Chapter 3120

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During this period, Su Shoudao has been counting the days, because he knows that the time for Qingming is getting closer and closer, which means that the day for his return to China is getting closer and closer.

Although he also knew that the so-called return to the country was actually being escorted by Ye Chen to the Ye family's ancestral grave and kowtow to Ye Changying to confess his guilt. To him, this was essentially a complete insult.

But even so, he was very much looking forward to this day coming as soon as possible.

Because, he knew one thing very well in his heart, that is: "If I stay in this barren place like Syria, in Hamid's base, then my whereabouts will never be known to my family!"

"But if Ye Chen allows me to return to China, even if he allows me to kowtow at the Ye family's ancestral grave and admit my mistakes, I will have a certain chance to let the Su family know my specific situation!"

"I can't tell. Father can still find a way to rescue me."

"If it doesn't work out, he can still negotiate with Ye Chen. The worst he can do is give away some benefits and get me back."

"So, even if there is only one percent chance, it is better than no chance at all!"

During this period, Su Shoudao's life in Syria was not easy.

It's easy to say that the conditions are difficult. I didn't get used to it at first, but I gradually became able to accept it some days.

However, the most depressing thing for Su Shoudao during the recent period is that Hamid didn't know which part was wrong. He started to build infrastructure in this mountain nest!

In the surrounding mountains, the deafening sound of construction could be heard 24 hours a day, and the roaring sounds of various machines surrounded him.

According to his observation, there are now more than one concrete mixing station built in the base, which produces concrete 24 hours a day, and then transports it to the surrounding hillsides station by station by high-pressure concrete pumps. On the surrounding hillsides, explosives are used to blast the mountains.

Activities also occur from time to time. Cannons will be set off at an unknown time, and sometimes cannons will be set off even in the early morning.

Every time a cannon is fired, the ground is shaken.

That's all. What's even more annoying is that every time explosives are fired into the mountain, countless pickaxes and wind cannons roar like heavy machine guns.

It was just dawn in the Middle East at this time, but Su Shoudao had finally fallen asleep with difficulty in the night with the roar of machines two hours ago.

He had just slept for two hours when he heard several explosions rumbling outside. The shock of the explosion almost collapsed the roof of his house, which frightened him and woke him up from his sleep. He thought there was a war, so he jumped out.

Run outside.

As soon as he ran out, he was immediately spotted by a soldier standing guard on the opposite roof. The soldier immediately pointed a gun at him and shouted angrily in less than fluent Chinese: "What are you doing?! If you try to run out again, I will shoot you!"

Su Shoudao scolded his mother angrily and blurted out: "You're still staring at me? The enemy's artillery shells are all coming. Why don't you hurry up and go to the front line to support me!"

When the man heard this, he lowered his gun and waved his hand and said: "Don't be afraid, there is no war. Our engineering battalion was digging into the mountain. We just detonated six explosive points on the working surface in one go, so the noise was a little louder. I'm kidding."



Su Shoudao jumped up and cursed: "Are you people sick? They kept firing cannons all day long to open up the mountain. After firing the cannons, more than a hundred typhoon pickaxes were crackling on the mountain. They were building randomly day and night, and there were ten more

A few air compressors. Those crappy things suddenly start making loud rumbling noises at every turn, as if they are suffering from Parkinson’s convulsions and are not letting people live anymore?!”

This chapter has been completed!
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