Chapter 2187

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Chapter 2187

Originally, father and son Song Tianming and Song Honor were so frightened that they had a nervous breakdown. When they heard that Ye Chen was going to invite Mr. Song over, they felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and their whole bodies began to tremble violently.

At this time, the common subtext deep in the hearts of the father and son is: "Isn't the old man already suffering from Alzheimer's disease? He can't even control his urination and defecation. Why would Ye Chen bring him here at this time?"

Song Tianming's heart skipped a beat, and he thought desperately to himself: "Is it possible that the old thing has returned to its original state?! Isn't this all over?!"

Just as he was thinking about it, Uncle Yu, the chief steward of the Song family, walked in accompanied by Mr. Song.

At this time, Mr. Song has a strong figure and a stern face. How can he look like he has Alzheimer's disease?

Song Tianming and Song Honor were even more frightened. They couldn't understand why Mr. Song, who had wet his pants in front of them in the hospital this morning, was back to normal now?!

As soon as Mr. Song entered the report hall, he glared at Song Tianming and Song Honor, the father and son, with sharp eyes, and angrily rebuked: "You bastards! Do you two think you can cover the sky with just one hand?! Not only Lian Wan

You dare to murder Ting, and you dare to drug me, do you have any humanity at all?!"

Song Tianming was so frightened that he knelt all the way to Mr. Song and cried, "Dad, I was wrong. It was me who deserved to die. It was me who got lost in my mind. I really knew I was wrong! Please spare me once, Dad!"

Mr. Song angrily scolded: "Spare you? Do you still have the nerve to ask me to spare you now?! Do you know that according to the family laws established by my ancestors of the Song family, what you committed is a capital crime!"

Song Tianming cried and said: "Dad, I did make a big mistake, but I was forced to have no choice!"

"You fart!"

Mr. Song roared angrily, then raised his hand and slapped Song Tianming!

Song Tianming covered his face and cried: "Dad! Think about it, I am your eldest son! The eldest son! According to the rules of our ancestors since ancient times, the eldest son should inherit the throne, but why don't you let me become Song Dynasty's eldest son?"

Head of the Song family? Why did you let Song Wanting, a yellow-haired girl, be the head of the Song family? If you asked me to be the head of the Song family, how could I make such a big mistake?"

Mr. Song was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped Song Tianming again: "You bastard! You are still making all kinds of excuses to excuse yourself. If it hadn't been for Master Ye's generous help and strategizing this time, Wanting would have been tricked by you and your son.

Dead! I was also poisoned by you and became Alzheimer's disease! Do you think you can get away with this?"

In order to protect himself, Song Honor cried and said to Mr. Song: "Grandpa, I always follow my father's instructions. He arranged everything for me to do this. Please forgive me for the fact that I am your eldest son and grandson."

one time"

Mr. Song pointed at Song Honor and said angrily: "Shameless, irresponsible, adding insult to injury, betraying your father for glory! Why did our Song family have such a scum like you!"

As he said that, he looked at the father and son and said coldly: "You two are the scum of the Song family. You have committed such a serious crime and must be dealt with according to family law! No one can plead for mercy!"

Then, he looked at Uncle Yu next to him and blurted out: "Old Yu, you have been in the Song family for many years. Please tell me, according to the Song family's family law, how should these two people be dealt with?!"

Yu Bo said sternly: "According to the first article of the Song family law, those who commit fratricide shall be killed! Those who attempt to kill their fathers shall be killed!"

Song Guangrong was so frightened that he almost fainted and cried: "Grandpa! This is a society ruled by law, not the feudal society of the past! You have no right to kill us! If you kill us, you will be shot yourself!"

Song Tianming also choked up and said: "Dad, if you are not willing to spare us, then send us to the judicial department! Let the judicial department try us impartially. No matter how many years they sentence us, we will admit it."

Song Tianming knew very well that even if he and his son were prosecuted for their crimes, they would never be punished by the death penalty.

He thought to himself: "After all, my son and I did not kill anyone with our own hands. The real murderers were the murderers that Hashimoto Kon first found in Japan."

This chapter has been completed!
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