Chapter 2886

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Chapter 2886

However, he didn't know how to answer this, so he could only respond with a dry laugh.

Xuan Fengnian looked at the security guard standing motionless next to him, stretched out his hand, and suddenly shouted: "Come back!"

Suddenly, a white insect the size of an adult sea cucumber emerged from the hair on top of the security guard's head. The insect was white and fat, with a huge mouthpart filled with broken black teeth and a red and white stripe hanging from it.

The thing looks extremely disgusting.

After the insect emerged from the top of the security guard's head, it suddenly twisted its body, like a carp jerking, and flew into the air, and flew straight into Xuan Fengnian's hand.

Xuan Fengnian dragged the fat insect with one hand and stroked it lovingly with the other.

The insect rolled back and forth in his hand, making a strange squeaking sound.

Xuan Fengnian caressed and muttered: "I know you haven't eaten enough, don't worry, this is all you have today, I will find you some food tomorrow!"

Immediately afterwards, the insect stirred again and squeaked like a mouse.

Xuan Fengnian raised his head, looked at Mai Chengxing and Mike, sneered, and said to the insect: "These two are not your food, they are my friends. Don't mess around. Get a good sleep first. Tomorrow

I’ll make sure you’re well fed!”

When Mai Chengxing and Mike heard this, they realized that this fat white insect actually wanted to eat them both. They were suddenly frightened and felt a chill in their backs.

Seeing Xuan Fengnian put the bug into his arms, Mai Chengxing quickly got to the point and asked, "I don't know why Master Xuan came to me so late. What's the matter?"

Xuan Fengnian smiled sinisterly and said: "The old man of the Su family called me again today. I could tell that he was very angry and couldn't wait to find out the hidden master in Jinling and deal with it quickly."

As he spoke, he added: "What I am good at is killing people, not finding people, so if you ask me to keep looking for a needle in a haystack, I really don't know how long it will take to find that kid, so I have to ask Mr. Mai

Sir, after all, you can do calculations, and you will definitely be able to find more relevant clues."

Mai Chengxing asked in surprise: "How does Master Xuan know that the person we are looking for is a boy?"

Xuan Fengnian smiled and said: "Mr. Su called and told me some new information. The boy is about twenty-five years old, and he is no more than thirty years old. He is very strong, at least stronger than the jounin among Japanese ninjas, and he is

He is most likely of Japanese-Chinese origin. Did he not tell your mother these clues?"

Mai Chengxing shook his head and said, "Mr. Su has not contacted me in the past two days."

Xuan Fengnian nodded and added: "It is said that this person has an unusual relationship with Mr. Su's granddaughter. Maybe they are a happy couple."

"I originally wanted to capture his granddaughter and torture him to get to the bottom of it, but Mr. Su is afraid of wolves and tigers. No one can touch his granddaughter unless he does it now, so I couldn't find any breakthrough point at the moment.


"So I wanted Mr. Mai to follow this line and see if a master like you, who is proficient in the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes and the secrets of Feng Shui, can find any clues."

Speaking of this, Xuan Fengnian sighed and said: "Mr. Mai, both of us should work together to find that person and kill him as soon as possible, or we can go back to our homes and find our mothers as soon as possible."

"In that case, I can complete the second mission of the Su family earlier and get the money to return to England, and you can also return to your America earlier."

This chapter has been completed!
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