Chapter 617 Epic

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It has to be said that Gama's rich singing voice and the smart and melodious flute sound make the listener immersed, as if they are in a magnificent and huge fortress.

The lyrics mention that the devil's noose is gradually tightening, but the skull's neck is a trap full of bone spurs...

"Wait a minute, stop a minute." Li Yue didn't fully understand the metaphor and immediately interrupted Gama.

"Huh?" Gama was a little annoyed.

"The noose means... those fortresses, right?" Li Yue asked a boring question.

"Yes, Noose 1 to Noose 5 are the five fortresses built by the empire on the banks of the Lie River. My words are very clear." Gama was very sure of this.

The reason why Li Yue interrupted Gama was not only because of some doubts, but also because he suspected that his singing had some kind of magic power and was pulling him towards that battlefield.

Because I did see a magnificent fortress.

Li Yue didn't want to be plotted by the bard for no reason, so he raised his sword to stop.

"Okay, I understand, you continue." Li Yue waved his cross sword, signaling for Gamma to continue.

"Dominos are the tongue of the devil, tempting all curious souls and attracting our attention..." Hearing this, Li Yue was a little confused again.

"Stop." Li Yue raised his sword, "What are dominoes? Why are dominoes words?"

"You haven't seen it!? You haven't seen dominoes?" Gama was a little irritated.

"Uh... I should have seen it before?" Li Yue thought to himself that he just traveled through time the day before yesterday, how could he know so much.

"Hell...hell...there is a kind of domino in Demon King City that can directly project the shadow of war. Haven't you seen it? Haven't seen the live broadcast?"

Huh? Live broadcast?

Li Yue was stunned.

Because in our understanding of this world, there shouldn't be such a thing.

Are there other time travelers?

Li Yue suddenly became alert.

"Oh my god... Damn it, how isolated and backward is Hongyou Town... and it doesn't even have dominoes?" Gama made sure that Li Yue was not joking again, and the whole box rattled.

"Even this group of thieves didn't ask such an obvious question... They even only have the instinct to rob and survive... They all have this kind of knowledge..." Gama gritted his teeth and burst out with great emotion.

Obviously, compared to Li Yue's threat, the listener's inability to understand the poem made him more uncomfortable.

"You should consider the situation where someone doesn't know about dominoes." Li Yue spread his hands and really looked forward to the follow-up of this poem.

"That's a palm-sized bone with eyeballs and a tongue embedded in it, so it became the devil's tongue..." Gama tried his best to explain to Li Yue.

His description was also very clear. Li Yue imagined a bone mobile phone with eyeballs and tongues embedded in it, and he increasingly felt that the world might be more complicated than imagined.

"Do you understand?" Gama confirmed to Li Yue.

"I understand, but I still have a question..." Li Yue's voice became softer, and he seemed to feel that it was impolite to ask questions continuously like this.

"Say." Gama lowered his voice.

"If there is such a thing as a domino live broadcast, his energy..." Li Yue lengthened his voice and observed Gamma's reaction, "Of course it is magic power, then... what is the purpose of the live broadcast?"

"Of course, let more humans see the tragedy of failure! Of course, the devil has made full preparations and is sure to make us lose our will to fight in this way!" Escaped from the Demon King's City back to Red Oil Town, and there were many challenges along the way.

Of course Ma had also thought about this question, and his answer went straight to the essence, but he did not consider that the original intention of the dominoes was not only to absorb evil intentions, but also to absorb evil intentions.

"The more people see it, the more people will be afraid of the devil..."

"Fear, uneasiness, hesitation...these are the best bait for demons." Gama himself was also shocked by everything that happened below the city, and his voice finally trembled a little.

"So that means that the things you wrote in your epic have already been seen by mainstream humans?" Li Yue suddenly felt that Gamma was a bit unnecessary.

You’ve read everything and still write poetry?

"..." Gama was silent.

"I don't blame you." After a moment of silence, Gama said, "You don't understand bards, nor do you understand epics."

"The picture will not be praised, only the words and melody can echo in the minds of mankind and our collective memory."

