Chapter 2582

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"That's great," Han Meiqing said hurriedly, "Then you go out first, I'll quickly change my clothes and we'll set off immediately.

"Okay, Xiao Changkun, who was extremely depressed, could only agree, turned around with a dejected face, and walked out the door.

This bedroom, in his eyes, was the gentle home he had been away from for nearly 30 years.

But now, he could only stand outside the door, waiting for Han Meiqing to change clothes inside.

The key is that after Han Meiqing changes her clothes, she takes him for a run.

The depressed Xiao Changkun sighed, covered his face with one hand and his head with the other, and squatted down at the door of Han Meiqing's bedroom.

When he squatted down, he was still thinking: "What's the problem? Could it be that millet porridge really has such miraculous effects?"

Three minutes later, the bedroom door opened.

Han Meiqing stepped out. At this time, she put on a set of tight-fitting running clothes and tied her long hair into a ponytail. She did not look like a fifty-year-old woman. Many people would believe her even if she said she was thirty years old.

Han Meiqing saw Xiao Changkun squatting on the ground and asked hurriedly: "Chang Kun, why are you squatting here?"

Xiao Changkun quickly stood up and said awkwardly: "It's okay, I'll take a rest."

After saying that, he took a closer look at Han Meiqing, who was wearing tight clothes. Her perfect figure almost made him lose his eyesight.

He really didn't expect that Han Meiqing could still maintain such a good figure at such an old age.

Because this kind of tights can very much expose your figure. If you have a little bit of fat on your body, you can clearly see it under this kind of tights.

But there is absolutely nothing wrong with Han Meiqing's figure.

Seeing that Xiao Changkun was in a daze, Han Meiqing felt a little ashamed in her heart, but she didn't care and said too much, "Let's go out quickly, I'm almost overheated."

Xiao Changkun could only nodded angrily and followed Han Meiqing downstairs.

The villa area where Han Meiqing lives is not far from the river. Go out from the front door of the community, pass through a green area, then cross a road, and you will go directly to Jiangbian Road.

In recent years, the country has been encouraging people to strengthen physical exercise, so Jinling City built a 20-kilometer-long road along the river, half of which is a track paved with rubber particles, specifically for citizens to run for fitness.

Since Han Meiqing has lived here, she has basically gone out for a run every day. The reason why she has such a good figure is that she has been exercising and shaping her body for decades.

On the other hand, Xiao Changkun, although his health is not bad, is just an ordinary middle-aged person. He seldom exercises. Apart from drinking tea, dishing beads, and dishing walnuts, his biggest exercise every day is to hang out with others at the calligraphy and painting association.

Nonsense, your words are much smarter than your legs.

Therefore, as soon as he started running with Han Meiqing, within three minutes, he was out of breath and unable to keep up.

But looking at Han Meiqing, it was as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood. Not to mention she was out of breath due to such a small amount of exercise, her complexion did not even change at all.

Soon, Xiao Changkun couldn't bear it anymore and gasped: "I really can't run anymore, how about we take a rest?"

Not only did Han Meiqing not feel tired, but she felt like she hadn't even started to get into the mood yet.

So, she hurriedly said: "Chang Kun, why don't you walk slowly by yourself first, and I'll run for a while and then come back to find you. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel that all my strength is useless. I can only rely on my two legs."

consumption, so I can’t stop at all.”

Xiao Changkun gritted his teeth and said, "Then let me go with you."

After saying that, he quickly used all his strength to follow her.

Source of "Dragon Son-in-law Coming to the Door":

This chapter has been completed!
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