Chapter 2365

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Chapter 2365

Facing Walter's death struggle, Ye Chen said calmly: "Walter, don't worry, Dongxue's father will not die without your kidney source!"

Walter shook his head and said firmly: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! It is very difficult to find an rh-negative kidney source. Without my kidney source, he can only wait to die!"

After saying that, he quickly knelt down in front of Wang Dongxue and cried: "Dongxue, I beg you, as long as you are willing to let me live and don't hand me over to the police, I can give you 100 million US dollars! Please!"

, Never hand me over to the police, otherwise my life will be ruined."

Wang Dongxue was about to refuse, but Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "Walter, don't worry, I will never hand you over to the police!"

Walter thought his promise of 100 million US dollars had worked, and said hurriedly: "Master Ye, as long as you let me leave Aurous Hill, when I arrive in the United States, I will immediately put 100 million US dollars in your account!"

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Friend, please don't misunderstand me. I said I won't hand you over to the police, but that doesn't mean I will let you go. These are two different things."

Walter looked at Ye Chen in fear and blurted out: "Then what do you want?"

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Don't worry, you will know what I want to do soon."

After saying that, Ye Chen grabbed his collar and asked sternly: "Let me ask you, how many people did you bring with you when you came to the People's Hospital this time? Say one less or one more, and I will have someone take off one of your arms!"

Walter trembled with fright and said quickly: "Including the driver and bodyguard, there are five people in total."

Ye Chen continued to ask: "Where are the people? Where are they?"

Walter said honestly: "Everyone is in the car at the entrance of the lobby downstairs. There are two cars in total, one is a Rolls-Royce and the other is a Buick Business."

Ye Chen nodded, immediately started a group on WeChat, brought Chen Zekai and Hong Wu in, and then started a group voice chat.

After receiving it, the two people immediately connected to the line and asked in the voice: "Master, what are your orders?"

Ye Chen said seriously: "Old Chen, Hong Wu, send your most elite men out immediately, help me capture all Walter Hogwitz's men, don't leave any of them behind!"

After saying that, Ye Chen said again: "Oh, by the way, he still has his subordinates at Jinling People's Hospital. In the car outside the lobby of the inpatient department, there is a Rolls Royce and a Buick Business. There are five people in total. You can quietly

Send someone over and get rid of them all!"

Chen Zekai asked in surprise: "Master, why did you have a conflict with Walter?"

Marven asked him: "Do you know this Walter?"

"I don't know him, but I know this person." Chen Zekai explained: "Although the Hogwitz family is not a top family in the United States, it is still somewhat famous, so people like Walter came to Aurous Hill, where I am.

There will be reports."

"Information report?" Ye Chen asked curiously: "Did you send someone to keep an eye on this area?"

"Yes!" Chen Zekai said: "The task given to me by the Ye family is to control the entire situation in Jinling. Not only must I master some of the internal situations in Jinling, but I must also know the external situation well. Once some people with background come to Jinling

, I will make a record."

Ye Chen asked him: "Is this Hogwitz family very powerful?"

Chen Zekai thought for a moment and said seriously: "The Hogwitz family doesn't have a very big background."

As he spoke, he continued to explain: "The total assets of the Hogwitz family are only about 10 billion US dollars. They are not even among the top two hundred in the United States, but their family does have some special background."

Ye Chen asked: "What is the special background?"

Chen Zekai explained: "The Hogwitz family and the Rothschild family are more or less related."


Ye Chen couldn't help but feel moved when he heard about the Rothschild family.

He knew that his father's most glorious moment during his lifetime was to lead the Ye family and several other Chinese families to jointly fight against the economic encroachment of the Rothschild family.

That time, he caused the Rothschild family to suffer great property losses and loss of face.

Source of "Dragon Son-in-law Coming to the Door":

This chapter has been completed!
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