Chapter 2204

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Chapter 2204

Li Chengqian, the eldest son of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, was also deposed for disobeying his father.

The worst of all was Aixinjueluo Yinzhen, the prince of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. He was the brother of Emperor Yongzheng, Aixinjueluo Yinzhen. This brother was deposed by Emperor Kangxi in both directions, and was eventually placed under house arrest until his death.

Extremely miserable.

Su Shoudao was also worried that if he made the old man dissatisfied because of Su Ruoli's matter, and if the old man also destroyed him, then his losses would be extremely heavy, and most of his life's efforts would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Su Shoudao decided that regarding Su Ruoli's matter, he must try his best to control his emotions in front of the old man, and never let the old man have any dissatisfaction with him again!

Daughters are important, but the position of the head of the Su family is even more important.

What's more, this daughter is still his illegitimate daughter!

Here, Mr. Su got angry at Su Shoudao, and he was somewhat worried in his heart.

In fact, the reason why he got angry at Su Shoudao was mainly to cover up his guilty conscience.

After all, the decision to betray Su Ruoli was made by him.

The old man had already settled an account. The crimes Su Ruoli committed in Japan were extremely heinous. He really wanted to bribe the relevant personnel to release her. Not to mention the huge cost, it would also easily offend the Japanese government to death.

Therefore, he planned to cooperate with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, get Su Ruoli out by himself, and then let the Self-Defense Forces capture him and sell the Self-Defense Forces a favor.

After all, the Japan Self-Defense Forces still have a lot of energy in the Japanese government. As long as we have a good relationship with the Self-Defense Forces, we will have great convenience in developing in Japan and cooperating with the Japanese government in the future.

However, the old man never dreamed that such a big change would occur to the originally flawless plan.

Su Ruoli's disappearance put him in a dilemma now.

On the one hand, he didn't know how to explain to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces or how to eliminate the Japanese people's indignation against the Su family;

On the other hand, he didn't know whether Su Ruoli was dead or alive. If she was still alive, would she have known about the business he was running behind the scenes? What if she knew about it and came to take revenge on him in the future?

While he was irritated, his most trusted subordinate hurried over and whispered: "Sir, Honda Shoji from the Japanese Self-Defense Force called again. He said he would give us 24 hours. If we return the goods within 24 hours,

If Su Ruoli cannot be handed over to them, the US$1 billion deposit we gave them will not come back."

"Also, Honda Shoji is very angry now. He thinks we are deliberately playing tricks on them, so he said that if we don't hand over Su Ruoli, he will become enemies with us in the future, so we should be careful in everything."

Mr. Su sighed and cursed angrily: "Damn it! Where did this Su Ruoli go? A good living person can't just disappear into thin air!"

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Now all the police in Japan are looking for Su Ruoli's whereabouts, and the Self-Defense Forces are also strictly checking all passing ships at sea. If Ruoli is still in Japan, it is only a matter of time before she is found; if Ruoli

If she has already left Japan, then she must have left Japan by waterway. Based on the time since her disappearance, she should have returned to China."

Mr. Su frowned tightly and said coldly: "If it's the former, it's easy to say, but if it's the latter, it will be troublesome! There is absolutely no reason not to contact the Su family when she returns home, unless she already knows the truth.

!In that case, we will be in some trouble in the future!"

After saying that, he immediately ordered: "Wang Liang, you immediately send someone to monitor the He family. If Su Ruoli really returns to China and does not contact us, she will definitely contact her mother's family and closely monitor all the movements of the He family.

Report any trouble to me immediately!"


This chapter has been completed!
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