Chapter 647: Offended

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Ye Hongxue was stunned for a moment. She was really intimidated by Zhao Kang's momentum. She opened her mouth, but then thought again.

Oh, no, who are you? We haven't even settled the accounts yet, so why should I listen to you?

Liu's eyebrows were raised and he said in a cold voice: "Get out! Otherwise, I'll slap you to death!"

The roar was full of energy, and it didn't look like he was hurt at all.

Normally, Zhao Kang would have been so frightened that he would have run away, but now that he knew what the female general's body was like, he was not embarrassed at all.

"Okay, you're still pretending. The doctor said you can't go to the ground for at least two days. Then you can shoot me to death. Be good and open your mouth!"


Ye Hongxue was so angry that her teeth itched, so how could she be obedient?

Seeing this, Zhao Kang stretched out his hand and smiled: "Don't force me to hold your nose and drink it. I have many ways to deal with you."

"How dare you!" Ye Hongxue's eyes were a little flustered.

Looking at Zhao Kang with a mean smile on his face, he realized that this crazy guy was really capable of such a thing, and quickly said: "I will take the medicine myself."

"That's right. How can such an injury be cured without taking medicine?"

Zhao Kang smiled and handed over the medicine bowl. It looked like a decoction that could kill people. Ye Hongxue didn't even frown when he saw it. Zhao Kang was amazed.

As expected of a leader in war, he can endure hardships!

After taking the medicine bowl, Zhao Kang said nothing. He stood up and put away the medicine jar and stove. The female general looked at his busy back with complicated eyes.

What on earth is this guy thinking in his head!

After killing Liu Hanlong and Li Muqing, but letting himself go, isn't he afraid that he will talk to Qi State about this matter when he returns?

Suddenly startled, Ye Hongxue was startled and looked at Zhao Kang.

"Is this guy planning to prevent himself from leaving?"

After packing everything, Zhao Kang sat down and looked at Ye Hongxue, who was more wary of him, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong? What the hell?"

Ye Hongxue adjusted her mentality. Although she was seriously injured, as long as her injuries healed and her skills were restored, how could Zhao Kang keep her? It was probably because she was overthinking it.

After thinking for a while, Ye Hongxue asked: "How long have I been in coma?"

"Not long, just one day."

Zhao Kang said calmly: "We are in Jiayuguan Pass now. The doctor said that you have a good foundation in martial arts and are a top master. Otherwise, someone else would have died long ago."

There was a lot of envy in her words. To be able to survive in the center of the explosion of thirty kilograms of gunpowder, this girl must be said to be really strong.

In his early years, Zhao Kang also thought about not being an official and living in the world, but unfortunately he did not meet any outsiders who rushed to accept him as his apprentice.

The dream of traveling to the end of the world with a sword was shattered.

Hearing what Zhao Kang said, Ye Hongxue's eyes changed instantly. She thought of that terrible bow and arrow, and how she had been severely damaged despite her strong cultivation.

In the future, once all the national army uses bows and arrows like this, will there be any rivals in the world?

She couldn't hold it back and looked at Zhao Kang, who was still lamenting that he had no chance to join the world of martial arts: "Let me ask you something."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Kang smacked his lips and smiled after being interrupted.

"What are those arrows you shot?" Ye Hongxue bit her red lips. She didn't know if Zhao Kang would tell her something that was a national secret at first sight.

She even thought that the Qianguo army might have been equipped with such bows and arrows, so Zhao Kang had the confidence to kill Li Muqing and Liu Hanlong outside the pass without fear of retaliation from the two countries.

Zhao Kang raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Well, ordinary bows and arrows are just tied with explosives. After being shot, the explosives detonate, so they have such huge power."

"Explosives?" Ye Hongxue remembered the previous explosion.

Zhao Kang nodded and explained to her, but naturally did not tell her the formula. Ye Hongxue was extremely shocked when she heard that Zhao Kang had made this thing.

"What's this? Although black gunpowder is easy to make, it is still much inferior to yellow gunpowder made from nitroglycerine in terms of safety and power. That thing is really powerful!"

Zhao Kang sighed, not noticing the gleam in the female general's eyes.

Ye Hongxue asked: "Nitroglycerin yellow gunpowder, what is that?"

Zhao Kang said: "That thing is not easy to make, don't think about it."

I am not a Nobel Prize winner, so not everyone can make nitroglycerin explosive.

"Zhao Kang."

Ye Hongxue suddenly shouted.

Zhao Kang looked over and found that Ye Hongxue's eyes had changed. If there was some anger and vigilance before, now the female general's eyes were full of surprise when he looked at him, mixed with an indescribable brilliance.

"What's wrong?"

he questioned.

Ye Hongxue tried to do it, but was injured, so Zhao Kang could only help him.

Leaning on the bedside, her black hair hanging down, and her slightly pale face made Ye Hongxue's unique heroic spirit less, adding a bit of feminine femininity.

"Come back to Jingguo with me."

Zhao Kang was stunned: "Why are you talking about this again?"

Ye Hongxue explained to the person in front of her with a very serious expression: "As long as you follow me back to Jingguo, I can also make your Majesty agree to grant you the position of national master."

The female general couldn't hold back anymore. Whether it was the Yuanjiang sanitary napkin or the gunpowder in Zhao Kang's mouth, either one could be said to be a world-shattering work for Jingguo.

It is something that can really benefit the people.

Among the northern countries, Zhou is undoubtedly the strongest in terms of national strength, followed by Qi.

Their Jingguo is better than Qianguo. If they can bring Zhao Kang back to Jingguo and help Jingguo grow, Ye Hongxue can be sure that Jingguo will have a place among the powerful countries in the future!

Zhao Kang smiled and shook his head: "Didn't I tell you that I am from the Qian country?"

Ye Hongxue said anxiously: "So what? Some officials in the Qian Kingdom have nothing to do with you. If you were absent from the second article fight with Mr. Zhang, those officials immediately spread rumors!"

"Whatever Qianguo can give you, we in Jingguo can also give you. As long as you agree to return to Jingguo with me, you will have your choice of high-ranking officials and generous salaries. Why pay for a Qianguo that doesn't understand you?"

Zhao Kang clicked his tongue: "It sounds good."

"How about it? Come with me back to Jingguo." The female general was overjoyed.

But Zhao Kang shook his head: "It's not very good. To me, it's the same everywhere."


Ye Hongxue was almost so angry that she suffered an internal injury. Seeing Zhao Kang's unmoved expression, she became even more furious. If she had not been injured at this moment, she would have directly used force to take Zhao Kang away.

Looking at Zhao Kang, Ye Hongxue made up her mind and made a decision: "Zhao Kang, as long as you come back to Jingguo with me and serve Jingguo from then on, I, Ye Hongxue, will marry you after you return!"

Zhao Kang was shocked and frightened: "No, you are serious!"

Seeing this reaction, Ye Hongxue really wanted to bite him to death: "Just tell me if you want to or not!"

This chapter has been completed!
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