Chapter 1054

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Chapter 1054

At this time, a man's voice suddenly appeared on the other end of the phone, breathing heavily and lowering his voice deliberately: "Oh, what nonsense are you talking to him at this critical moment? Just give him the money quickly, right? Don't let him delay it."


Zhao Zhuoyue suddenly asked warily: "Xiaojuan, why is there a man's voice over there? Who are you with?"

The other party hurriedly said: "Oh, it's my cousin. Didn't he have a waist injury? He has been practicing waist training in bed, but he can't do it well, so I asked him to come over and help."

Zhao Zhuoyue said oh, thinking that the last time he called, his girlfriend was doing waist exercises on the bed, so he no longer doubted it.

At this time, his girlfriend said on the other end of the phone: "Okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I will transfer the money to you via WeChat later."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Zhuoyue immediately became happy and said hurriedly: "Xiaojuan, you are so kind, thank you."

The other party said hurriedly: "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm hanging up!"

After the other party hung up the phone, he indeed sent Zhao Zhuoyue a red envelope worth 520 yuan.

Zhao Zhuoyue was so happy that he immediately transferred all 800 yuan in his account to his friend at the car repair shop.

Then he hurriedly urged: "Good brother, I've paid you back the 220 yuan, and I've also called you the 800 yuan. Come here quickly, I'm so worried!"

The other party immediately took the money and said, "I'm going over right now. It will only take about 20 minutes to get to your place."

"Great!" Zhao Zhuoyue said excitedly: "Call me when you get there."

Zhao Zhuoyue squatted in front of the Phaeton, anxiously waiting for his friend to come over.

Ten minutes passed, and the other party called and told him that he would be there in a few minutes, so he should not be anxious.

But at this time, an old Audi A6 had stopped in front of him.

Ma Zhongliang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his Phaeton was here.

Damn, even though no one is repairing my car, this can be regarded as recovering some of the losses.

Otherwise, if the car cannot be found and the boy dies again, he will really suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, he said to his younger brother: "I'll drive the Phaeton back, and you follow me."

The younger brother nodded immediately: "Okay, Brother Liangzi."

Ma Zhongliang opened the door and got out of the car. He was upset because no one was repairing the car because it broke down and he lost a remote control key.

Repairing the car is estimated to cost hundreds of thousands, and a remote control key is estimated to be several thousand more. It's a damn heavy loss.

Ma Zhongliang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is really an unforeseen disaster! It seems that I will have to burn incense in the temple another day, isn't this year a bit too old?

Just as he was thinking about it, he got out of the car and was about to take the key to unlock the Phaeton, when he suddenly saw a boy squatting in front of the Phaeton.

The upset Ma Zhongliang frowned at the other party and cursed coldly: "What the hell are you doing? Go away and squat!"

Although Zhao Zhuoyue has no money, no ability and is a stinky guy who loves to take advantage, his temper is like the stone in the pit, smelly and hard.

To use a common saying, it means being poor and poor.

Of course, when he kneels down and licks others, you can't see the arrogance in his temper, but when he looks at the middle-aged man in front of him, and then at the car he stepped out of, he immediately feels a little disdainful. 78 Chinese first release https:/


Isn't it just an old second-hand A6? This shabby car is far worse than my Phaeton. How dare you pretend to be cool with me? What does it have to do with him where you squat?

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhuoyue, who was squatting on the ground, looked up at Ma Zhongliang and said disdainfully: "I can squat wherever I want, do you fucking care?"

This chapter has been completed!
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