Chapter 2746

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However, precisely because of Ye Chen's keen hearing, the sound was like an elastic band breaking before his eyes.

Therefore, he realized almost immediately that there was something wrong with He Zhiqiu's upper body clothing.

He was also wondering in his heart: "What on earth is going on? Is it because the clothes I bought are of inferior quality?"

But it shouldn’t be. Even if the quality is not good, the threads and threads will be loose at most. There is no need to fall apart.

"Could it be

A possibility suddenly appeared in Ye Chen's mind, and he was immediately startled.

He subconsciously looked at He Zhiqiu, and suddenly found that the curve of her upper body wrapped in the dress seemed to have swelled a little in an instant.

“Is it because the size I bought is too small?


Ye Chen suddenly realized the crux of the problem

The dress he bought was a high-end custom-made one, so it showed off her figure very well.

In other words, when you put on this suit, the advantages and disadvantages of your figure will be very obvious.

Looking at the way He Zhiqiu put on this outfit earlier, it could be seen that he really didn't have much money in terms of figure. He didn't dare to say that it was an airport, nor was it any better than an airport.

But looking at it now, it’s obviously hills.

This also means that He Zhiqiu's figure is actually very impressive and was just hidden before.

Combined with the muffled sound just now,


Ye Chen immediately wanted to understand what happened

At this moment, Ye Chen felt very embarrassed.

I bought some inner and outer clothing for someone with good intentions. I wanted to make it convenient for them, but now what?

Not only did it bring a lot of trouble to people, it even caused such great embarrassment.

We have to go to a restaurant to eat next, so we can't just let He Zhiqiu go like this.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen sighed inwardly and thought to himself: "Hey, I've done something wrong, so I'd better find a way to make up for it."

So, he said calmly: "My car is parked below. Let's go to the hotel first. I have some personal matters, which may delay me for about ten minutes. Please ask Uncle He and Zhiqiu to wait for me at the hotel for a while."

He Yuanjiang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. If you have something to do, just go and do it. I just don't have class in the afternoon, so don't be in a hurry."

He Zhiqiu on the side didn't hear what Ye Chen was saying at all because he was extremely embarrassed at this time and his mind was full of thinking about what to do next.

Now she really wanted to find a reason to withdraw first, and then quickly buy a pair of well-fitting underwear to change out of.

But then she thought: "I can't walk by myself now. After all, I'm in such an embarrassing situation. If someone sees it when taking a taxi or shopping, wouldn't it be embarrassing? I'd better talk to Ye Chen first."

Let's go have dinner with dad. After dinner, go home with dad. When you get home, use needle and thread to mend the broken one, and then go out and buy a new one.

Thinking of this, she walked nervously behind the two of them. At the same time, she couldn't control her eyes, looking left and right, for fear of being discovered by others at this time.

Fortunately, all the professors and staff of the school went to have dinner at noon, so I didn’t meet anyone else along the way.

It wasn't until he sat in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce that He Zhiqiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Chen was thinking about making up for his mistakes, so while driving, he kept an eye on nearby shopping malls to see if there was any suitable place, and later bought a new set for He Zhiqiu.

When he was approaching Tianxiang Mansion, he finally saw a comprehensive shopping mall next to him. One of the several huge billboards at the entrance of the shopping mall was a brand of women's underwear, and he was relieved.

At this moment, He Zhiqiu also saw this billboard, and couldn't help crying silently in his heart: "Imagine being like the superpowers in the movie, teleporting to this store, buying something that fits and putting it on before teleporting."


This chapter has been completed!
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