"In other words, no matter what people saw at the time, when this poem is sung, what they remember is what we created."

"Create courage, create hope...or use poetry to enhance this fear and squeeze human beings' will to fight..."

"This is the bard's ability."

"Oh... that's pretty awesome." Li Yue realized that bards might change history in some way, or people's perception of a certain event.

Especially in an era where information is less developed.

"Are you envious? What is your path? Do you want to become a bard?" Gama gritted his teeth.

"I can be your teacher, the best teacher."

"What level are you at?" Li Yue's question was very direct.

"..." Gama fell silent again.

"Don't you know it's rude to directly ask someone about their class? Damn it, why don't people here in Hongyou Town even have this basic common sense..."

"If I can write an epic, what level do you think I should be?" Gama asked.

"Level 9? Level 8? Level 7?" Li Yue seemed to be counting down.

"Shut up, just listen to me." Gama cleared his throat, the flute sounded, and he continued singing.

"Brave, the Legion and the Holy Army stand side by side, in the torrent of steel, opening the way to the Demon City..."

This paragraph is easy to understand and Li Yue has no doubts.

"The three spiers guide the way forward. Even if it is a trap, there will be no turning back..."

"But finally, the devil showed its fangs..."

"When Bone City turns around, we finally see the true face of the devil..."

When Gama sang this, Li Yue had already seen Bone City rising first and then adjusting its angle slightly, as if something terrible was about to happen.

But Gama's singing stopped suddenly, and Li Yue felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Then what?" Li Yue asked.

"We'll stop here today. We can't tell our story all at once." Gama chuckled until the bumpkin from Hongyou Town finally became interested in his work.

If you are interested, your willingness to hack the box will be greatly reduced.

Gamma is very proud.

Li Yue also understood Gama's intention, and the cross sword in his hand was shaking unsteadily - obviously, the bard was using his work to buy time and avoid being unboxed.

Then the next question is, does Gamma's epic have the final value...

Just as Li Yue was staring at the box and thinking about this problem, his vision suddenly changed.

For the box, there are some more signs in the field of view to mark its value.

It is equivalent to approximately 30,000 magic stones, and there are even various weird materials and corresponding quantities, or more intuitively - countless gold coins.

Li Yue can see the value of the box, that is, the value of the epic Gamma.

Li Yue rubbed his eyes, not sure if it was an illusion or some kind of ability of his.

Do you see value? What is it used for?


Or a transaction?

Could it be that his predecessor was a very violent businessman?

Li Yue started thinking wildly again.

"How's it going? Do you want to continue?" Gama waited for a moment and saw no response from Li Yue before asking again, "I think... maybe we can share a journey..."

"I'm still polishing the ending of the epic, but I can tell you in advance that there is a shocking conspiracy in it!" Gama shouted.

Li Yue doesn't think this has anything to do with him.

"In this melody, there is betrayal and forgetfulness..."

"There is a very important demon... who was forgotten under the influence of the high altar."

"This demon is so secretive that I can't even remember its name..."

"The only thing I know is that it is precisely because this demon is too secretive that the power of forgetfulness takes care of him..."

"This requires casting a spell long in advance..."

"Otherwise, no one can make everyone on the continent forget his existence..."

"Forgetting only needs to cover the people who know its true identity, so that it can be forgotten..."

"That's a weirder power, a weirder ritual..." Gama gushed when talking about the end of the epic.

But Li Yue sounded like he was advertising, a little distracted, and even wanted to yawn.

"I can also tell you the origin of the sword in your hand..." Sensing Li Yue's reaction, Gama decided to say something that Li Yue cared about.

And Li Yue quickly made a calculation - since this box is worth so much, it can at least be transported to the next town and sold to earn some traveling expenses.

It's not a good idea to keep robbing.

"What is the name of your epic?" Li Yue put away his sword, boarded the carriage, and asked an obvious question.

""Gamma Epic."" The box reluctantly moved back to make room for Li Yue.

At the same time, inside the box, a crouched-up person was writing a new chapter with a quill on his skin that was covered with writings.

(Remember to bookmark it for next time reading!)

This chapter has been completed!
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