Chapter 1333

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Chapter 1333

When Tanaka Ko heard this, he immediately blurted out, "President, please rest assured, Tanaka will never reveal anything you say!"

Only then did Takehiko Ito say with satisfaction, "Kobayashi Pharmaceutical now has a stomach powder with excellent efficacy and very good sales. It is actively expanding the global market. Modern people will more or less encounter some gastric discomfort, so the market for this medicine

The space is also very broad. Once this drug is launched globally, the annual profit will reach at least tens of billions of dollars."

Tanaka Koichi exclaimed, "It's just a stomach medicine, how can it have such a huge market space?"

Takehiko Ito said, "This is just my preliminary estimate. I have asked the Pharmacy Laboratory of the University of Tokyo to analyze and compare Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's stomach powder and the stomach medicines of several other companies on the market, and the conclusion is that,

Xiao Lin Wei San Yi Qi Jue Chen!"

"So, it is only a matter of time before Xiaolin Weisan becomes the top of the world. If you want to catch this hen that lays golden eggs, you must do it as quickly as possible. The best way is to marry the Xiaolin family and invest in Xiaolin."


"If Nanako and Jiro Kobayashi get married, then I will ask for at least 20 or even 30 shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals. By then, it will bring billions of dollars in profits to our family a year!"

Tanaka Koichi suddenly realized, "President, I understand your intentions!"

Takehiko Ito hummed and said, "So, when you are in China and next to Nanako, you must find a way to persuade her more and say more good things about Jiro Kobayashi by her side. If she can agree, she will go to university this summer."

After graduation, you will marry Jiro Kobayashi immediately, then I will consider you to have made a great contribution, and then I will reward you with 5 million US dollars!"

Tanaka Koichi was overjoyed and said quickly, "President, Tanaka will do his best and never let down your hopes for me!"

Takehiko Ito said with satisfaction, "Very good, I will call Nanako now and tell her to meet with Jiro Kobayashi today. After the meeting between the two of them, you must turn a deaf ear in front of Nanako."

Tanaka Hiroshi said hurriedly, "Okay, Mr. President!"

At this time, Nanako had just put down her mobile phone and started rigorous training again.

But then the phone buzzed and vibrated again. She picked up the phone and took a look and found that it was actually a call from her father, so she quickly answered the call and respectfully said, "Father, I wonder if you can call Nanako at this time."

What's the order?"

Within large Japanese families, hierarchy is very strict. Children in ordinary families call their parents Odo-san and Oka-san, just like Chinese children call their parents mom and dad.

However, in Japan's highly hierarchical large families, all children must call their parents father and mother.

Moreover, when communicating with parents on weekdays, they should not be too colloquial and must always use honorifics and honorifics. Especially for girls, one of the most important lessons from childhood is to learn the complicated aristocratic etiquette.

Although Ito Nanako grew up with a golden key in her mouth, she has been strictly following the various cumbersome rules in the big family since she was born and did not dare to go beyond them.

On the other end of the phone, Takehiko Ito asked her, "Nanako, I heard that you won the game today. Congratulations."

Ito Nanako hurriedly said, "Father, today's game is only 16 to 8. Nanako's goal is to win the championship! Father, please wait until Nanako wins the championship and then congratulate Nanako!"

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