Chapter 1631

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Ye Chen had already become a little numb to Dong Ruolin's unrestrained expression of love.

So he just thought Dong Ruolin was joking with him, so he changed the topic and asked him, "By the way, where did your cousin Kong Delon pedal his bicycle?"

Dong Ruolin curled her lips in disappointment. She also knew that Ye Chen had always been avoiding her on emotional issues, so she was used to Ye Chen's attitude. When he changed the subject, she followed him and said, "Today

I heard in the morning that I had arrived at Jinhai, but I heard that I had a little cold after sleeping under the bridge at night."

Ye Chen smiled lightly and said, "By the time he reaches Jinling, his physical fitness should be able to improve a lot."

Dong Ruolin chuckled, "Actually, your punishment is also a good thing for him. My cousin is used to being arrogant and domineering, and often causes trouble for the family. But he has never suffered any losses before, so he doesn't have a long memory. I believe this time

After that, he will calm down a bit."

Ye Chen nodded slightly, "If it weren't for your sake, I would have let him swallow the jade pendant during the birthday banquet and have him do another surgery to take it out. People like this szswk will forget about their scars after they are healed."

It hurts. Only when he cuts the scar open again will he realize what it means to be unforgettable."

Dong Ruolin looked at Ye Chen, "I know you let him go because of my face. When my cousin arrives in Jinling, I will take him to treat you to dinner and ask him to toast you and apologize."

Ye Chen waved his hand, "Forget about having dinner and toasting, let him reform honestly in Jinling. If he performs well, he may be allowed to go back in advance. If he performs poorly, he can be extended the time limit at any time."

Dong Ruolin pursed her lips and smiled and said, "Don't be so strict all the time. If we really get together in the future, he is your brother-in-law. Although he is a cousin, he is still your brother-in-law!"

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly, "You've been doing this all day."

"Hehe." Dong Ruolin said with a smile, "Who made me like you? Anyway, I am always ready. If you figure it out one day, you can come to me at any time!"

Ye Chen ignored her comment, looked up at the big screen, and said, "Hey, it seems that our flight has started to let first-class and business-class passengers board. Let's go."

Dong Ruolin hummed, stood up and packed her luggage, and asked casually, "Have you told Chu Ran that we will go back together today?"

Ye Chen nodded, "I told you on WeChat last night."

Dong Ruolin asked with a smile, "Chu Ran isn't jealous, is he?"

"How can you be jealous?" Ye Chen said, "She knew that I went to your grandma's birthday party, so I told her directly that you were coming back and it was you who booked the flight for me."

Dong Ruolin smiled and nodded, "Then did you tell Churan that you gave my grandma a fan worth tens of millions?"

"No." Ye Chen said, "Don't tell Chu Ran about this. She doesn't know about my relationship with Chairman Gu."

"I know." Dong Ruolin said seriously, "Don't worry, I will definitely not tell her."

Ye Chen felt relieved, and the two of them got on the plane first from the VIP boarding gate.

The two of them had seats next to each other in the first class cabin. Dong Ruolin chose a seat by the window, and Ye Chen sat next to her.

After b2b2 boarded the plane, Xiao Churan called Ye Chen and asked with a smile, "Husband, are you on the plane yet?"

"It's on board." Ye Chen said, "It will take off in twenty minutes."

Xiao Churan asked again, "Is Ruolin with you, right?"

"Yes." Ye Chen nodded, "Just sit next to me."

Xiao Churan said, "Then you have to take good care of her."

Ye Chen said helplessly, "I didn't fly the plane. It was the stewardess who took care of everyone's food and drink along the way. What can I take care of her?"

Dong Ruolin on the side deliberately leaned closer to the phone and said with a smile, "Can you hold me when the plane encounters turbulence to prevent me from being thrown out?"

Xiao Churan thought Dong Ruolin was joking, so she also smiled and said, "You should buckle your seat belt, otherwise what if Ye Chen doesn't have time to hug you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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