Chapter 1195

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Chapter 1195

The third young master of the Kong family suddenly spoke out, which made Mr. Song feel very difficult. First post

He knew that the Song family was not as powerful as the Kong family in Yanjing, so he was careful to be polite at all times, but the politeness was just out of politeness, and he did not really want to take this opportunity to build a relationship with the Kong family.

After all, the old man has seen everything come and go in his life, so he can tell at a glance what the purpose of the third young master of the Kong family is here today.

Regardless of how the Kong family wants to cooperate with the Song family, the third young master of the Kong family must have thoughts about his granddaughter Song Wanting.

In the past, if the Kong family really wanted to marry the Song family, it would be too late for me to get excited.

But now I really have no interest in them.

Because in the eyes of Mr. Song, the best candidate for his grandson-in-law is the unassuming Master Ye Chen next to him.

If Master Ye Shenye could become his grandson-in-law, he would not be willing to change it even for the richest man in the world.

And what's even more rare is that my granddaughter is also obsessed with Master Ye.

If it weren't for Master Ye's Rejuvenation Pill, I would have been on the verge of death long ago. How could I have such a good and healthy figure now? The mobile phone will remember to provide you with wonderful novels to read in one second.

So in the eyes of Mr. Song, no one in the world can compare to Ye Chen.

Because what Ye Chen can bring to himself is precious life.

When Song Tianming next to him saw this, he was afraid that his father would offend the young master of the Kong family, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Kong. This gift is so valuable, I think Wanting must also like it very much, but this child's personality is...

She is relatively dull and not very good at talking, so as an uncle, I took her to accept this gift and also thanked Master Kong on her behalf!"

Wanting Song still wanted to speak, but Mr. Song on the side winked at her.

Mr. Song whispered in her ear: "Listen, don't hit the smiling man with your hand. Let's accept it for now and return it to him privately after the banquet."

When Song Wanting saw her grandfather saying this, she had no choice but to nod.

Afterwards, the third young master of the Kong family, accompanied by Song Tianming, Song Honor and his son, entered the banquet hall and took their seats.

The third young master of the Kong family had his eyes set high above his head. He had a crush on everyone and was dismissive. He only said hello to Chen Zekai: "Mr. Chen, can we sit down together?"

Chen Zekai subconsciously wanted to see Ye Chen, but he remembered that Ye Chen did not want to reveal his identity, and he was indeed not suitable to have too many public communications with him.

Just when he was about to reject the third young master of the Kong family, Mr. Song on the side said to Ye Chen: "Master Ye, let's come together!"

There were six banquet tables in the banquet hall, but one of them was the guest of honor table.

As the name suggests, the guest of honor seat is where the host entertains the most distinguished guests.

The old man of the Song family, along with Song Tianming, Song Honor and Song Wanting, sat at the ten-seat guest of honor seat.

The remaining six seats will be ranked by seniority based on the strength of everyone present.

Song Tianming and Song Honor, father and son, naturally invited the third young master of the Kong family to their seats, and Mr. Song invited Ye Chen to sit at this table as well.

The remaining four seats were given to Chen Zekai, Wang Dongxue, Li Tailai and Qin Gang.

Although Wang Zhenggang's strength was also good, he was inferior to Qin Gang, so he was not able to sit at the guest of honor seat.

Although Little Pepper and Qin Aoxue also want to follow their father and sit at the same table with Master Ye Chen.

This chapter has been completed!
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