Chapter 515 The brain groove is stretched

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Li Yue used photon pigment to expand a list in mid-air, recording the types of curses currently available in the Colosseum.

Like a virtual interface.

This is of course not the visualization effect given by the Double Swords Emblem. It is just that in order to better help Yingying understand it, Li Yue used the method he is most familiar with to materialize everything he sensed from the authority.

The candle flickered, and the flames were flourishing.

After dealing with the killing desire of the three qualities, the authority of the Colosseum was nourished and finally no longer so weak and sick when burning.

Among the curses given by authority, the one Li Yue is most familiar with is of course the "opposition" originally used by Oujibuji. This is also the reason why foreign braves must have blurry glasses when they come to the Colosseum.

Through eye contact, locking, and endless fighting effect.

I don't know how many brave men and demons died under this curse at first, but now it's time for Li Yue to take control.

In addition to confrontation, there are also curses such as separation, weakness, disease, giantization, disarmament and silence on the interface.

Separation will cause the inexplicable disintegration of existence within the scope of the curse, including the bodies of the gladiators, the weapons in their hands, and even their thoughts...

Could it be that the Demon King Mentor... at this moment, just foresaw that he might be the dual authority of the library and the Colosseum?

"You can use the desire to kill to use the curse in a complicated way, and you can also set a permanent curse like Ojibuki..." Aka said while communicating with Li Yue and Zhuhuo.

Ling Xin's brain groove tightened.

"Tsk, we all started out as dogs, what's the point of him being superior there..." Aka twitched his brain, thinking so.

"Effective on everyone? That's like a gambling demon." Yingying commented after seeing the effects of several curses.

[And the Colosseum was created for the desire to kill, so it would be reasonable not to have some combat-related curses. There is a library...]

Although Ling Xin noticed the subtle communication between Aka and Yingying, he did not interrupt or even react at all that time.

Of course Aka also thought about the curse of the library and this inexplicable knowledge.

"Perhaps when the Colosseum climbs down the 'pillar' again, you will be able to use the curse freely..."

very convenient.

"No dog is afraid." Shuangjian chuckled, "He can't try."

But if the opponent is definitely a magician like Sharfas or Winnie, silence is undoubtedly Ojibuki's weapon.

【This library?】

Before getting to know Shuangjian better, Ling Xin knew that the demon king-level vampire just had a bad mouth, was very cooperative with him, and was also quite polite to the monsters in the library.

Moreover, curses like separation and epidemic were obviously developed by Oujibuji themselves.


Aka shook his head.

The same goes for epidemics. Being cursed will cause infection-breaking disease, which is also suitable for Oujibuji to play. However, the effect of passing the epidemic is immediate. Did Oujibuji choose that in his final consciousness?

However, Aka may be suffering from a brain tumor now.

"The curse comes from authority. I can only develop a curse that is more suitable for my own combat..." Aka sensed Li Yue's emblem and candlelight and explained Yingying's doubts.

"Which one do you choose?" Yingying brought up the real topic and helped Aka focus.

Yingying noticed that it was a natural pause.

[It’s about thinking less and focusing on what’s behind your eyes.]

Shadow asked about the curse of the library.

And Aka suspected that even if the curse of the Colosseum now affects both swords, as long as the status of authority continues to rise, none of them will be able to reach the Demon King level.

If disarming is added, it seems that this attack method can also be used to take out the garbage?

This is obviously a curse tailor-made for Oujibuji - he himself is composed of countless greedy flies and has no fear of separation, so he chose the two curses of opposition and separation to form two swords in the final ceremony


"Dog things are only useful to dogs, right?" Shuangjian grasped Aka's thoughts.

Gigantization cannot give away everything about a gladiator, and is suitable for provoking larger-scale battles and triggering less desire to kill; disarming and silence are relatively easier to understand, and are roughly equal to certain conditions of battle.

[Ling Xin is a demon king, and the Colosseum can barely be called a pillar now, and his influence is on me.]

It's not that Ling Xin can't develop a curse that is least beneficial to him by deepening his control over power.

"Confrontation, separation, unity, epidemic...these are basically not good for Ling Xinqiji, and this is the limit of what I can do." Aka tasted the product and found that there was no curse like "Silence".

Perhaps the biggest influence was on Okibuki.

"But using and changing the curse requires a lot of desire to kill...the cost is very low..."

[Those curses originated from Ojibuki, and I controlled them through my position as a pillar, so even if my authority increased, some of them still remained...]

Cursing people with bad words has no effect on changing the situation of the battle.

Okibuki always plays a fair game, but in the end, there is no distinction between the objects of the curse. This is obviously my style.

These are all curses commonly used by Ling Xinqiji.

But in reality, Aka also tried to directly apply the curse on the two swords himself, but it was completely effective.

Aka sent a message to Shadow.

The more Ling Xin thought about it, the more mysterious it became, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and his whole brain shrank into a ball.

Health, as the name suggests, is the strengthening of the body within a certain range, and the continuous loss of physical strength, energy and magic power.

Aka was distracted by the purpose of the facility and imagined the cause of the curse, and suddenly his brain twitched.

[Absorb, complete, hide...could those be the curses of the library? 】

If the library is created for the inheritance of knowledge, "absorbing", "completing" and "concealing" obviously fit that characteristic.

And hateful, eye-catching and rebellious... are very suitable for the Colosseum?

Aka came up fiercely.

In Aka's understanding, that is not good for Ojibuki himself - health is about recovery ability, and the flies in the bag demon's body are constantly breeding. When the health curse takes effect, you will also provide me with


Just now Aka had used "opposition" to test his skills, stimulating the opposition among the red-skinned demon souls in Lingxin's cloak.

"You tried it, but he forgot?" Aka pointed at the red cloak with two swords.

If you want to get closer, just use Akka, Soul Shock, Withering Thorn, Chant of the Undead, and Petrified Light. They are all magic. If you are silenced, you can only use the physical Bone Sea and Demonic Wolf's Fang. The impact is actually small.


The shadow weakly occupied Aka's head, smoothing the grooves in the brain and pulling my thoughts back to reality.

【It is the same thing.】


Candlelight flickers.

When communicating with Yingying outside, Aka suddenly remembered something.

【Wake up.】

There was no short circuit in Aka's head, and he suddenly felt that the two blessings provided by Mento had no deep meaning.

"Is he afraid of silence?" Aka turned to ask Ling Xin.

[Bite your brain... It should be that the library does not have any authority, it is outside the door, right? 】

[The power of the curse is limited by the position of authority.]

"You decided."

It's just that I didn't expect that the souls of the three demon sons were originally broken, and Okibuki himself was continuously weakened by the karma of hell, which ultimately led to the fall of the King of the Colosseum.

[Is there any remnant of that kind in the library? If you want to control the curse, you have to do it yourself, and you even have to climb down the pillar first...]

This chapter has been completed!
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