Chapter 287

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Chapter 287

Ye Chen didn't expect that these people would all give him gifts in unison.

Moreover, the gifts they gave were each more expensive than the last.

Both sports cars cost 40 million yuan.

The Ming Dynasty Chenghua doucai wine cup cost at least 50 to 60 million yuan.

Wanting Song even directly gave her a check of 100 million yuan.

However, these are really insignificant things to Ye Chen.

First, the sports car was too flamboyant and he didn’t like it very much;

Secondly, antiques are too watery and he doesn’t like them either;

As for money, what he lacks most is money.

However, seeing that these four people were all looking forward to it, eager to accept their filial gifts, Ye Chen thought for a moment, but still did not refuse, but said lightly: "Okay, I will accept the things, you are interested."

Since they want to follow him and become a force under his command, it is appropriate for them to show some respect.

When everyone saw the gifts in his hands, they were relieved and all of them smiled happily.

Ye Chen casually stuffed the 100 million yuan cash check, two smart bracelet keys, and a Chenghua Doucai cup into his pocket, and then said calmly: "Okay, everyone, let's eat!"

Everyone hurriedly said: "Eat, eat!"

At this time, Mr. Hong Wu stood up from the ground and said, "Master Ye, Hong Wu continues to wait at the door."

Ye Chen nodded and did not leave him alone.

To these people sitting here, Hong Wu is indeed not on the stage.

The gangsters on the road, no matter how good they are, are still gangsters, and they are more beaten than the wealthy people from these big families.

After dinner, Ye Chen declined Song Wanting's request to drive him and walked home alone.

After Wanting Song thanked him profusely, she drove her limited-edition Bentley car back to her villa.

While holding the steering wheel with one hand, she held two magic pills with the other hand. She wondered in her mind, should she give both pills to her grandfather, or should she just keep one for herself?

If she gave it all to her grandfather, she would probably miss this magical medicine, so she was somewhat reluctant to give it up.

However, if I keep one on my own initiative, if grandpa finds out in the future, will it cause trouble?

After thinking about it, her desire for the magic medicine trumped another thought. She carefully placed the magic medicine in the glove box of the car and decided to take the magic medicine first. If she needed it in the future, she would use it.

If you don't need it but grandpa needs it, you can take it out again.

When the time comes, I will dedicate the magic medicine to my grandfather twice to extend his life. I believe that he will look at me differently.

After returning home, Mr. Song, who was half-lying on the sofa and resting, couldn't wait any longer.

Last time Ye Chen came to his home, although he was rescued, his condition was not improved. He is still a little old and sick. After these few days of rest, his health has improved slightly.

But you still need help from others or a cane to stand or walk.

For an old man who has been proud and accomplished a lot throughout his life, physical inconvenience has become the biggest regret in his old life.

And now, he pinned everything on the magic medicine refined by Master Ye Chenye.

This chapter has been completed!
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