Chapter 2380

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Chapter 2380

The advantage of an intellectual is that although she may not really understand medical matters, she has a more accurate understanding and judgment of many things than the average person.

Wang Dongxue stepped forward to support her mother and said while crying: "Mom, don't worry, Ye Chen saved dad, and I will repay him in the future."

Sun Yufang nodded slightly and choked with sobs: "Xiaoye, you will be our family's great benefactor from now on."

Wang Chengyuan, who was on the hospital bed, couldn't help but have red eyes, and said seriously: "Xiaoye, you saved my uncle's old life. If you have any use for my uncle in the future, please be sure to talk to him. My uncle is a mess and will not hesitate to do anything."


Ye Chen smiled helplessly, shook his head gently, and said seriously: "Uncle and aunt are exaggerating, Dongxue is my friend, this is just about helping each other between friends, Dongxue usually helps me, and I don't

It's like returning the favor to her."

Wang Dongxue was deeply moved when she heard this.

She knew what Ye Chen meant, and she must have felt that she had put in a lot of effort to help him manage the Emgrand Group.

However, what she knows very well is: "Managing the Emgrand Group is completely my job and my duty."

"It's only natural that I have to serve the Emgrand Group after receiving the young master's salary, so it doesn't count as me helping the young master."

"Moreover, not long after the young master took over the Emgrand Group, he doubled my salary. I should work hard for him, isn't it right?"

Just when she was feeling ashamed, Director Chen, who had been silent for a long time, mustered up the courage to ask: "This little brother, can I ask you a question?"

Ye Chen nodded and said, "Director Chen, please speak."

Director Chen hurriedly asked: "I would like to boldly ask, what kind of medicine did you give Professor Wang? Of course, if it involves some secrets and cannot be told, I will understand 100%!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "It's not a secret, but I got this medicine from the miracle doctor Shi Tianqi. It is said that the miracle doctor Shi was not the creator of this miracle medicine. He also accidentally obtained a small amount of famous ancient doctors.

The quantity of the elixirs passed down in the world was originally very small, but now we have to take one less pill."

When Director Chen heard this, he suddenly realized, patted his thigh and said with emotion: "I remembered it! Last time in our hospital, there was a high-level paraplegic patient who recovered instantly after taking the magic medicine brought by the miracle doctor Shi Tianqi Shi.

, It is said that what Shi Shen used for medical treatment at that time was an ancient Chinese medicine elixir whose prescription has been lost. Unexpectedly, this elixir was so miraculous. It could not only cure high paraplegia, but also cure acute renal failure, which is irreversible in the eyes of modern medicine."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but feel regretful, and said melancholy: "Our ancestors left so many magical things, but it is a pity that we have not been able to preserve them well and pass them down. If this magical medicine

If it could be rediscovered and reproduced, it would really be good news to people all over the world.”

Ye Chen nodded and smiled and said no more.

Director Chen looked at the time and said, "Oh, it's almost eleven o'clock. I have to go to other wards for rounds first, so I won't disturb you further."

Wang Dongxue hurriedly sent Director Chen out. After she came back in, Ye Chen also said: "Uncle, Auntie, Dongxue, it's really getting late, I have to go back first."

Sun Yufang hurriedly said: "Hey Xiaoye, why are you so anxious? Just sit there for a while longer!"

Wang Dongxue on the side was afraid that her mother would show too much enthusiasm for Ye Chen, so she hurriedly said: "Mom, this is a hospital ward, not your own home. How can anyone stay in the ward and sit for a while?"

After saying that, she quickly added: "Besides, dad has completely recovered now. Let's go through the discharge procedures and go home. The hospital feels so depressing to me during this period. I don't want to stay here for another minute."


When Sun Yufang heard this, she had no choice but to say to Ye Chen with some regret: "Xiaoye, auntie won't keep you today. Tomorrow, auntie will cook a big meal at home to thank you. You must reward her!"

Source of "Dragon Son-in-law Coming to the Door":

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