Chapter 2941

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Chapter 2941

At this moment, Su Zhiyu had left Buckingham Palace and came to the old house photographed by her mother Du Haiqing.

Du Haiqing has contacted a local decoration company and plans to renovate this old house. She also hopes to move here for a while after the renovation is completed as soon as possible, so she is very concerned about this matter.

When Su Zhiyu arrived in front of the old house, Du Haiqing was in the yard, happily telling a designer about his renovation plan.

Su Zhiyu saw her mother's happy face through the fence gate, and felt extremely relieved.

She knew that now, her mother really wanted to live for herself.

Not just mom.

She felt that from now on, she should live for herself, no longer be bound by the Su family, and work hard to live the way she wanted.

Du Haiqing was explaining the design direction he wanted to the designer when he suddenly caught a glimpse of his daughter standing at the entrance of the courtyard. He was surprised and hurriedly waved to her: "Zhiyu, come here quickly!"

Su Zhiyu opened the door with a smile and asked Du Haiqing: "Mom, have you decided how to decorate it?"

Du Haiqing nodded, pointed to the young female designer next to him, and said happily: "Xiao Wang and I have almost communicated. The decoration ideas are mainly nostalgic. Mom still hopes to have some sense of the times."

Su Zhiyu said with a smile: "Then use modern materials and techniques and carry out construction according to the style of twenty years ago. Today's materials and techniques have been greatly improved as a whole. This can also ensure quality, environmental protection and comfort."


The female designer on the side nodded repeatedly and said: "You are right. Our general idea now is to use modern materials and techniques to create a nostalgic and retro style, and then try to make this old house more comfortable and livable."

After saying that, the female designer added: "By the way, Aunt Du, your specific design plan has to wait for our boss to come up with a set of detailed design drawings, especially some functional parts, which we have to let our boss think about."

We have to do a good job in concealing the project. You want this retro style, so we have to make the self-heating, central air conditioning, fresh air system and wireless network as concealed as possible, otherwise it will look very obtrusive."

Du Haiqing said with a smile: "By the way, Xiao Wang, your boss gave me a general idea that day, saying that the current wooden beams can be replaced with metal structures, and then sprayed with wood. In this way, it will look like wood.

There is no difference between the beams, and the middle of the metal structure can be used to get out the air ducts, and then the color of the air outlets is made exactly the same as the beams. As for the fresh air system, ground air supply is used, and the air outlets are hidden in the skirting.

I think this plan is quite reliable. Please tell your boss and help me refine the specific plan. It would be best if you could make a rendering for me."

The female designer said without hesitation: "Okay Aunt Du, I will tell our boss when I get back and try to make these projects as concealed as possible."

After saying that, she asked again: "By the way, Aunt Du, do you really not plan to harden the ground in the yard? It is difficult to take care of this kind of dirt ground when it rains."

Du Haiqing waved his hand: "Except for the roads leading in and out, I won't do any hardening. When spring comes, I will spread some grass seeds. When the lawn grows up, it will be very beautiful."

After saying that, she asked again: "By the way, Xiao Wang, are you a native of Jinling?"

The other party nodded and said, "Yes, Aunt Du, my home is only a few kilometers away from here."

Du Haiqing pointed to the withered wall-creepers on the walls of the house and the courtyard fence, and asked: "Do you think these wall-creepers can still grow back in spring? This house has been idle for a long time. I really don't know about these wall-creepers."

The wall tiger is dead or alive."

The female designer smiled and said: "Aunt Du, the wall-creeper is very vital in our Jiangnan. Even when it's cold, it seems like a dead branch, but when spring comes, new buds will grow, and in midsummer

When it was old, the front wall could be climbed all over. This old red brick house with green wall creepers is so beautiful!"

This chapter has been completed!
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