Chapter 2614

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At that time, Jobs treated her as a guest, and when Apple's market value was only a few billion dollars, she used hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for 10% of Apple's shares."

"Today, Apple's market value is more than 2 trillion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 15 trillion RMB.

The 10 shares your mother invested back then, after rounds of dilution and reduction, should now be around 6."

"How much does it cost when converted into RMB? It's almost 900 billion.

"But your mother not only invested in Steve Jobs' Apple, she also invested in her junior classmates at Stanford, Larry and Page."

"Larry Page is the founder of Google. Google Search, Google Maps, Android mobile phone system, and the famous intelligent Go robot AlphaGo some time ago are all products of this company.

"The market value of this company now exceeds one trillion U.S. dollars, and your mother's venture capital fund's shareholding ratio in this company exceeds 10

"So, your mother's income from investing in these two companies alone has exceeded the total assets of the Ye family. If all the investment income of your mother's venture capital fund that year is included, the Su family and the Ye family plus

I'm afraid they are no match for him, let alone the assets of the entire An family.

When Ye Chen heard this, he was stunned

Many people know or have heard of the miracle of Silicon Valley back then, and Ye Chen is no exception.

Countless high-tech enterprises have been born here. There are countless companies with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars, several with a market value of more than 100 billion, and even two or three with a market value of more than 1 trillion.

Back then, anyone who could take money to invest in Silicon Valley, close their eyes and invest casually, would be able to invest in a lot of companies with unlimited potential.

The cool thing about investing is that the potential for growth is unimaginable.

That year, Japan’s Masayoshi Son invested US$20 million in Alibaba and made a full US$50 billion;

The South African Newspaper Group in South Africa invested more than 30 million US dollars in Tencent Group and earned a total of 130 billion US dollars.

This is the charm of investment. If you seize a potential stock, you can realize thousands of times of net profit.

These are classic investment cases that are familiar to the Chinese people.

But Ye Chen really didn't expect that his gentle, virtuous, knowledgeable and courteous mother would have such a glorious history.


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