Chapter 1419

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Chapter 1419


Xiao Changkun's eyes turned red with anger.

He had absolutely no countermeasures against the methods of a shrew like Ma Lan.

Therefore, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart that when a scholar encounters a soldier, there is no explanation.

At this time, Ye Chen said, "Okay, okay, you two, please stop arguing so early in the morning."

As soon as Ma Lan saw Ye Chen speaking, he immediately fainted.

If Ye Chen had dared to interrupt when he was scolding Xiao Changkun before, then he would have pointed at Ye Chen's nose and scolded him bloody.

But things are different now, the situation has changed, now my family has no money, and this villa was bought by Ye Chen, so Ye Chen is the most important in this family.

In order not to be kicked out by Ye Chen, she could only try her best to please Ye Chen and not make Ye Chen angry.

So, she glared at Xiao Changkun fiercely and said angrily, "If my good son-in-law hadn't spoken for you, I would have never finished with you today! For the sake of my good son-in-law, I will spare you once!"

As she said that, she looked at Ye Chen with a smile and asked, "Good son-in-law, do you want mom to cook you a meal this morning?"

Ye Chen asked in surprise, "Can you cook?"

Ma Lan hurriedly said, "Look what you said, before you entered our house, I was the one cooking. Let's do this. I'll give you my specialty tomato braised noodles. I'll go to our house later."

Go pick fresh tomatoes from the garden!”

Since Ye Chen had a vegetable garden at home last time, he had the entire vegetable garden covered with double-layer glass and turned into a sunroom.

Heating equipment is also installed inside, so that even if it is winter, the vegetable garden will be as warm as spring.

This effect is much better than a real vegetable greenhouse, and many fruits and vegetables grow extremely well.

Ye Chen and Xiao Churan have been married for almost 4 years, and he has never had a meal cooked by his mother-in-law.

When he saw his mother-in-law volunteering to make tomato braised noodles, he was happy and relaxed. He nodded and said, "Since mom wants to cook, I won't get involved. But I have something to go out in the morning. If I'm slow, I might not be able to make it in time."

Ma Lan chuckled, "You don't have to worry about anything. Mom will do it now. It will be done in twenty minutes at most!"

After saying that, he immediately went out and went to the vegetable garden to pick tomatoes.

After picking the tomatoes, Ma Lan hurried into the kitchen and started cooking.

After Xiao Churan finished washing, he came down and found that it was his mother cooking in the kitchen, and he was stunned in surprise.

She hasn't seen her mother in the kitchen for several years, and today this is really the first time since she and Marven got married.

Ye Chen and Xiao Churan

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