Chapter 267 Different paths, the demon puller appears for the first time

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"Lux's belly is big!?"

Aslan felt like he had been hit on the head, and suddenly he saw the endless green grassland in front of him, full of the breath of life.

"Aslan, what's wrong?"

"Um, it's nothing."

The gentle voice awoke Aslan from his stupefied fantasies, reminding him that now was not the time to think wildly, Lux was already in safe hands, and... he still had something very important to do.

"Kira! Come with us!" Aslan stretched out his hand in the direction of Kira.


"You have no reason to stay in the Earth Army at all! I remember that you are the person who hates fighting and war the most, but why do you want to fight for the Earth Army? You have also seen what they did. Is it really just?"

The communication between Kira and Aslan was a full-channel communication. After hearing Aslan's words, both parties were not calm. On the ZAFT side, people led by Yitzhak and Diego who were dissatisfied with Aslan started sending out messages.


"What's going on? Aslan knows the enemy pilot?"

"No wonder Aslan failed. It turns out he is an acquaintance."

"Tch, are you showing mercy?"

On the other side, after hearing this, Baki Lulu immediately applied to Maru to recall Strike Gundam.

"Captain! Recall the Strike Gundam immediately. Don't let the Strike Gundam fall into the hands of ZAFT!"

Ma Liu was stunned for a moment and nodded, but turned around and saw that the communication control was in Yang Hui's hands.

"Yang Hui..."

"Listen, I believe Kira." Yang Hui said to everyone.

Others were doubtful, but Thor and others immediately dispelled the newly raised doubts in their hearts after being stunned. Yes, Kira was their companion. They should believe Kira and believe that he would not go to ZAFT and would definitely come back.

Stunned at first, her heart fluttered for a moment, Kira lowered her head with a painful expression.

"I don't want to fight you either..."


"But... there are people on that ship that I want to protect, there are my friends!"

The shouts of hardship struck everyone's heart, including the disdain of the ZAFT army, the guilt of the Earth army, the touch of Thor and others, as well as Yang Hui's relief and Aslan's understanding.

Friends, for many people, friend is a word without weight, because one moment they may be friends, the next moment they may be strangers, or even enemies of life and death; but for some people, the word friend is as important as

Mount Tai is the harbor of the soul, something to hold on to, and an existence for which you can sacrifice everything.

Kira is such a person. For Thor and others, he was forced to be used by Yang Hui and the Earth Army; for Yang Hui, he went against his own will and entered the whirlpool of war.

And Aslan... He really doesn't want to fight Aslan, but... Aslan is stronger than Thor and the others, even stronger than himself. Aslan does not need his own protection, Thor and the others

Needed, so...he could only fight Aslan.

"Then... there is no other way..." Aslan also lowered his head, understanding Kira's determination. As a soldier and Kira's friend, there is only one thing he can do, "Let's go."

When we fight for the first time, I will kill you!"

"me too……"

The former best friends said goodbye and took different paths.

The cockpit of the Strike Gundam closed and returned in the direction of the Archangel.

Aslan also took Lux back to the cockpit and returned to the Vesalius.

But it was at this moment that ZAFT troops moved.

"The enemy mobile suit has left!" Captain Addis reported to Cruze.

"Start the engines, Addis, the whole army goes out!"

The ZAFT army's movements were immediately discovered by the Archangel.

"Start the enemy ship's engine and move the MS towards Strike Gundam and Archangel!"

"Tch, is that really the case?" Bucky looked ugly. She had long expected that the ZAFT army would lose their composure, so she strongly opposed the return of Lux.

"Archangel makes an emergency U-turn, Defense Line 11, break away at full speed!"

"Strike Gundam hasn't returned yet..."

"Yang Hui!"

"Don't worry, we can't fight." Everyone on the bridge was very nervous, but Yang Hui kept a confident and calm smile. Everything was under his control.

"Yang Hui!"

Ma Liu called in panic, but Yang Hui pretended not to hear, he was waiting.

Sure enough, the next second, what he was waiting for came.

"Inform both the ZAFT Army and the Earth Army, please stop fighting immediately." Lux's voice sounded from the communication channels of both sides at the same time, gentle and firm, full of unquestionable temperament.

"This is...Miss Lux..."

"Hey, hey, hey, this is serious."

"Tch, we were cheated!"

Malu, Baji Lulu and Mu were not fools. They felt a completely different side of Miss Lux through her voice. Little did they know that they were deceived by Lux's illusion when they first met. At that time, the three of them really loved Lux.

Si is regarded as an innocent young lady who is not familiar with the world.

But now Lux shows unparalleled charm and temperament.

