Chapter 2462

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Chapter 2462

So, Su Shoude hurriedly asked Steve: "Did your son offend anyone during his time in Jinling?"

"This..." Steve shook his head and said: "My son has never been to Jinling before, or even to China. He was sent to Jinling by the family this time to develop the family business, and he came here

The time is also very short, so I don’t think he has any enemies here.”

Su Shoude asked him: "Is your son married?"

Steve hurriedly said truthfully: "I'm married and have two children."

Su Shoude continued to ask: "What about his private life?"

Steve said seriously: "I have never heard of any inappropriate relationship between him and any woman."

Su Shoude asked again: "Is he an addict?"

"No! Absolutely not!" Steve said hurriedly: "We will never allow any drug addicts to appear in our family. All adult males must undergo urine tests regularly. Once he is found to be an addict, he will be discontinued.

Taking all positions in the family and recovering all funds, Walter will never touch this red line of the family!"

Su Shoude stretched out four fingers and said: "Most criminal cases in the world cannot escape from four possibilities. The first is for money, the second is for drug addicts, the third is for love, and the fourth is for love.

For revenge."

"If the other party kidnapped your son and doesn't want money, this rules out the possibility of making money."

"If your son undergoes regular urine tests and is indeed not an addict, then this aspect can be ruled out."

"As for relationships, although you said that your son is very strict in his private life, he knows people but not his heart. What's more, you are a father. To put it bluntly, how many women has your son slept with? Maybe his best friends are better than you.

I know better, so I think there is still a possibility of emotional reasons."

"There is also revenge. Even if your son has just arrived in Aurous Hill, it does not mean that he will not offend others. Maybe he has really offended some very capable big shots in Aurous Hill."

Speaking of this, Su Shoude smacked his lips and said: "I think the possibility of love and hatred is about half and half. You can start investigating from these two aspects."

Steve nodded slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Su, for reminding me. I will actively search for relevant clues to see if I can find any breakthrough point!"

The reason why Su Shoude did so much analysis for Steve was that he hoped that Steve could find clues to his son's disappearance through these aspects.

He now suspects that the disappearance of his son, the disappearance of Du Haiqing and Su Zhiyu were all caused by the same person. He has no way to find clues. If Steve can, it can be regarded as a curve to save the country.

At this moment, Steve suddenly said: "By the way! My son seems to have a good college classmate in Aurous Hill, and she seems to be a girl!"

Su Shoude immediately said excitedly: "This is a very valuable clue! If this woman is related to the disappearance of your son, then find a way to find a breakthrough in her first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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