Chapter 201 Dispute

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At that time, there were still many traces of fighting at the scene.

"There is someone else behind!" It was Yu Qiansi who was the first to reveal the mystery.

In an instant, a thread connected all Yu Qiansi's doubts.

When she learned that the Feng family was involved, she felt something was wrong.

He was first warned because he and Boyi entered the palace to investigate the case. But for the Feng family, Boyi was a good move. Investigating the case should be their wish, otherwise they would not let Boyi go back.


So, regardless of who was acting in the palace that night, the person who locked Yayin in a separate garden and lured herself and Boyi into the situation, as she had expected before, should be the one who benefited from the previous cases.

However, these people were also aware of the turmoil in the palace that night, but allowed it to develop, which spread rumors among the people and forced Jiang Jiqing to go to the imperial mausoleum.

Then there is only one possibility.

These two forces have formed an alliance because of some interests.

In the case of the Seven Buddhas City, the Feng family had already jumped out of the water, and its purpose was also clear.

But in the past few days, after thinking about it over and over again, she still felt that these things couldn't be put together.

If the Feng family is really the mastermind behind the scenes, why do they have to let the saint go to the imperial mausoleum? Unless there is another force behind it. And the Feng family just borrowed this force to force the emperor to go to the imperial mausoleum, hoping to gain some


Boyi naturally thought of this.

He still remembered that when his adoptive father explained to him the Feng family's plan to return to the court, he told him that today's drama was for the Feng family to mediate with the saint, so that he could return the saint safely and win the first prize.

Gong. Then he can be used to deliver messages between the saint and the Feng family.

He pretended to agree and happily stated that he was following the orders of the Wei Feng family. But suddenly someone came to report that several people guarding the saint were killed and the whereabouts of the saint were unknown.

At that time, his adoptive father Feng Nuo was in a daze for a moment, and suddenly said sternly: "What on earth do they want to do!"


At that time, Boyi felt the clues to the truth.

Huang Que is in the latter group, dissatisfied with what the Feng family did and disrupted the situation of the Feng family.

But Feng Nuo didn't dare to think about it carefully, and quickly sent all the people to search everywhere.

If the saint is led to the imperial mausoleum, it is just a cover-up. The purpose is to let the Feng family rob His Majesty, kill someone and then put the blame on the Feng family.

But in the end, it was Boyi who found the trace first.

Crossing the unfrozen river, in a village deep in the forest, I found a saint wearing coarse shorts.

That was also the first time he saw Su Niang.

"His Majesty said that the following group of people came towards him, and the group in front blocked him a lot. He escaped while the two sides were fighting. However, he was caught up by the river and was chopped in the chest.

With one stabbing blow, he jumped into the river with all his strength and was able to escape."

But the river water in winter, even if it was not frozen, was bone-chilling. In addition, he was seriously injured, and he fainted as he floated up and down.

When he woke up, he had already been rescued.

"Su Niang rescued Your Majesty and took him back to her village. The place was in a remote place. After I found traces of a fight by the river, I searched along the river for a long time before I found the village deep in the forest."

Yu Qiansi's eyes were sarcastic, and her words were also harsh: "This is the most common plot in the storybook, and he easily believed it?"

Since the visitor was heading to kill Jiang Jiqing, how could he just let him fall into the water and ignore him? Even if he searched along the river, he would definitely be found faster than others.

What's more, by such a coincidence, he was saved by a girl with a calm face and understanding.

Where has all the cleverness in scheming others gone?

The disdain in Yu Qiansi's eyes was clearly revealed.

Boyi was so preoccupied at the moment that he did not notice Yu Qiansi's change in attitude towards Jiang Jiqing.

"It was already the evening before yesterday when I found your Majesty. I don't know what happened to them during this period. However, your Majesty does treat Su Niang very differently."

It was not that he had ever doubted Su Niang's identity. But after watching for two days, he could not detect anything unusual in this village.

"Your Majesty trusted Su Niang very much, but he didn't tell Su Niang his true identity. It would have caused more trouble for me, so I didn't say anything. But when His Majesty left, he insisted on taking Su Niang with him. I didn't agree, but

I was worried that something might happen if the dispute continued, so I had to bring her back first and then make plans."

"Even if this Su Niang didn't know His Majesty's identity before, she should know it now."

Yu Qiansi was too lazy to pay attention to the messy emotional entanglements and seemed to be watching a good show.

Even though Boyi was dull, he noticed the change in Yu Qiansi's attitude toward Jiang Jiqing, but he was a little confused.

"Although I don't know what Your Majesty said to Su Niang, her mother's parents are dead and she is alone in the village. It makes sense to follow her..."

"No matter who this woman is, if Your Majesty wants to stay with you, you must find out first." Wang Song raised his eyelids, his voice was like sandpaper polishing jade, it was hoarse and hard to understand but it had a pleasant tone.

"Let's take it back to the capital first and make a plan after careful investigation." It's still three to five days' journey to the imperial mausoleum*, so we can't make any extraneous matters.

"Wait a minute -" Boyi thought of something and was about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted by an anxious voice.

"——No!" Jiang Jiqing rushed in disheveled: "Cousin, you can't send her back to the capital alone."

Where is the capital? It is a place of cannibalism, not to mention a place as frightening and ecstatic as the Daming Palace. If Su Niang is allowed to go back alone, I am afraid that Su Niang will be dead before he returns to the capital.

"I want to take her with me so that I can protect her."

"Even if Your Majesty doesn't trust me, you should consider yourself! Not long after your wedding, you found such a woman of unknown origin to accompany the Holy Emperor. Even if the world doesn't scold you like Chen Linggong, you still feel sorry for the young man entering the palace.

You stabilize the Zheng family in the palace!"

Wang Song originally held the title of Emperor's Master, not to mention that this matter was both a state matter and a family matter. Wang Song also made great efforts in seeking to marry the Zheng family.

When Jiang Jiqing called Wang Song "cousin," Wang Song scolded him mercilessly for his arbitrary behavior.

"As an emperor, you are disheveled in front of your subordinates. You have no manners like a king of a country. Your hands and feet are hairy, how can you show your decency!"

Wang Song was panting repeatedly and his complexion was white with black. Yu Qiansi couldn't care less about anything else. She immediately turned cold and wanted to drive Jiang Jiqing out.

Boyi only felt that something was not good. Aru's character, likes and dislikes were all reflected on her face. If the emperor noticed it, it would probably be of no benefit to her.

He quickly stepped forward, stood in front of Yu Qiansi, bowed and said to Jiang Jiqing:

"Your Majesty, I know that you are sincere in making this decision for Su Niang. But in my opinion, your Majesty should first ask Su Niang about her wishes before making a decision."

"She will definitely be willing to follow me!" What's wrong with being with him? She stayed alone in the village, was bullied all the time, and had to work hard to make a living.

Boyi is good at tempting: "I dare to say something presumptuous and think that it is good for the other party. It is far better to treat the other party sincerely and put yourself in the other party's shoes. The best way is for the two of them to talk to each other and ask each other clearly.

Real thoughts and respect the other party’s decision.”

This chapter has been completed!
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