Chapter 2761

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Chapter 2761

Ye Zhongquan was extremely helpless: "What's the point of...this childish quibble?"

Ye Chen said seriously: "I'm not making excuses, this is the actual situation. Su Shoudao didn't check into Buckingham Palace at all. His name is not included in the check-in information, and there is no video record of him entering the hotel on the monitor. Do you understand?"

Ye Zhongquan asked him hurriedly: "Did you erase all the surveillance videos when he checked in?"

"No." Ye Chen said lightly: "When he first moved in, he wanted to get close to Takehiko Ito quietly, but he was afraid that people from Buckingham Palace would discover his true identity, so he asked his subordinates to come over and open the room, and then

He disguised himself and moved in quietly, bypassing the surveillance cameras, so naturally he didn't leave any check-in information."

"So, if Su Chengfeng comes to you again, just tell him directly and say that he has checked the entire Buckingham Palace check-in information and there is no such person as Su Shoudao. If he is not convinced, ask him to produce evidence that Su Shoudao moved into Buckingham Palace.

Come here, or ask him to go directly to the police."

After saying that, Ye Chen said again: "Then you can bite him back and ask him what he really means. Is he deliberately trying to frame the Ye family and find a reason to start a war with the Ye family?"

Ye Zhongquan was dumbfounded when he heard this.

At first glance, I feel that the idea described by Ye Chen is not very reliable.

However, after thinking about it carefully, I think it seems to work.

Thinking about it more carefully, it even makes people marvel!

He couldn't hide the excitement in his heart and thought: "Damn it, if Su Shoudao moved into Buckingham Palace with such arrogance, he must be responsible for losing Buckingham Palace, and Buckingham Palace belongs to the Ye family. The Ye family won't give an explanation."

It just doesn’t make sense.”

"But... my door to Buckingham Palace is open 24 hours a day. You Su Shoudao can obviously walk in swaggeringly, but you insist on sneaking in like a mouse, and you take the initiative without leaving any traces. Then you...

Can you blame me for losing it? What a joke!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited and blurted out: "Chen'er, it turns out you have thought about this for a long time! This matter is really done beautifully!"

Ye Chen said calmly: "You can't even call it beautiful, but it won't bring you any trouble. But even if you say that, it will only make the Su family suffer a loss. The Su family will definitely still make Su Shoudao disappear."

The matter will be recorded on your head, but I am still young after all, so I have to help you take care of this matter."

Ye Zhongquan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. As long as Su Chengfeng has no direct evidence to prove that he is related to our Ye family, he will have no reason to start a war with us. If there is no reason to start a war and force a war, what do the people above think about them?"

It will only get bigger, so if this happens, Su Chengfeng will definitely not dare to make a mistake, and will only suffer the consequences of being dumb!"

After saying that, he hurriedly asked: "By the way, Chen'er, how did you get Su Shoudao to go to Syria? Could it be that he was sent to that Hamid?"

Ye Chen was not surprised when he heard him mention Hamid. After all, his entire trip to Syria was almost arranged by his subordinate Han Guangyao, and when Hamid sent him away, Han Guangyao also saw him.

Han Guangyao will definitely report these situations to Ye Zhongquan.

Therefore, Ye Chen also admitted very generously, saying: "I asked Su Shoudao to sponsor Hamid with 100 million US dollars, and then sent him there to experience life. That place is isolated from the world. As long as I don't let go, I will give the Su family five

We may not be able to find him in ten years!”

When Ye Zhongquan heard this, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "Beautiful! Well done!"

This chapter has been completed!
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