Chapter 883 This secretary is a bit amazing

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I don’t know why he said such a thing?

Where does the confidence come from?

Anyway, Chen Fan couldn't figure it out. He looked at Davidson speechlessly, "How do you make friends with such idiots?"


Davidson was very angry and said, "Don't say that to me."

You must know that although some countries still retain royal families, most of them are just decorations and mascots at best. Does he really think of himself as a prince?

Before he came out of the bathroom, Chen Fan said I was ready to leave.

Davidson said, "Wait a minute, there's no need to be in such a hurry. Since he said that, he probably has his own thoughts."

When Prince of Wales returned to his position, his expression was obviously not good-looking.

He told Chen Fan, "Don't get me wrong, I won't ask for your money in vain."

"But you should know one thing. A lot of Donghua's treasures have been lost overseas. You donated this money to the royal family, and we will help you get them back."


Chen Fan finally understood. He was planning to use my own money to buy my own things.

Prince of Wales said, "As long as your donation is in full, we will return these things in the name of the royal family."

"Don't you think this is the best of both worlds?"

After hearing what he said, Chen Fan really wanted to dig these robbers out of the cemetery and slap them in the face.

What they robbed is now being exchanged by their descendants for money.


Just change it, and find such a high-sounding excuse to say that they returned it.

Shouldn't I pay for the woolen yarn to be returned?

And the price was ridiculously high. Seeing his face, Chen Fan really wanted to slap him twice.

I robbed it once, and I want to rob it a second time.

However, Chen Fan did not show any signs of it, "How many treasures do you have in your hands?"

"You have to let me take a look, right?"

"Of course you can!"

Prince of Wales nodded, "I'll let you know when it's convenient."

Chen Fan was also wondering if these treasures were real, whether he should take them back and give them to Zuo Handong for collection.

There aren't many things in that museum, and they're always not on display.

Chen Fan didn't expect to get such news by accident.

When Davidson saw that the two of them were almost talking, he proposed to go play ball together.

The girls who were with Xiao Xiao, where did they come to play ball?

I kept taking pictures of hair ties, and Xiao Xiao also took a few,

In fact, most of the time, these big guys don't play with the ball. They let the girls play while they watch.

Watching football is more enjoyable than playing, at least Chen Fan thinks so.

It was almost noon, and Davidson invited Chen Fan to stay and have dinner with him. When Chen Fan saw that the Prince of Wales really had no appetite, he called Xiao Xiao and left quickly.

If he hadn't said that the royal family hid a large amount of Donghua treasures, Chen Fan wouldn't have wanted to say another word to him.

After leaving this private estate, Chen Fan called Ning Xuecheng, "Where is it?"

Ning Xuecheng said, "I'm at Ewa's place, do you want to come over?"

She looked at the time and said, "It's dinner time, let's have something together."


Anyway, I'm not picky about food, so I went to their place to deal with it.

At worst, we'll go back to the winery for dinner in the evening.

Ning Xuecheng and George Eva are integrating banking business together. The S family also has banks. From now on, these banks will be managed by the bank where George Eva currently works.

This is her head office, and the others are branches.

During the integration process, Feifan Group's capital transactions can be directly handled through its own bank.

After Chen Fan arrived, the three of them went to the cafeteria to eat together.

Ning Xuecheng said, "The secretary has hired me for you. How about you give me an interview this afternoon?"

Chen Fan didn't take it seriously, "As long as you pass the interview, what matters is your work ability anyway."

Ning Xuecheng nodded, "Okay, I'll ask her to join the company tomorrow."

It's just a secretary, if it doesn't work, just change it. Of course, if it's as cute as Xiao Xiao and can be used smoothly, maybe I can keep it for a few more years.

After eating in the bank canteen and having nothing else to do in the afternoon, Chen Fan returned to the winery.

In the afternoon, Davidson called again and asked him to go play, but Chen Fan refused.

Unexpectedly, at around eight o'clock in the evening, Prince of Wales called. He asked Chen Fan if he would be free tomorrow morning.

If it is convenient, you can go to the royal family and he will arrange everything.

Chen Fan also wanted to know how many cultural relics they had stolen from Donghua. If possible, he did have the idea to buy them all and send them back to the country.

So he agreed without saying a word, and the two agreed to meet at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Ning Xuecheng happened to hear him talking on the phone about cultural relics, and she was also a little curious, "What cultural relics are they?"

Chen Fan told her about today's meeting with Prince of Wales. Ning Xuecheng looked angry, "They are so shameless! They are both responsible and independent. They are really shameless to the extreme."

Seeing Ning Xuecheng so angry, Chen Fan said, "I will make them all spit it out, but it also makes us understand the truth. We must be strong, otherwise we will only be bullied by others."

Ning Xuecheng said, "I feel like they are so poor that they want to use these things in exchange for money."

The two chatted for a while and then went to sleep.

The next morning, Chen Fan got up at seven o'clock, did morning exercises for a while, had breakfast, and walked slowly until half past eight.

Xiao Xiao came over and shouted, "Mr. Chen, the driver and secretary have arrived and are waiting for you at the door."


Chen Fan then remembered that a work secretary had arrived today. He and Xiao Xiao came outside the winery. A pretty oriental woman wearing standard business attire stood next to the car door. When she saw Chen Fan, she kept smiling and bowed.

, "Hello, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, "Why is it you?"

Pu Yaxi smiled and said, "Yes, it's me."

"Among the one hundred interviewees, I am the only one who best meets Mr. Ning's requirements. Regardless of appearance, figure, academic qualifications, work ability, etc., I am the best in all aspects."

"I went through eight rounds of screening before I won the final victory."

Seeing how confident she was, Chen Fan frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

Park Ah Hee is right. With her ability, she is more than enough to be a secretary. After all, she is the president of M Group in South Korea.

Her appearance and figure are impeccable, but why should she apply to be a secretary?

"Mr. Chen, get in the car!"

When Pu Yaxi saw that he kept looking at her like this, she didn't hesitate, but spoke openly and openly.

Chen Fan got into the car, and Pu Yaxi also bent down and got in, sitting down next to him.

A special scenery immediately appeared in the car, and the smell of perfume was in the air. But she may not know that in Chen Fan's eyes, she has no secrets, including every move she makes next.

It can all be predicted in advance.

He glanced at Pu Yaxi lightly, "Why did you come to apply for this secretary position?"

Pu Yaxi raised her brows and smiled, her eyes turning into two crescent moons, "I admire you! So I want to study with you."

This chapter has been completed!
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