Chapter 561 The protagonist becomes the audience

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When encountering an enemy at sea, it is impossible to remain calm in the air. The Zaku II formation composed of Dopp fighter planes and Dedai YS aircraft have already met the federal air force in the air.

"The detector reacted, Zeondorp Fighter 124, Zaku II60!"

"All personnel are in first-level combat configuration, MS troops will attack immediately! Fully armed, missile launchers are loaded with anti-aircraft shotguns." Upon discovering the enemy, Bucky Lulu immediately ordered, "Telegram to friendly forces, the central front is handed over to us.

Do not enter our ship's beam."

"Understood, MS troops please attack in sequence..."

"[Goldfield], [Heroic Style] is activated, lock the Zeon air force, [Porcupine Formation] is activated, set the automatic orientation program..."

"Full missile launcher loaded with anti-aircraft shells..."

"Ray clear..."

"Fire all bombs!"

The thick laser beam pierced the sky before the enemy aircraft had time to react, cutting the enemy's array into several pieces. Whether it was a Dopp fighter or a Zaku II, all were swallowed up.

The electromagnetic artillery shells wrapped in golden lightning launched a charge, smashing everything along the way with overwhelming force.

Immediately afterwards, a dense rain of missiles arrived and exploded in front of the enemy. Countless small projectiles swept through the entire "wheat field" like locusts. The place they passed was shocking and tragic.

"...Captain, I have a question." Lieder Wolfe, who was already on the attack, asked Jung.

"what is the problem?"

"Do we still need to attack?"


The four teams in the air were all silent, looking at the Zeon military formation that was in dilapidated condition after being covered by a wave of firepower from the Luna. It seemed... it seemed... they really weren't needed, right?

"Stop thinking nonsense, the enemy is approaching, disperse!"


The four teams dispersed, splitting from a staring arrow into several equally sharp small arrows, rushed into the chaotic Zeon army, and began to hunt the target wantonly.

"Is it necessary for us to follow?" The question raised by Lid Wolf before now appeared in the minds of the General Aviation Group of the Federal Army.

Not to mention the terrifying firepower of the Luna, it is the most cutting-edge air and space amphibious warship. Even if it is placed in the space fleet, it is still outstanding. Forget about the invisible missile launcher, it is just full of ferocious cannons.

It makes people suspect that this is a terrifying war machine.

Then came the performance of the airborne MS troops. Facing enemies that were several times their number, they came and went freely, killing people like hemp, chopping melons and vegetables to eliminate enemy aircraft. The small red dots on the detector representing enemy aircraft were visible to the naked eye.

Speed ​​decreases.

"Captain, are we still going up?" a [FF-4 Tolias] pilot asked his commander.

"... Let's see if any fish have slipped through the net. If an enemy plane approaches the Luna, we will be responsible for intercepting it."


"But it's really awesome. I wonder when I will be able to drive a mobile suit."

"I guess it will be soon? I heard that the North American Theater has already sent MS troops to the battlefield."

"I really can't wait. With MS, I can also beat up the nasty Zeon!"

"me too!"

The air strike brigade, which was originally the protagonist of the battlefield, has now become an audience, and cannot even play a supporting role. It is not that none of the air troops of the 12th Independent Technical Force have been missed, but that an enemy plane has just broken through the air MS.

The blockade of the troops was either caused by the coming of the judgment of the light beam, or the fall of the electromagnetic thunder power, or the dense [Porcupine Array] barrage was smashed into a sieve as soon as it approached the Luna, leaving no time for the fighter troops to react.

This makes the air strike brigade in the audience envious! Soldiers who don’t want to be generals are not good soldiers. Who doesn’t want to fill in a small star on the nose of the car? I envy the 12th Independent Technical Force for having such a powerful battleship and mobile suit.

, jealous that they had taken away all the credit, and hating that they were unable to join the 12th Independent Technical Force.

"Captain, do you know what are the requirements for joining the 12th Independent Technical Force?"

"What? Are you going to abandon me?"

"Ah haha, of course not. Captain can come with us."

"Go away! I still want to! But I don't know either."

"Why is this like this~?"

"Yes, I have a good relationship with the girl in the logistics department. Maybe we can get some news."

"Then I'll leave it to you. I'll wash your socks for a month!"

"I'm in charge of the underwear!"

"Ouch~ You guys are so disgusting..."

Seeing the performance of the 12th Independent Technical Force, as soldiers of the frontline combat force, they naturally yearn for it. They yearn for the same excellent equipment, yearn for more achievements, and yearn for fighting side by side with stronger people instead of standing aside.


Among them, a handsome soldier with blond hair had his eyes burning with fire more intensely than the others.

"I must join this army!" Techisan Demetri made up his mind.

Within half an hour, the Zeon army was no longer visible in the sky. They all turned into fragments and crashed into the sea, sinking into the dark abyss.

