Chapter 770 Jincheng prepares for war

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Li Ye originally took a fancy to Jincheng County because of its majesty at first sight. Although it is not as majestic as Chang'an City, the tall and solid walls of Jincheng County are more focused on actual combat.

For example, a horse-faced wall is installed every three hundred steps, which ensures that the crossbow arrows of the two horse-faced walls can meet exactly. Another example is the piers built inward with sockets on them, which are used for simple rope-throwing stone throwing.

Machine use.

Another example is that there are urns at the four city gates, which ensures that even if the opponent breaks through the city gates, they will not be able to enter the city, and the defenders will have a second chance to defend themselves.

There are also wide moats, iron-clad suspension bridges and city gates, and city walls made of large blue bricks. All details reflect the designer's defensive thinking, making Jincheng County an impregnable city.

However, the unconventional attack by the Tibetan army still brought a severe test to Jincheng County. They actually chose to attack in winter. First, the moat lost its defensive effect. The water froze and the soldiers could rush directly across the moat.

More importantly, the Tang army did not have much time to prepare. In one month, the Yellow River began to freeze thickly. Although the center of the river had not yet frozen, there was thick ice on both sides, enough for the Tibetan troops and baggage to bypass the Tang army.

The two lines of defense came directly to the city.

Craftsmen in the city were working day and night to build trebuchets, and Li Ye sent three thousand troops to assist. In addition to building a large number of simple and medium-sized trebuchets, they were also building a super-large trebuchet that was five feet high and required two hundred soldiers to operate it.

, the throwing pole is not long, but there is a long throwing rope behind it, which can throw a weight of two hundred kilograms a mile away.

Of course, Li Ye's biggest reliance is his army. He has 140,000 troops in his hands. In addition to the 60,000 troops stationed in various places, Jincheng County also has 80,000 troops, including 50,000 cavalry and 6,000 extremely elite troops.

The heavily armored Mo Dao army.

In the morning, Li Ye came to inspect the Shuicheng Gate. Almost all big cities will have Shuicheng Gate to ensure that grain and other bulk materials can be transported into the city by water.

Jincheng County is no exception. Jincheng County also has a river passing through the city, so the north and south water city gates were built.

In front of the Shuicheng Gate, dozens of craftsmen are replacing the decayed old gate. The Shuicheng Gate is a kind of fence gate, each one is as thick as a child's wrist, and the bottom is spiked, which holds up against the river bed.

There are two iron fences, one inside and one outside, and they are very high. They are lowered from the top of the city. There is a winch at the top of the city. The iron gates are pulled up at dawn and lowered after dark.

There is also a narrow secret passage leading up to the city inside the iron gate, which winds up to the top of the city. When a ship comes, the soldiers come down from the top of the city and check inside the city gate.

Due to the age, the iron gate has been corroded by rust and can be cut off with an axe. Now it must be replaced with a new gate, and the fence must be thickened and made of fine iron, which is extremely hard.

Li Ye picked up an iron stick and hit the ice on the water surface hard. With a 'pop!' sound, the ice surface split into pieces, and the water below rippled. The thickness of the ice had reached three centimeters, and children could walk on the ice.

But adults are not good enough.

At this time, the man in charge of the Shuicheng Gate said to Li Ye: "Your Highness, it is not completely frozen yet, so many things are not easy to do. Once it is completely frozen, the two iron gates inside and outside will not be able to be opened.

, I’m thinking of filling up the whole cave with sandbags, then pouring water over it and freezing it, so I can’t pry it open.”

Li Ye smiled and said: "Be careful, after they cut the city gate, they used ropes to drag away all the sandbags at once, so you have to find a way to prevent the Tibetan army from dragging away your sandbags."

"The humble office will place some pillars. If there are pillars blocking them, they can't move them away."

Li Ye nodded, "This method is okay!"

Li Ye immediately came to the open space near the city wall. Jincheng County is also a military city. According to convention, residential buildings are not allowed within fifty steps of the city wall. This is strictly implemented in Jincheng County, which is fifty steps away from the city wall.

A long high wall was built at the entrance, which is not closed. There are gates at each street intersection for free entry and exit.

Outside the high wall is a smooth ring road, similar to today's fire escapes, paved with stone slabs. People and merchants come and go. Over time, many open-air markets have been formed near the walls. Generally, as long as no houses are built, the government will

Will not interfere.

At this time, Jincheng County has entered a wartime state. All markets have been temporarily closed and the population has been cleared. Soldiers stand guard at every street intersection and wooden fences are used to form obstacles. People are not allowed to enter the ring road.

At this time, the fifty footpaths around the city had been requisitioned by the military, and they were very busy with training, running, and carrying supplies. Lei Wanchun stepped forward and saluted, "See you, Your Highness!"

Lei Wanchun was the general manager of this defense strengthening. Although he did not follow Li Ye to Chang'an, he participated in the defense of Xiangyang and Jiangxia. He was rich in experience and capable. He also had a sharp vision and could see many defense loopholes.

, Facts have proved that Lei Wanchun arranged the defense in an orderly and clear manner.

Li Ye nodded and asked with a smile: "Is there enough manpower?"

Lei Wanchun bowed and said: "Reporting to Your Highness, we have enough manpower, but we still lack some special manpower."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "Just tell me! What's missing?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, we are short of women!"

Li Ye was startled, "Lack of women? You mean, lack of prostitutes?"

Lei Wanchun waved his hand quickly, "Your Highness misunderstood the meaning of humble post. It means that some things are more suitable for women to do. The humble post mainly refers to the nursing of wounded soldiers. Back then, the humble post organized a thousand-person female nursing team in Jiangxia. In fact,

It proves that under their care, the death rate of wounded soldiers is very low."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said, "What you said makes sense. Then you can recruit three thousand women and train them to nurse wounded soldiers."

"There's a problem here!"

Lei Wanchun wondered: "Because there are very few women caring for wounded soldiers, no one is used to it. If three thousand female nurses are recruited for a low-level job, it will definitely cause criticism and affect the reputation of these women."

Li Ye nodded, which could easily be misunderstood as recruiting camp prostitutes. He smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"The humble post recommends recruiting 30,000 civilian men, both men and women, to help in the war. This way, women will definitely apply, and there will be no criticism. Women can cook, do laundry, sew shoes and socks, and take care of wounded soldiers, so everyone will accept it."

Li Ye said happily: "I agree. You go to the military adviser to discuss it, and Jiedu Mansion will come forward to recruit you."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your support!"

At night, after a heavy and churning morning cloud and dusk rain, Yang Yuhuan lay limp and powerless on top of Li Ye, with disheveled temples, sweat on his forehead, and a rose-like blush on his face.

"Husband, I want to adopt a child!" Yang Yuhuan whispered in Li Ye's ear.

Li Ye helped her gather the hair on her hair that was scattered on her face, and said softly: "Have you thought about it?"

Yang Yuhuan nodded lightly. For more than a year, there was still no movement in her stomach. She also understood that it was indeed difficult for her to have another baby. Seeing that Qingyu was about to come in, her desire for a child became even more urgent.

"Have you discussed it with Xinyue?" Li Ye asked again.

"After discussion, she agreed. She advised me to adopt a young man, but I still like girls."

Yang Yuhuan's eyes were bright, and her beautiful eyes were full of expectation. Whether she could adopt a child or not was not something she could decide, it had to be decided by her husband.

Li Ye thought for a while, then smiled and agreed, "Both girls and boys are fine. It's best to raise them from babies, but don't rush to find them and wait for fate."

This chapter has been completed!
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