out from within.

He gave a soft compliment: "This is the Yang Pole Reversing Yin Palm that was commonly used by Qin Muge before the fourth rank. It is her own martial arts. Did you learn it in this library? In other words, she is only twelve years old.

To be able to create your own fourth-level martial arts? It’s really amazing.”

The old man in white robe couldn't help but gasped when he saw this.

He thought about this person, so full of blood, so strong and violent——

This chapter has been completed!
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