Chapter 152 Can You Win?

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The first one is the "Fate File" - although Li Yue doesn't understand what this thing can do, he knows that it is extraordinary as soon as he sees the title of "Destiny", and the probability of dropping it is estimated to be very low.

The second type is the "twisting pen". Li Yue guesses that it is related to the ability of the demon scribe itself to "distort numbers". It can be understood as some kind of demonic relic, which may be difficult to insert into the head and embed into the existing template.


The third one sounds more ordinary, with only the word "chain". Li Yue is somewhat expecting it to be just a simple chain - after collecting 500,000 malice and creating 61 pairs of "Killing Sea Butterflies"

, Li Yue has developed a great respect for materials with high consumption, and knows that if life is simple, it is better to save as much as possible.

After seeing the drop of Daimen's notebook, Li Yue couldn't help but guess... Bosh's drop should be more than just the "Lava Right Hand", but it's a pity that he killed it too early, and now it's not certain that it will drop again.

Drop something else.

Daimon is a treasure in his own right, and so are the other demon children.

What Nate Meier dropped was the "Eye of Nightmare". Li Yue also took the opportunity to analyze that most of the Nightmare Demon's spells are cast through her eyes. If you encounter similar enemies in the future, you should try to avoid being "her".

"See; corresponding to Nate Meier, the demon merchant sells the "Eye of Appraisal", which presumably allows him to identify the value of the target item at a glance, thus facilitating transactions.

It was also after watching the Nightmare Demon and the Demon Merchant that Li Yue began to think about what kind of eyes he would wear in the future - "the eyes of nightmares" or the "eyes of identification"? Or the eyes of the beholder?

After all, it would be nice to have a "see through" function...

Wait a minute, who said you can only have two eyes?

Li Yue always forgets occasionally that he is a monster, how can he have so many restrictions...

Among the remaining demon children, the shadows dropped were more abstract, just "shadows" - Li Yue couldn't think of what the monster needed two shadows for a moment.

The drop from Demon Chef Pi Ge is still the "Stomach Bag", there is no change.

The red robe priest Redcoat dropped a "red robe", which made Li Yue wonder if the blue-purple cloak on the upper floor of the library...had anything to do with the demon priests.

Only the fall of Dandan could not be traced, and Li Yue deeply suspected that he would have to blow it up to find out. Looking at Dandan, Li Yue even felt that this guy was expecting a demon to blow it up.

After a complete round of inspection, Li Yue also roughly figured out the drop patterns - basically they are related to the skills of the monster itself. It may be a certain part of the body, a certain organ, or a certain prop carried.


Fortunately, Li Yue is a monster, and most of the materials can be used directly without worrying about side effects; and the Devil's Illustrated Manual also directly eliminates many complicated conditions, and can directly cause the dead monsters to "precipitate" materials...

If there is no demon illustrated book, if you want to obtain these from monsters, you will not need specific magic, rituals or props... That is almost difficult for Li Yue to do.

The red hour is about to end, and Mentuo is about to return to chaos. Li Yue hurriedly begs Mentuo, Dandan and Yingying to lift the seal on Yingying. The two sons of the devil have now become one, and every day

If Shiyingying leaves the body, it will delay the promotion progress, but he doesn't want to be isolated by Mento's magic.

Mento didn't have any objections to Yingying becoming Dandan's shadow. He was even somewhat pleased with Yingying's choice and looked at it with admiration.

At the same time, Mento didn't bother to ask Li Yue how he could help Dandan and Yingying sneak into the arena - with control over the library, a vast amount of knowledge, and his own blessing... it would be weird if he couldn't do it.

Mento only asked Li Yue one thing: "Can you win?"

"Of course." Li Yue shook his unruly tentacled hair and said, "Destroy everything."

"I have seen many demons, and you had the same expression before they died." Mento just nodded, and Li Yue understood in his heart that although Dandan and Yingying had participated in the battle, before that, he still had to go to a

A trip to the Forbidden Forest.