"One year has passed since the tragedy of [Bloody Valentine]. Whether it is for natural people or adjusters, that tragedy should attract our attention. What are wars and battles for? Weapons, power,

They exist for protection, not for meaningless fights. As the representative of the [Bloody Valentine] tragedy memorial group, I, Lux Klein, request both parties to stop all fighting!"

"Tsk, what are you talking about at this critical moment?" Cruze secretly scolded Lux ​​for being ridiculous. The deal has ended and the Eighth Fleet has not arrived yet. Now is the best time to sink the Archangel. As a result, this fuss...

"Captain Rao Lu Cruze, please stop the action. Do you want to turn the place where I, the representative of the memorial group, is into a battlefield?"


"I will never allow this kind of thing, please stop fighting immediately!"

"...Tsk, you are really a difficult lady to maintain."

"Can't you hear me?"

"...Understood, Miss Lux Klein, Addis, notify the entire army and return immediately!"

Cruze really didn't want to give up this opportunity, but Lux Klein threatened him with her righteousness, and her identity was broadcast on all channels, leaving him no room to refuse unless... defecting to ZAFT!

This is unacceptable to Cruze, otherwise his plan will be completely ruined.


In the cockpit, Aslan stared blankly at Lux. He realized that he seemed to have never known Lux. Isn't his fiancée a soft and cute girl? How could she be so intimidating and temperamental?


To Aslan's surprise, Lux responded with a gentle and lovely smile. She also felt that Aslan was cutely silly many times.

The Archangel on the other side saw that the menacing ZAFT army retreated just as Lux asked, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone looked at Yang Hui, and the eyes of Ma Liu and Baji Lulu were full of meaning. It turned out that... he had arranged everything a long time ago.

Malu and Baji Lulu thought more. They had many questions to ask Yang Hui, such as whether Lux's behavior was arranged by him in advance? Why did they trust Lux? Why did they believe that Kira would reject Aslan's solicitation?

But Yang Hui has reminded them that they must draw a clear line with Yang Hui and no longer have close contact.

"Let's close the team. At least we are safe before Lux is sent away." Yang Hui said to everyone and left the bridge.


Returning to his room, he reorganized the plan in his mind. His existence has been exposed. So what kind of offensive will PLANT launch against Orb? And how will the United Earth view this incident?

He must consider all possibilities, deal with the consequences of changes, and re-improve the entire plan. How to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost, and how to achieve the goal without exposing more?

"The Eighth Fleet is coming soon. The time that Lacus can buy is limited. After Lacus leaves, she will definitely be attacked by the ZAFT army with all her strength. Then... the Archangel cannot be allowed to land directly at the Alaska base, otherwise Kira will be in danger.

It is inevitable that the Eighth Fleet will be attacked, but how can we interfere with the landing position of the Archangel and save Duane Halboton?"

Duane Halbaton is the only general that Yang Hui likes in the Atlantic Federation. He has no extreme ideas, is not controlled by [Blue Cosmos], is a kind person, and is a role model for soldiers. He is also known as [

Wise General] can be regarded as a breath of fresh air in the filthy pond of the Atlantic Federation.

Yang Hui will definitely destroy the Atlantic Federation, but not completely, but to eliminate the current top management of the Atlantic Federation, [Blue Cosmos] and [Logos] hidden behind the scenes, because they are the biggest distortion in this world.

What happens after the distortion is eliminated? What should the Atlantic Federation do? And who should lead it?

Duane Halbaton is one of Yang Hui's pre-selectors. He has high rank, high qualifications, high prestige, and high ability. After all the people who exclude and suppress Duane Halboton are cleared out, he will be the top four.

Space to display.

"...We have to part ways for a while."

On the other side, Lux returned to the Vesalius safely, and the mission of the Cruze team was completed. Logically speaking, they should escort Lax back to the PLANT mainland, but Cruze did not intend to do so.

It was handed over to the Rakni team, who escorted Lux ​​back to the homeland. He also sent a request for reinforcements to Patrick Sala.

The opportunity to sink the Archangel cannot be missed, nor can the opportunity to destroy the Eighth Orbital Fleet be missed!

Duane Halbaton, the commander of the Eighth Fleet, is also notoriously difficult for ZAFT. Although he has never defeated ZAFT on a frontal battlefield, he has never allowed ZAFT to completely eliminate them.

Not only that, under the command of Duane Halbaton, the ZAFT army also suffered a lot of losses. The title of "Wise General" is worthy of its name, and he is also ZAFT's number one enemy.

This time, the Eighth Fleet gave up its retreat tactics and came to rescue the Archangel. This was the best opportunity to destroy them. It could sink the Earth Army's new warship and eliminate a major enemy. Cruze believed that Patrick Sa

La will definitely agree.

And... Yang Hui's information on the Archangel.

"Haha, how will you deal with it next? Yang Hui, will you also feel like suffering a loss?"

This chapter has been completed!
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