Chapter 705 The self-aware witch

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Shanti was right. The reason why he went to various departments to get the rosters of all the troops was just to confuse others, because most of the people he liked had real abilities but had various reasons.

The reason is that people are being squeezed out and suppressed in various departments, just like Lakshatta.

If it were in the past, Yang Hui's request for people would make others suspicious. After all, Yang Hui used to be a "trash" in the eyes of everyone. It's normal for trash and trash to get together, isn't it?

But now Yang Hui, who would foolishly think that the person he likes is also a waste?

If there really is a person who thinks this way, then he himself must be a waste.

Therefore, if others knew in advance that Yang Hui wanted these seemingly insignificant people, they would definitely pay attention to it and even negotiate terms with Yang Hui.

Now that his vision was confused, Yang Hui directly found those people and took them away. After taking them away, he sent the transfer orders to their original superiors, leaving them helpless.

But now...

"Huh~huh~ this really"

"I...I'm still too...rash..."

After completing their daily basic training, Veretta and Qiong Luo lay in a pool of water on the ground. The pool of water was made up of their sweat.

Jeremiah on the side was doing better and could still stand up, but fatigue was written on his face and he was soaked to the skin.

"Huh~huh~ His Highness is so powerful, it's not without reason." Jeremiah said to the two people on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm starting to doubt... is your highness really a human being?"

"And Reggie Reggie, she's just a maid, but she can do it easily."

Veretta and Qiong Luo looked at the relaxed and comfortable Yang Hui and Regeni Regetta with mixed emotions.

They are top students at the Royal Military Academy, and they are among the best in all aspects of their performance, including the physical fitness test. Many men cannot compare with them, which is enough to make them proud.

But after leaving the academy, they realized that there is a world outside the world and there are people outside the world.

They once thought that those who had just graduated from the academy would definitely not be as good as the front-line combat troops, but they were confident that as long as they were given enough time, they would be able to surpass others and be among the best again, but now...

Their confidence was shattered to pieces, and they didn't even have the courage to chase after Yang Hui.

"Okay, as soon as you recover, stand up and walk around. If you lie down just after training, today's training will be in vain."


After lying on the ground for a minute, the two women regained some strength, struggled to stand up, and walked slowly around the training ground.

"Not bad." Looking at the three of them, Yang Hui nodded with satisfaction.

Regeni Rejeta nodded in agreement. Their current training volume is not based on the physical fitness of ordinary people. Even if the intensity has been reduced by one level, it is still very difficult to even complete it, let alone being able to stand up and walk now.


But the three of them gritted their teeth and persisted in completing it, and Jeremiah didn't even lose strength yet, which was amazing.

"But Mr. Yang Hui, it is impossible for them to continue with this intensity of training, otherwise their bodies will suffer irreversible damage." Regeni Rejeta reminded Yang Hui.

"I know, today is a good test. Starting from tomorrow, the intensity of basic training will be lowered."


After the three of them walked around the training ground, they returned to Yang Hui.

"It's 11 o'clock now. You can go to eat. We will start learning and training team tactics at 1 o'clock in the afternoon."

"Yes, your highness!" The three responded enthusiastically. Although they were tired, their eyes were full of light. Although the training was difficult, they could feel their own growth, especially the new knowledge.

For example, the team tactics taught to them by Yang Hui have never been seen before and are better than the team tactics currently used by the empire. There are also basic mechanical knowledge, wilderness survival skills, etc. that they thought were useless at the beginning.

"Your Highness, do you need me to inform others?" Jeremiah bowed and asked.

In fact, it was not just the three of them who participated in the training. Yang Hui's knights were already full, with 45 Knightmare knights, and more than a hundred people in each department. However, those people did not hold on and fainted after reaching the limit.

Then they were carried to the infirmary, and only Jeremiah and the three of them persisted.

"Well, let me inform you. At the same time, tell the maintenance team to prepare all the airframes for training and don't let anything slip."

"Yes, your highness."

After the three people left, Yang Hui and Regeni Rejeta returned to their office, and Regeni Rejeta reported to him: "Clovis has fully taken over [Ten]'s regime, and he has indeed followed the instructions.

As agreed with you, I will leave all government affairs to Badr and learn with humility."

"I'm still relieved about Clovis."

"Haha, when Clovis first took over the power from Cornelia, he immediately wanted to destroy [Ten]'s refugee concentration camp, but Balder scolded him severely."

"It's normal. The influence he received since childhood cannot be changed overnight, but...has his mother's side dealt with it?"

"They've all been dealt with. A group of stupid people are showing off their power before they even get their rights. They are simply clowns."

