Chapter 150 Crisis is like a shadow

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There was a chaos among the Tongluo cavalry, and they retreated one after another. The soldiers rescued Absi, and found that the arrow had penetrated three inches into the head, and the general was already furious.

"General! General!"

Dante and the generals shook little Albus's body desperately and shouted. They touched his mouth and nose and found that little Albus had died. Everyone looked at each other. The master was dead. How should they explain to the chief?

The chief would never let them go. Everyone looked at the commander Ding Te. Ding wiped away his tears and stood up and said, "Let's go to Mingsha County and ask Chief Nagus to avenge us!"

Nagus Albus is the second uncle of little Albus. If even he can't catch the murderer who shot his lord, then the chief can't blame them.

More than a thousand people turned their horses and ran toward Mingsha County, which was eighty miles away.

The enemy had gone far away. Li Ye climbed down the city easily and came to the place where the shot enemy general fell off his horse. He vaguely saw that the enemy had dropped something. The enemy retreated before he had time to pick it up. It seemed to be a helmet.

After searching around, he saw the fallen object, which was the helmet of the general just now. His helmet fell to the ground and rolled to the side. His men rushed to treat it but retreated hastily, leaving the helmet behind.

Li Ye picked up the helmet. It was heavy. It was indeed a gold helmet. Li Ye also saw a military plaque on the ground. The plaque was also very heavy. It was probably a silver medal. It had Chinese characters on it, 'Fengzhou Soldiers and Horses Envoy Atta Absi'.


Li Ye was startled. Could it be that the person he shot was Abusi?

He returned to the county seat, easily climbed to the top of the city, handed the sign to Yang Kan and asked, "Does this person know?"

Yang Kan was taken aback, "This is the nephew of Arbus, the third most popular figure in the Tongluo Army. Could it be that the person we are shooting is him?"

Li Ye nodded, "It should be him!"

Yang Kan was both happy and worried. He was happy that the enemy general had been shot dead and would probably withdraw his troops, but he was worried that Absi would not let it go and would definitely take revenge.

Li Ye saw his worry, patted his arm and comforted him: "Don't worry, we'll talk about it at dawn!"

It was dawn and Tongluo cavalry could no longer be seen outside the city. Li Ye sent several of his men on horseback to explore the surrounding areas.

Several of his men rode out of the city on horseback, and Li Ye said to Magistrate Wei: "Hurry up and tell the people to pack up their belongings and prepare to evacuate. Albus's nephew is dead, and the other side will never give up. They will definitely come to attack the city again. At that time

We definitely can’t resist it, we will massacre the city!”

Magistrate Wei nodded, "I'll arrange for someone to tell everyone to pack their things!"

He hurried there, and not long after, several government officials beat gongs and shouted on the street: "Everyone pack up your belongings quickly and prepare to evacuate. We will wait for Luo Jun to come back and massacre the city!"

The county town is very small. When the government officials shouted in the street, every household was mobilized.

An hour later, his subordinates came back and reported that no enemy troops were seen within thirty miles, and they had indeed retreated.

Magistrate Wei was a little worried and asked: "Will they hide in the distance and wait for us to retreat before they come to kill us?"

Li Ye smiled and said: "I didn't see them carrying food. These cavalry are fighting to support fighting. They are counting on being replenished in Anle County. But they hit a snag. If they don't withdraw, they won't even have dry food."

Yang Kan also said: "Captain Li shot and killed little Arbus last night. They will definitely send the body back, but they will also come back to take revenge. We only have two or three days. If we don't leave, we will be dead!"

"I know, I'm urging everyone to retreat!"

Magistrate Wei became frightened and quickly sent his officials to urge the people not to bring large items, but only to bring soft goods and food.

At the same time, Li Ye led hundreds of civilians to make straw men, put on their clothes and stood at the top of the city. Looking from a distance, it seemed that the top of the city was filled with soldiers.