"Captain, the navy fleet is calling. It has arrived at the designated location and has begun to deploy the mine array."

"How's the situation in the water?" Bakki Lulu asked.

"It's over. All MS units in the Zeon water have been destroyed. A total of 45 [Turtle Tyrants], 27 [War Crabs], and 3 [Yukon-class] submarines have been destroyed."

"Order the 2nd and 3rd teams to return to the ship for resupply. The 4th and 6th teams will lower their altitude with the ship. They will rotate after the 2nd and 3rd teams have completed their supplies."


After receiving the order, Jung and Isamu Kashima led their teams back to the Luna for supplies. The teams led by Ruth and George guarded the front, rear and left sides of the Luna, following the Luna as it lowered its height until it was under the clouds.

The naval fleet stopped only when it was clearly visible to the naked eye.

"Contact the Major and ask if they need supplies."

"Understood...Major, this is the Luna. Do you need supplies? Understood...Captain, the Major ordered that supplies are not needed at the moment, and ordered that after the mine array is deployed and the friendly forces have safely evacuated, we will turn to Jiaozhi."

"How long will it take for the mine formation to be completed?"

"Estimated fifteen minutes."

"I understand, CIC, always pay attention to the reaction of the radar detection system, and don't make any mistakes!"


Fifteen minutes passed quickly. Maybe Zeon was afraid, or maybe Zeon had other plans. After the first batch of enemy troops were eliminated, Zeon did not appear in front of the Federation again. The naval fleet deployed mine arrays.

The process went extremely smoothly.

"The mission of our headquarters has been completed. We will return to the island base immediately. Major Yang Hui, are you with us?"

"No, our troops will go to Jiaozhi to prevent the enemy from landing."

"Major, what you mean is that Zeon will land from Cochin?" The commander-in-chief of the naval fleet was shocked when he heard this. Most of their troops were arranged on the coastal defense line to the north. There were not many troops deployed along the coast of Cochin, and Zeon was really

If they land from there, the Federation will be attacked from both sides.

"It's possible, at least the reinforcements coming from Australia will definitely be more than this."

"Understood. I will report this situation to Colonel Leia immediately. I wish you good military luck."

The naval fleet left, and the Luna moved towards Cochin under the double escort of air and sea forces.

"Major, if it is as you expected, Zeon's main force is definitely heading towards Jiaozhi, and we will definitely not be able to stop it by ourselves." Baki Lulu said to Yang Hui.

"Well, I know, so the Luna landed from Rongshi, established a defense line with the friendly forces on the island, and asked the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th teams to replace their special backpacks in the water. I will take them to fight for you.


"Understood." After the communication ended, Bucky Lulu immediately conveyed Yang Hui's order. All airborne MS units returned, and all maintenance personnel entered a busy working state, replacing the Heretic Gundam's equipment with the highest efficiency.

"Fort, there's something wrong with Falcon 9's connection and conduction, please go check it out!"

"Okay, I'll be there right away!" Ford Romfilo had just finished working on a machine body and immediately received a new job.

"Yo, Ford." When Ford Romfilo started debugging Falcon 9, Jung, Isamu Kashima, Russ Kessel and George Miguel came over to say hello.

"Why are you here? Aren't you ready to attack?" Ford Romfilo kept adjusting the Falcon 9 with both hands while asking Jung and others.

"Our body still has a few minutes to adjust. Come and see you."

"You'd better prepare quickly. We're about to attack. This time you're going to confront Zeon's large forces head-on."

"Hey, let me tell really think of yourself as a maintenance worker?" Ruth Kesel slapped Fort Romfilo on the back angrily.

"Hey~! Let's just chat, don't interfere with my work!" This slap was not light, and it made Ford Romfilo gasp, "I don't want to, but this is the punishment given to me by the major, so I have to

Accept it."

"Tch." Russ Kesel scorned him coldly and pulled Fort Romfilo up from the ground. "Go and change your clothes quickly, or you'll be late for the attack."

"Ah?" Ford Romfilo was stunned on the spot.

"Ah what? Go quickly!"

"Is this an order from the major?" Fort Romfilo pointed at himself blankly. He suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"How dare you pretend to pass on the major's orders?"

"Don't dare!"

"Then why are you still standing there? Go quickly!"

"Ah? Oh, I'll go right away! Who is that? Come and take over my work." After handing over the preparation work in his hands, Fort Romfilo left like the wind.

"This guy." Jung and others shook their heads in vain, "Ruth, pretending to pass the major's order, how do you plan to die?"

The fearful expression did not appear, but instead he wore a faint smile: "The major often said that an excellent commander should maintain a tacit understanding with his superiors. The major didn't say it, but he must have thought so."


"Don't you think so too?"

"Hey, let you explore the way."

"...That's sloppy!"


This chapter has been completed!
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