"Just deal with it cleanly. Since Clovis wants to do it, let him do it well. Don't let those people infect Clovis with their stupidity."


"Beep beep beep..." At this moment, the office phone rang.

"it's me."

"Your Highness, Your Highness Cornelia is here to visit."

"Let her in."

"Yes, your highness."

After a while, Cornelia arrived with Dalton and Gilbert, her right-hand men.

"I am really flattered by the royal sister's concern. She came to visit me just after leaving the palace."

"Stop that face, Yang Hui, it's so disgusting." Cornelia didn't regard herself as an outsider, she sat directly on the sofa and scolded Yang Hui angrily.

"Okay." Yang Hui spread his hands and put away his bad face.

"You move very quickly. I have been keeping an eye on some of the people you wanted to leave for a long time, but you intercepted them." Cornelia complained.

"It's not my fault, Sister Huang, it's better to strike first."

"Tch, if you hadn't returned to the imperial capital first, how could I have given you a chance?"

"You have to ask him about this."

"Stop talking nonsense, where is my compensation?"

"What kind of compensation?" Yang Hui opened his mouth slightly and was stunned.

"Nonsense, you poached the person I liked, and you want to let it go without any compensation?" Cornelia had a sinister smile on her face.

"Ahem..." Yang Hui was robbed and said to Cornelia speechlessly, "Can this all be blamed on me? Who made you hesitate? You have quick hands and slow hands. Don't you understand such a simple truth?


"I understand, but you still have to make it up to me."


"No reason!"

"...Sister Huang, can we talk some sense into this?"



"Because I'm a woman."

"Pfft~! Ahem..."

Such an exquisite reason made Yang Hui unable to refute, but it also made Yang Hui couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Why don't you, a female man, think of you as a woman when you fight? Why don't you think of you as a woman when you humiliate those male nobles?


Reggie Reggie, Gilbert and Dalton all tried hard to hold back their laughter, especially Gilbert and Dalton. They had never seen Cornelia act so unreasonably and unreasonably as a woman.

One side, and then he was so angry that Yang Hui was about to cry without tears.

"So, where's my compensation?"

"...No!" Isn't it just willful? Who said that is a woman's patent? Men can do it too!

"Huh? Is that so..."

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Cornelia's strange smile, Yang Hui's hair stood on end, and his survival instinct sounded the alarm.

"It's nothing, it's just... I also asked my father for a privilege. I need an excellent adjutant by my side."

"I am ashamed that I am not capable enough to assist Her Highness Cornelia. Your Highness forgives me." Dalton is indeed a loyal knight. At this time, he cooperated with Cornelia in a tacit understanding.

"Ahem, I think..."

"You don't need to think." Cornelia stood up, came to the desk and looked down at Yang Hui, "I just want what I think."

Cornelia told Yang Hui through actions that your sister is still your sister!

"Okay, okay." Yang Hui will never serve as Cornelia's adjutant. He still wants to be more free. "At the latest, the fifth-generation Knightmare will be mass-produced and installed in one month. I will let your Knightmare be the first

Got a batch..."

"Not enough."

"...I'll ask Lakshata and Lloyd to help you modify it to achieve sixth-generation performance. Is that enough?"

"Well, not bad, but..."

"Sister Huang, this is the only way." Yang Hui was about to cry but had no tears. Who knew that the iron-blooded female general on the battlefield would not hesitate to transform into a cunning witch in order to take advantage of her younger brother?

"I'm not going too far. Let my knights and your knights conduct all training together. Whatever your people practice and learn, my people will practice and learn whatever they want."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"You should have told me earlier!"

"The price you quoted yourself is not allowed to be counter-offered."

Cornelia doesn't care about next-generation machines or genius transformations. She can always get them after they are mass-produced. She also has her own channels for body modifications. Only Yang Hui's training method is what she wants to get most.

She would never believe that the knights Yang Hui wanted to form were just ordinary special forces.

If Yang Hui wants to do something, he will definitely do his best. The knights he established will definitely match his own strength.

The biggest difficulty is how Yang Hui turns others into strong men who match his strength.

"..." Yang Hui was depressed and wanted to slap himself. Fortunately, he didn't reveal the biggest trump card in his plan, otherwise he would really feel bad.

"The basic training in the morning has ended. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, we will learn and train team tactics. Should your knights start today or come back tomorrow?" Yang Hui asked.

"Haha, Dalton, Gilbert!"

"Report, the [Rose Witch] Knights have assembled outside the [Nightmare] Knights' station and are ready to carry out missions at any time!"

"Yeah, not bad." Cornelia nodded with satisfaction and looked at Yang Hui jokingly.

"..." Yang Hui glared, "You are really self-aware!"

This chapter has been completed!
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