The reason why Mento was asked to lift Yingying's restrictions today is also because of this - during the green hour tomorrow, Li Yue, Dandan and Yingying will go to the Forbidden Forest to secretly visit the Jackal family, collect their information first, and do their best.

adequate preparation.

After all, it is the largest force in the Forbidden Forest besides the Demon Wolf King. Of course, Li Yue will not rely on it.

The main reason why he brought Dandan was because Li Yue needed a shadow - in the forbidden forest where the trees are everywhere, there is a shadow to bless him, which is of great help in both reconnaissance and reducing interference.

But this time, the three demons had just received Mento's "permission" and turned to go out, when they suddenly saw a puff of red blocking their way.

It's Redcoat, the red-robed priest.

"I request... to join the battle with the Jackal family in four days." Redcoat lowered his head slightly and even expressed a hint of flattery to Li Yuesan.

And Li Yue looked at the No. 401 red-robed priest in front of him, and he couldn't figure out what he wanted. The red-robed priest's action prediction success rate was 5.178%, which was higher than the demon scribe Daimen Benben.

Low. Li Yue has reason to suspect that such a low prediction success rate is related to the "silence" skills that this monster has innately mastered.

"Ojibuki..." Li Yue wanted to use the gambling demon as a shield again, but was interrupted by Redcoat.

"I divined that... all three of you will go to the Killing Cup... so please don't... think that I am stupid..." Redcoat was harder to fool than Daimen.

"That's it..." Since he couldn't hide anything, Li Yue tried to at least confirm whether Redcott had any malicious intentions during the communication, "tell the reason why you want to participate."

"My promotion... requires a ceremony... a ceremony involving more than a hundred souls..." The red-robed priest spoke intermittently, "There are 60 brain spirits in the library... There are more than this number for the jackal family...

...It is one of the few opportunities in the near meet the conditions of the ceremony..."

Listening to Redcoat's simple description, Li Yue inexplicably remembered the red-robed priest with red blood vessels in the blood river simulation battle, and also thought of the hilltop thrown towards the Steel City at the end of the battle. He thought that this kind of group battle... is indeed...

The perfect occasion for the red-robed priest to show his talents.

It's a pity that the enemies in that battle were simulated by Blood River, and the number of souls was insufficient to meet Redcoat's promotion needs.

However, Li Yue really didn't expect that among the Sons of the Devil, the one who most sincerely wanted to participate in the Killing Cup was Redcoat - he was usually the silent one and the gloomy one, which made Li Yue even doubt whether he could speak.


"I will not interfere with the battle situation...and there is no need to make any changes to your long as hundreds of souls exist in the field for a moment..." Redcoat was very considerate at this time, and Li Yue guessed

It is unclear to what extent his "divination" of the battle situation reached.

"I understand your needs, and I will consider them." Until now, Li Yue had not received any ill intentions from Redcoat. At least for the time being, he was sure that his actions were not directed at him, so he responded first.

If it is confirmed that Redcoat's help is needed to annihilate the Jackal family during the trip to the Forbidden Forest tomorrow morning, Li Yue may also consider taking him with him.

"Okay... If you are willing to cooperate... you can let me know... I will directly contact the Demon King Mentor to submit an application..." Redcott said firmly, and he was eager to confirm his participation in the war.

Li Yue guessed that his method... should be some kind of ritual that could communicate with the world of chaos. After thinking about it, he suddenly felt that it would be good to use Redcoat as a messenger - at least he didn't need to passively wait for Ojibuki to communicate with him.

Contact yourself to confirm the bet content.

"Of course... I won't accept your help in vain..." Redcoat seemed very sure that Li Yue would win the Killing Cup. "I can offer some sincerity in advance... tell you some information..."

"For example...what will you encounter in the Forbidden Forest tomorrow morning..." Redcoat lowered his head deeply, and the blood on his red robe gradually became thicker.

This chapter has been completed!
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