Chapter 1170

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Chapter 1170

"Now that Mom wants to ridicule her, I think it's just a matter of treating the other person the same way she did. In the final analysis, they are the ones who deserve the blame."

Xiao Changqian and Mrs. Xiao were so angry with Ma Lan that they almost collapsed, but there was nothing they could do about her behavior, so they turned away angrily.

Xiao Changqian cursed as he walked: "Damn Ma Lan, if I find a chance in the future, I have to kill him!"

Mrs. Xiao said angrily: "Don't talk about her now. Tomorrow, take that bitch Qian Hongyan and abort the bastard in her belly. This is really a great shame that our Xiao family has never seen in a century!"

Xiao Changqian also had a look of hatred on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I'll go with her tomorrow!"

Back home, Xiao Hailong and Xiao Weiwei had just gotten up and were in the living room, waiting hungry for Qian Hongyan to cook.

Qian Hongyan had some money left over from selling her coffee machine last time. Today she wanted to ease family relations, so she spent money to buy a lot of fresh abalone and planned to cook an abalone feast for her family.

The ingredients alone for this pile of abalone cost several thousand yuan. For Qian Hongyan, it was indeed a loss.

When Mrs. Xiao saw Qian Hongyan buying back abalone, her first thought was that she was very happy. After all, there was something good to eat at noon.

But then the old lady thought of a detail and asked Qian Hongyan: "Where did you get the money to buy these abalones?"

Qian Hongyan lied and said: "A friend borrowed some money while playing cards and never paid it back. Isn't it because money is tight? So I asked her to come over."

Mrs. Xiao nodded slightly and said coldly: "Transfer all the remaining money to my account via WeChat. From now on, all the money in this family will be managed by me, including the money Mr. Wu invested in our Xiao Group. , and it is entirely up to me to decide. If anyone dares to hide private money behind my back, I'm sorry, but please leave this home!"

Qian Hongyan immediately said with a smile: "Mom, don't worry, I will transfer all the remaining money to you, and I won't keep any of it myself!"

Old Mrs. Xiao looked at Xiao Changqian and said coldly: "Changqian, you hid more than 10 million in private money before and were unwilling to give it to me. In the end, all the money was wasted. So from now on, if you dare If you keep hiding your personal money, don’t blame me as a mother for being rude, do you hear me?"

Xiao Changqian had no choice but to nod his head and said with great respect: "I understand, Mom, don't worry, I will never dare to hide private money again!"

Old Mrs. Xiao nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that the crisis in the Xiao family had actually helped her consolidate her position as the ruler of the family.

Soon, Qian Hongyan brought out a large number of prepared abalones of all kinds.

Abalone feast, naturally every dish is abalone.

Use steamed abalone vermicelli, braised abalone, abalone sashimi, abalone soup, etc.

Because the ingredients are purchased well, every dish tastes very good.

However, at the dinner table, Qian Hongyan had an ordinary bowl of Yangchun egg noodles, and she didn't even eat a bite of the various abalones.

Xiao Weiwei was a little surprised and asked her: "Mom, why don't you eat abalone? You have worked so hard to make it, why don't you eat a bite?"

How dare Qian Hongyan tell the truth? How could she tell her daughter that she couldn't eat seafood because she had various sexually transmitted diseases?

So she could only say: "My stomach has not been feeling well these past two days, so I can't eat seafood."

Xiao Changqian had just received a huge stimulation from Ma Lan, and he was very angry. He glared at her angrily and said coldly: "You are the only one who still wants to eat seafood, and you deserve it! What are you doing with this seafood?" That bastard in your belly?"

This chapter has been completed!
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