Chapter 2079

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Chapter 2079

When Ye Chen and Song Wanting took the Ito family's helicopter back to downtown Tokyo, Song Honor was already a little unable to sit still at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

He was extremely nervous at this time, thinking to himself: "Song Wanting's life and death are uncertain now, and no whereabouts have been found for several hours. It seems that if we continue to delay, it will be dawn. If we still can't find her by then, then what will happen to her?"

This matter is really tricky!”

"Song Wanting's body should have stayed in that commercial car, but she disappeared mysteriously and disappeared into the vast mountains. Is she dead or alive now?"

Song Honor was very worried because he was afraid that Song Wanting was not dead.

Because, as long as Wanting Song doesn't die, the lies that Nippon Steel's vice president Konsen Hashimoto told Song Wanting will be completely exposed.

After all, this matter was made by Hashimoto Chika on his own initiative. On the one hand, he wanted to seek greater profit space for Nippon Steel, and on the other hand, it was also for his own personal gain.

Therefore, he cooperated with Song Honor and deceived Song Wanting, saying that he asked her to go to Nishitama County to find the chairman to sign a contract. In fact, the chairman of Nippon Steel did not know about this at all.

If Song Wanting was still alive, as long as the police asked her why she went to Nishitama County, it would be completely exposed.

When the time comes, the Japanese police will definitely arrest Hashimoto Chika as soon as possible.

Murder is one of the most serious crimes in Japan, not to mention that three people died this time. Hashimoto Chika will definitely betray Song Honor without hesitation.

By then, the conspiracy of Song Honor and his son to murder Song Wanting will also be exposed to the world.

At this moment, Hashimoto Chika was pacing nervously in his home.

The team members responsible for assassinating Song Wanting were standing in front of him.

These people stood side by side in front of the sofa, each with their heads lowered and not daring to look at Mr. Hashimoto Kon.

Hashimoto Chika just made a phone call and consulted a friend from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department about the latest developments.

After learning that Song Wanting's life and death were still unknown, he was as nervous as Song Honor.

He knew very well that if Song Wanting was still alive, he would definitely be the first to be unlucky!

So, he angrily walked up to these people, slapped them one by one with his loud mouth, and cursed angrily: "You bunch of losers! Trash! What's the use of raising you?! You can't even handle such a simple thing.


Several people looked at me and I looked at you, but no one dared to speak to each other.

When Chika Hashimoto saw that they didn't speak, he gritted his teeth angrily: "A bunch of trash! They can't even kill a woman! They've caused so much trouble for me! If I'm exposed, none of you can run away.


Twenty minutes later.

The helicopter landed slowly in the courtyard of the Ito family's mansion.

Takehiko Ito, who lost his legs, was pushed by his sister Emi Ito and was waiting in the hospital early.

As soon as the helicopter landed, Emi Ito immediately pushed Takehiko Ito outside the cabin.

At this time, Ye Chen happened to get off the helicopter first, and reached out to help Song Wanting down.

Nanako Ito followed Wanting Song off the plane, and when she saw Ye Chen reaching out to help Wanting Song off, she felt slightly jealous, but mostly envious.

This chapter has been completed!
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