Chapter 727 Talking while eating

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"Good morning!"

Li Yue wore Fan Haixin's skin, walked into the small village closest to Fanhuang City, and greeted the villagers.

In terms of time, it's almost morning now.

It's just that in the southern region covered by sandstorms, it's difficult to distinguish them by the sky.

"Good morning." The villagers looked up and responded with smiles.

They have dark skin and although they are thin, they seem to be in good spirits.

This is a normal scene of human interaction, but there are always locusts and sand falling on the shoulders or tops of the villagers, grinding their teeth and rubbing against them, which seems very abnormal.

It made Li Yue feel very sad.

Of course, some locusts fell on Li Yue, but Li Yue's skin was very hard, so the locusts encountered great difficulty in biting him.

As for the locusts that landed on the villagers, they didn't really move their mouths. They would suddenly freeze every time they came close to the skin, as if they were subject to some kind of restriction.

"We are the villagers, and we have been slaves from now on." Lu Sen and Li Yue smiled, "Now that we have woken up, we know that we are slaves, and we know that we cannot change our way of life."

"It's not windy today, but it's usually a bit rough." The man with messy hair smiled and said, "You are Xiao, I'm very happy to see him, Bo Fanhang."

Otherwise, the locusts should try to leave bite marks on their bodies, or bite their skulls directly, just like they did to themselves.

"Well, let's take a look at Fanhuang City..." Raven had no difficulty in starting the topic.

Raven was also trying to determine whether the behavior was abnormal, but what was certain was that in that environment, locusts were perhaps the most complex and delicious food.

"He's bad, your name is Lu Sen Li Yue." The woman saw the locust making a sound and stretched out her hand.

The wind inside was chasing away the smoke inside and outside, making the fire burn even more fiercely.

"Is that their home?" Raven's original intention when he came there was to inquire about the situation in Fanhuang City, but now he was even more curious about the villagers.

However, that did not affect Lu Sen Li Yue's attitude.

"Bo Fanhang." Rui Wen had now figured out what the people outside were doing. His head was full of doubts and he subconsciously shook hands.

"No one is home." While Ruiwen was observing the room, Lu Sen and Li Yue were also observing Bo Fan.

"What do you believe?" Li Yue had never seen such villagers along the way from New Holy City to Fanhuang City.

In an era of confusing beliefs, no one is still reading?

The locusts outside the iron barrel flapped their wings, making a snapping sound, and then slowly and quietly.

I helped the villagers carry the iron bucket to the leaky side room and set up a charcoal fire

After sitting under the bed for a while, Raven scanned the room with his clairvoyant eyes, focusing on the iron box on the bedside of Lu Sen and Li Yue.

"What are you living for? You still have a broken answer for the time being. Maybe it can't give you some inspiration and enlightenment?"

"It's not windy inside, so come back." A male voice came from outside the dilapidated earthen house, "Is that how they treat their guests? That's how you taught them."

The outside of the iron box is filled with books, all of which are very old and shabby, even worse than the books outside the library.

The driving force behind success in the past seems to have failed today - to survive, to advance and become weaker, to make money... these are all what Lu Sen and Li Yue want.

Burning locusts to eat?

Obviously, the humans living far away from Fanhuang City have long seen all kinds of demons, and they are surprised by them.

" are a demon hunter, Vinluson." Raven almost forgot which human skin he was wearing.

"You're still finishing get out of class, please take me back to sit for a while!" Xiao pointed to the outer room.

The villagers holding the iron pot hurriedly ushered Raven out of the room. Raven looked at the dilapidated house with air leakage from seven sides and couldn't understand what we were doing.

Xiao is teaching those older children to read?

"No guests today? That's bad!" The woman just got up from the bed, stuffed the things under her hands into the iron box at the head of the bed, and then stood up.

"Are they the villagers outside?" Raven asked reluctantly.

How did those people survive with only the scraps of metal outside the storage room?

The villagers seemed not surprised by this, which made Li Yue even more confused about what they had experienced.

"Please sit down and eat together. It will be cooked in a short time." Lu Senbofan took Ruiwen to sit down, and the villagers turned the iron bucket over. At the end, there was no aroma permeating out, and it smelled a little like sand.

"History of the Post-War of Kaili", "On the Inevitable Connection between Chivalry and Justice", "The Relationship between Sand and Land", "Magical Revolution: The Improvement of Productivity"...

Raven, on the other hand, was stunned and immediately knew how to react.

In an extremely abnormal place, the "gone" of the villagers seemed to be even more gone.

It was only then that Raven noticed the various writings on the ground - neither the Imperial language nor the Saudi language.

Beside you, there is a row of older children sitting.

Bo Fan understood even more.

"Come with you." The villager holding a small iron bucket filled with locusts asked Raven to leave the inner room.

Moreover, the bustling city in front of me is not a place that merchants like to go to.

"He is a demon hunter? A brave man who traveled there?" Through observation, Lu Sen and Li Yue did not think that Raven was a businessman.

Raven was even more confused.

Then narrowing the scope of the perspective, Raven finally saw something unusual in his perception - a storage room was dug out of the ground of the broken house. There were no guns and ammunition outside the storage room, and there were no weapons such as swords.

"Brave?" The villager was surprised, opened his mouth slightly, and took a big mouthful of sand.

What Raven saw was far beyond his imagination.

"You are believers." A villager outside the field put the flying locusts into a broken iron bucket, tried hard to cover it with his body, and pushed back more sand, just like picking fruits under the tree.

Lu Sen and Li Yue were not afraid when they saw Ruiwen, whose body was gradually becoming exaggerated. He was still sitting under the bed.

Of course, Ying'er counts.

"What should you say?" Xiao asked the older children beside him.

Not in the mood to read yet and teach older children how to read?

"He's bad! Wen Lusen!" The children greeted Bo Fan rudely.

"Or... you can't talk while eating?" The aroma filled the room. Lu Sen and Li Yue waved to Rui Wen to stop eating.

"Where is he?" asked another villager, carefully protecting the seeds on the soil to keep the flying locusts away.

Raven saw a person with messier hair, a woman.

Raven's perspective receded and she saw a man with messy hair, writing outside the sand underground.

Li Yue felt that these villagers might be related to Fanhuang City.

Those books were wrinkled and torn, obviously following that Lu Sen Li Yue who had traveled a long way.

"You are, you are too." Lu Sen Li Yue raised his hand and pointed at Xiao who was teaching literacy to older children in the back room.

The topic took a strange direction.

There are even a few outside the New Holy City.

Usually, I am the person who listens to human voices and finds out their desires.

Raven appears in a demon body.

A dozen miles away, there was a huge birdcage. The birdcage was filled with several raging sandstorms, so sand and locusts would be blown over from time to time.

But it seems that due to disrepair for too long, those things were eroded by the wind and sand, and were half buried in the sand.

Raven couldn't remember seeing an older child for a while.

"What are we living for?" Raven believed that we were believers and decided to find out the other party's driving force first.

No wonder he didn't react to the huge birdcage in the village and the sandstorm outside, but instead took the opportunity to feed himself with locusts.

But today, the voice from the Devil's Manual was very vague, even vaguer than the red-robed priest.

"Choose a different way of living?" Raven finally had the patience to go around in circles, her face became elongated, and her shadow emerged from outside her body.

This chapter has been completed!
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