Chapter 2020

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Chapter 2020

Xiao Churan smiled and said, "Mom, the more you talk, the more mysterious you become. You even dig a hole for robbers. Do you think you are trying to steal the gold captain?"

Seeing that Xiao Churan always didn't believe in herself, Ma Lan couldn't help but become anxious, and blurted out, "You girl, why don't you believe whatever mom says! My grandma's family has opened many large tombs in recent years, and she left me a few years ago.

Not far from my grandma’s house, a particularly famous tomb of Marquis Haihun was excavated. Have you heard of the tomb of Marquis Haihun?”

Xiao Churan nodded, "I've heard of it. It seems to be a very important archaeological discovery. What happened to this tomb?"

"What's wrong?" Ma Lan hummed, "I'm telling you, the reason why this tomb was discovered by the cultural relics department is because when the tomb robbers dug into the hole, they alerted the nearby villagers. Only after the villagers called the police did the cultural relics department find out.

It turns out that there is a big tomb there, and the tomb of Haihun Hou’s wife is also right there, and it has been completely stolen by tomb robbers. It is said that there are dozens of robber holes dug in from all directions!”

Xiao Churan was stunned when he heard this: "Are these tomb robbers really so powerful?"

Ma Lan was a little anxious and said, "If you don't believe me, go to SoSou!"

Ye Chen on the side nodded and agreed, "Honey, you are indeed a little ignorant about this matter. In fact, there are many very powerful craftsmen among the people. In the tomb robbery novels you read, there are actually many tomb robbers in real life. Don't believe me.

Ask Dad, in the antique circle, many unearthed cultural relics are secretly traded down there every year. To put it bluntly, they are all stolen by tomb robbers. m.8wav.”

As he spoke, Ye Chen continued, "Ten or twenty years ago, in a provincial capital city in the central region, there was a Cordyceps theft case. A shop selling Cordyceps had two hundred kilograms stolen overnight, worth tens of millions.

Cordyceps, do you know how the other party stole it?"

Xiao Churan shook his head, "How did you steal it?"

Ye Chen said, "They stole it through tunnels. They rented the shop opposite the Cordyceps shop, dug dozens of meters of tunnels underground, drilled directly into the ground of the Cordyceps shop, and then came out and stole all the Cordyceps."


Xiao Churan was surprised and said, "This is so amazing."

Ye Chen nodded, "Putting aside their illegal and criminal behavior, their hole-drilling skills are indeed very impressive."

Ma Lan looked at Xiao Churan and said, "Do you believe what I said now?"

Xiao Churan had no choice but to nod, "Mom, I believe it."

Ma Lan hummed and said, "Now you understand what it means to be without profit, right? For tomb robbers, if there wasn't that ancient tomb in the mountains, who would go to such a remote place to donate money to a temple?"

?The same goes for Dong Ruolin. If Jinling wasn't profitable, why would she, the eldest daughter of a large Yanjing family, come here to waste time? That's why I said, Jinling must have a big treasure that we didn't expect!"

Xiao Churan frowned and said, "But there is no treasure in Jinling. Even if there is an ancient tomb, it is impossible for the Dong family to rob the tomb!"

Ma Lan said, "The big treasure I'm talking about is not necessarily an ancient tomb! Maybe there is some big shot hiding in our Jinling!"

Xiao Churan smiled and said, "Big shot? What kind of big shot can interest even the Yanjing family?"

After saying that, she pointed at Ye Chen and teased, "Many people in Jinling call your son-in-law Master Ye, saying that your son-in-law is some kind of real dragon in the world. Is he a hidden big shot?"

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