Chapter 2653

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The height of seven or eight floors is almost 100% fatal for most ordinary people.

But to Ye Chen, it really wasn't a big deal.

The only thing he worries about is that when his height gets lower and lower, he will first drop to a height that is level with the top of the mountain. The most important thing is whether he will be discovered by the other party at this height.

To make sure, he put his hand into his pocket and held the Thunder Order in his pocket.

This thunder order is made of the ten-thousand-year-old lightning strike wood given by Song Wanting. It can be called the best among lightning strikes and is Ye Chen's most advantageous weapon.

Although he has used this Thunderbolt many times and has many cracks on its surface, it seems that it can at least be used a few more times.

Ye Chen actually doesn't like to use the Thunder Order because it makes a lot of noise every time, but this time, he still plans to use the Thunder Order to increase his success rate.

At this time, the entire mountainous area was quiet. There were few people here, and there were almost no vehicles driving on the roads. People below could hear no other sounds except the wind and the not-so-big raindrops.

But at this moment, in the western sky, a bolt of lightning suddenly lit up like the whip of God.

The lightning struck the top of the mountain in the west, instantly turning several soldiers in the fortifications into cokes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening thunder

The rumble of thunder was like a missile exploding, and it resounded throughout the valley.

On the plane, Han Guangyao was startled by the explosion. He blurted out: "Damn it, how can there be thunderstorms in winter in a place like the Middle East?"

Skydiving expert Vasily, because of professional requirements, is also a meteorological expert. Even he looked confused and muttered: "This is unscientific. I specially retrieved today's satellite weather map. Today's climate status,

There are simply no conditions for thunderclouds to form.

The crew also didn't understand.

The crew of this plane are all extremely experienced pilots, but most experienced pilots must be meteorologists, and they are well-informed meteorologists.

They have a very good understanding of various climates and weather formations, and can basically tell what is going on at a glance.

But no one thought that such winter rain clouds, which could not even bring a moderate rain, would suddenly cause a thunderstorm.

Only Chen Zekai felt much more at ease when he heard the loud noise. He knew that this thunder must be caused by Ye Chen

At this moment, all the opposition soldiers, local villagers, and even the eight hostages including He Zhiqiu were also frightened by the sudden thunder.

For these people, the noise of the thunder just now was so loud that they had almost never encountered it in their lives.

Many people have experienced tinnitus in their ears due to this thunder explosion.

Those with slightly fragile eardrums will feel severe pain from deep in the ears.

Except for the imprisoned people, almost everyone else walked out of the door immediately, or turned their heads and focused their attention on the West Mountain where the lightning occurred. The few surviving soldiers on the top of the West Mountain also panicked and reported through the intercom

Specific losses.

After hearing the news that a lightning strike killed five soldiers, the entire opposition was horrified from top to bottom.

They have never encountered such a terrifying thing. A bolt of lightning can kill five people. How powerful is this bolt of lightning?

Most of the soldiers thought that this was the anger of the gods, and many of them knelt on the ground without hesitation and prayed to the gods for forgiveness.

Unlike most soldiers with little education, the leader of this opposition force was an intellectual who had attended a military academy. The moment he heard the news, he immediately realized that the reason why the fortifications on the top of the west mountain were struck by lightning must have been

It's because they are on higher ground, which creates a lightning rod effect.

So, he immediately ordered all the soldiers in the fortifications on the top of the east mountain to hide in the fortifications to avoid another lightning strike.

This further helped Ye Chen. After the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop received the news, they all retreated into bunkers within the fortifications, not daring to show their heads for fear of being struck by lightning again.

Just as the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop were hiding, and everyone else was staring at the west, horrified, in the gray sky, an inconspicuous figure fell from the sky above the eastern part of the base at an extremely fast speed.

However, at this time, everyone, including the soldiers on the eastern mountaintop, focused their attention on the west, so no one noticed the passing figure at all.

And this figure is Ye Chen who jumped down from an altitude of more than 5,000 meters.


This chapter has been completed!
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