Li Ye also asked people to catch a sheep, hang it in the air with three legs, leaving only one leg, and then placed a big drum. The sheep would struggle hard and kick on the drum, making a thumping sound.

Although you can't confuse the enemy in the end, you can try to buy some time.

At noon, the South City Gate opened, and people all over the city began to evacuate in large numbers, supporting the old and young, carrying meager property and food, and a large number of merchants driving mules and horses, laden with goods, also retreated towards Xiaoguan.


Li Ye led dozens of his men on horseback to follow the team on both sides. The civilian husbands were still wearing leather armor and holding spears. Many of them carried their luggage with spears. They were the backbone of every family and could not leave their families behind.


The team didn't move very fast. It took more than an hour to cover more than 20 miles.

It is more than two hundred miles from Anle County to Xiaoguan. It will take at least three days to walk like this, which makes Li Ye a little worried.

He thought for a moment, then turned around and shouted: "Yang Li!"

Yang Li, the leader of the fire, urged him forward and said: "The humble post is here!"

Li Ye ordered: "Take two brothers to Anle County to detect the enemy troops. Once you find that the enemy troops are coming to Anle County, you should rush back and report them immediately."

"I humbly obey orders!"

Yang Li clasped his fists in salute and ran towards Anle County with two soldiers.

The mighty team continued southward. At nightfall, the team could no longer move any further, so Li Ye ordered them to camp and rest by a small river.

There were children crying and shouting everywhere, parents coaxing their children to sleep, and Li Ye patrolling back and forth among the crowd on horseback. I originally thought it was a small county town with a small population, but I didn't expect that there were nearly 30,000 people and thousands of large vehicles in the end.


At this time, Yu Chiguang stepped forward and said: "The team is going to practice martial arts! Leave this to the humble post."

Li Ye nodded, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Li Ye urged his horse to run north. He had long discovered a river with deep water and fast current, which was very suitable for martial arts training.

Li Ye slid into the bottom of the river with a sword in his hand, and started practicing martial arts again at the bottom of the river.

Before dawn the next day, the people packed up their things and started heading south again.

At this time, a group of 3,000 Tongluo cavalry arrived in Anle County again.

This Tongluo cavalry was led by Abusi's second brother Nagus. Nagus was the second-ranking figure in the Tongluo tribe. He occupied Mingsha County without any blood and allowed his soldiers to loot. At this time, the defeated troops led by Lieutenant General Dingte also arrived.

Mingsha County.

He unexpectedly learned that his nephew, Little Arbus, had died in Anle County and was shot dead with an arrow by a Tang army soldier.

Nagus was furious and immediately led three thousand troops to Anle County to take revenge. He must personally kill the Tang army leader and use his heart and liver to sacrifice little Abusi.

Outside the city, I saw hundreds of bloody Tongluo soldiers everywhere. Many of the corpses were killed in a horrifying manner, which was shocking.

Nagus was greatly distressed and immediately ordered his men to dig holes and bury the soldiers.

Nagus led his men to slowly approach the city wall. Smoke was billowing from the top of the city, drums were beating faintly inside the city, and there were soldiers standing above the city head.

The Tongluo army brought twenty siege ladders, but they required craftsmen to temporarily assemble them, and they could be installed in half a day.

Nagus randomly ordered the army to rest in place and wait for the assembly of the siege ladder to be completed.

At this time, Yang Li and two of his men discovered the arrival of the Tongluo Army. They immediately turned around and headed south to report the situation.

Nagus stood in the distance and watched dozens of soldiers carefully collecting corpses under the city wall, but there was no response from the top of the city. This was a bit unreasonable. Even if he didn't shoot with arrows, he still had to at least ask a few questions. How could he not?

Do you want to hear it?

After observing for a long time, he found that no one was moving around on the top of the city, but the drums in the city kept beating.

Nagus was a little suspicious, and he immediately ordered: "How many siege ladders have been installed?"

"Reporting to the general, ten siege ladders have been installed."

"Send a thousand men to attack the city immediately!"

This chapter has been completed!
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