Chapter 783 Retro style of play

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"The Bone Cart Cult has summoned many red-robed priests and is making a resurrection altar?"

Li Yue finally understood the role of the red-robed priests who were pulled to the back one by one through the bone train.

On the real-time map produced by Yingying, red-robed priests form groups of three to five, surrounding small groups of ice sculptures, adding corpses and bones into them.

They chanted mantras, made strange movements, and connected each cluster of ice sculptures with red mist.

"Yes, the resurrection altar." Yingying stuffed Li Yue into the shadow space, so he could communicate freely.

"But they didn't use this thing when they attacked Hongyou Town and Split Gold Mountain, right?" Li Yue was very surprised, because even he himself had only seen the Resurrection Altar in the library.

Counting further back, the Resurrection Altar only appeared in the records of the Blood River Simulation Battle - at that time, Daimen had mentioned a certain style of play in the Battle of Steel City and the Resurrection Altar.

"Not only that, they are also summoning siege beasts..." Yingying pointed to a huge crack in a glacier, inside which was stirring the breath of the abyss.

"The Bone Cart Master is planning to launch a war in the Drizzle Corridor? Targeting Bingyan?" Li Yue regretted not going to the Bingyan spot in advance.

But I guess I wouldn’t be able to get in even if I wanted to now.

"Will he say it?" Yingying was worried about Kurt's brain power.

It is certain that the light mist has not yet covered the devil's route. Changing the anchor point is basically equivalent to overthrowing and starting over. The cost is too small, and it will inevitably cause distortion.

Need to borrow some strength.

Obviously, there is no weak protection in the distance of the Ice Eye, which only prevents other sects from peeking into the Ice Eye, and also blocks the smallest and most powerful Bone Cart Cult from inside.

There is only one city defense commander with bones.

Kurt thought of the glacier theory of later generations and felt that this picture was very suitable to understand the drizzle corridor at this moment——

"We carried all the remaining sources of faith from the old Holy See, coupled with the faith given by the Gamma Epic, to create a curse, or a barrier of faith, in the Ice Eye."

So Li Yuancao Jinhuan has been able to hold on until now.

After roughly understanding the situation of the Battle of Faith, Kurt finished thinking about how he should intervene.

"Content?" When Kurt heard the curse, he naturally thought of the various curses outside the Demon King's City.

The old religion is also very resistant to the devil's religion, and the addition of the Bone Cart Cult is enough to seduce the believers of the old religion.

That's why the old goats need to hide their faces, curse, and gather together under the drizzle corridor to exert their strength.

The trip to Bingyan is inevitable.

"What about the Snow Country and the Little Ice Crack, have you given up?" Kurt took a small circle in the Drizzle Corridor. Although he did not see any small-scale fighting, he must also consider the local snake.

It's just a coincidence that the first anchor point needed for Kurt's promotion happened to be the ice eye in the Drizzle Corridor - if you want to imagine the small continent taking shape, you have to step back and sense it for a circle.

The antipathy of the old religion to the new religion is too low, and the Protestants alone cannot shake the old religion's faith.

They flow around the ice eye, touching each other from time to time, but returning as soon as they touch.

Generally speaking, Li Yuetosos is holding on in Bingyan, preparing to hold on until the New God Ceremony is completed, summoning the new God of Faith to come, and regain control of faith.

Kurt is still not completely done with it.

"If we want to retreat into the eye of ice, we need to shake our faith first." Kurt understood the content of the curse, and finally understood why Tolem, who had been chasing Li Yuetosos for a long time, had never been able to bring down the successor to the pope.

Bring up the head.

Otherwise, why would the Bone Chess Cult engage in such a big battle?

What's more, the old goat who once took away everything from me should be watching the ice eyes somewhere. How could he let me safely become the new god of faith?

Everyone is staring at the icy eyes under the iceberg, ready to go.

The Drizzle Corridor has not yet turned into a mess, and Kurt certainly hopes that the mess will get worse - the simpler the situation, the harder it is for the old goat to notice him, and the less likely it is to disrupt its position when advancing.

Should we huddle next to the Bone Che Cult and wait for Red Sith and the Old Goat to break through the barrier of faith and rush away...or should we target the hearts of the believers of the old religion and open up a few trumpets of the Protestant religion to shake our faith together?

Hidden above are Tolem, the Snow Kingdom and the small ice crevice, not even the old goat.

The promotion itself is not very risk-free, and coupled with that level of distortion, Kurt believes that even Noley Moore can help him keep his mind confused.

[Dad is so cool...] ​​Yinger said.

"Didn't you see the Protestants or Tolem, old goat?" Kurt originally expected to know less about Yingying.

First of all, it is obviously possible to sneak out of the Ice Eye by yourself - several sects have curses that cannot be broken, so of course this can be solved by yourself.

"Bad, you understand." Kurt inspected Pingu Chejiao's position again and got a rough idea of ​​the situation.

If you want to retreat and interfere with Li Yuetosos' new god ritual, you must first break through Bingyan's defense.

"Of course, do you think anyone can fight like he did when he was the city defense commander?" Yingying said seriously.

[What does it mean...] Ying'er understands.

How can we absorb enough faith in a short period of time so that a newly established sect, like the Flowing Curse, the Masking Society, and the Carrying Sect, can shake the faith if there are not enough believers?

It is also necessary for the Bone Che Cult to bring out the most powerful power of Demon King City - such as resurrection altars and siege beasts - to put limited pressure on Li Yuetosos.

Yingying even reproduced the movements of the little ice crack demon that he accidentally caught.

"We are hiding on the ice. The glacier is very small..." Shadow lifted the shadow ground, revealing the intricate pathways above.

"Of course it would be difficult in other times, but...don't you have a century-old killing cup?"

"As long as there is doubt, it will exist." Yingying said the curse of the ice eyes.

"He stole your line." Kurt laughed.

The old goat and Tuolum should want to break through the ice eye, take over the ritual of the new god, and become the new god.

How to prepare your mind?

"But you understand the curse of the ice eyes." Yingying suddenly remembered something and pointed to the ice eyes woven by the shadow.

Whether it's the disarming and silence of the Colosseum, or the increased knowledge of demonic names in the library...curses are always meaningless.

It is not a big risk to lurk around Red Caojin, but also to create some inexplicable sects inside and join the battle of faith...

"As long as Caojin Tosos and my followers still firmly believe in the faith of the old Holy See, doubts will be broken through, and this barrier will be broken through." Yingying explained patiently.

"Have you seen the Protestants yet? Because Red Sith does not allow you to leave the bone car." Shadow's movements are restricted. Is there any way to really let Shadow go to investigate?

"Resurrection altar, siege beasts... I didn't expect that the Bone Chariot Cult's fighting style is quite retro?" Li Yue didn't expect that the Bone Chariot Cult would return to the war routine of the Expeditionary Force.

Kurt recalled this wasteland and felt that it looked more and more like a huge stage.

[Why can I do them all?] Ying'er thought wildly.

This chapter has been completed!
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