Chapter 3196

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Ye Chen smiled and said: "An ordinary plane may take 10 hours, but Concorde takes 5 hours."

"Fuck..." Hamid exclaimed: "You have a Concorde. I'm so impressed..."

Ye Chen said calmly: "It's not mine, I borrowed it."

Hamid blurted out: "It's a skill to be able to see such an awesome airplane!"

Ye Chen smiled noncommittally and said, "Set an alarm to get up in five hours. Get some rest quickly. We'll see you in five hours."

"Okay!" Hamid said excitedly: "See you in five hours!"

Soon, the Concorde flew into the sky at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters against the backdrop of the morning glow, flying rapidly towards the west.


More than four hours later, the Concorde landed smoothly at Beirut Airport in Lebanon.

Waiting to greet Ye Chen at Beirut Airport was Ye Zhongquan's subordinate from last time, Han Guangyao.

As soon as Ye Chen got off the plane, Han Guangyao hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Master, you have worked hard all the way."

Ye Chen waved his hand: "No hard work, is the plane ready? When will it leave?"

Han Guangyao pointed to the twin-propeller transport plane next to the Concorde and said, "Master, the plane can take off at any time."

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded: "Without further delay, let's get started."

Han Guangyao hurriedly led Ye Chen towards the transport plane, and said very seriously: "Master, the current situation in Syria has changed greatly from the last time you came here. The government army has now recruited more than 10,000 soldiers from overseas.

The elites of the Dragon Palace have fought Hamid back and forth for two or three times. Now they have completely blocked Hamid's base, and they are still shrinking the encirclement. You must control the direction when you parachute.

Don't deviate from your destination. Once you do, you may end up on top of the opponent."

Ye Chen nodded and said: "I understand. Also, does the other party have long-range surface-to-air weapons? Will your transport plane be detected by their radar when it flies over their heads?"

Han Guangyao waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, they have no air defense radars or surface-to-air missiles. The few air defense systems the Syrian military has are deployed at the border, and all the opposition forces in the country do not have fixed-wing aircraft."

, there is no need for that kind of air defense system, and the same goes for Wanlong Palace, they are good at special warfare and don’t have any heavy weapons.”

"Good." Ye Chen praised, "Old Han, you have a very clear grasp of the situation in Syria."

Han Guangyao said hurriedly: "I also knew that you were coming, young master, so I looked for someone at night and made inquiries."

As he said that, Han Guangyao couldn't help but ask him: "Master, I asked you to ask for him, have you made a plan to escape unscathed? It's hard to get in and out of Syria now!"

Ye Chen smiled confidently and said seriously: "Don't worry, I have my own plan."

For Ye Chen, there are only two ways to leave Syria with Su Shoudao.

One way is to sneak away with him all the way, but this is too hard and risky. It is tiring and difficult to take Su Shoudao out on dozens of kilometers of mountain roads without being discovered by the soldiers surrounding him.

The other option is to directly ask Hamid to arrange for the helicopter to fly out, but this is more dangerous because the helicopter flies low and slow. Although it is difficult for the shoulder-mounted Stinger missile to hit a fixed-wing aircraft, it is difficult to hit a helicopter.

If so, it would be almost a sure shot, and he might be targeted by the opponent's shoulder-launched missile as soon as he took off.

Therefore, Ye Chen thought about it and felt that there was only one feasible way for him to lead Su Shoudao out, and that was to capture the other party's top commander like he did when he took He Zhiqiu away last time, and then use the emperor to command the princes!

This chapter has been completed!
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