Chapter 3316

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Chapter 3316

At the head of the convoy were more than twenty pure black Rolls-Royce vehicles, followed by several extended Land Rover off-road vehicles.

The most shocking thing is that behind the off-road vehicle, there are twenty or thirty extended flatbed transport trucks!

And on each of these flatbed transport trucks, there were several cheap and low-quality coffins placed horizontally!

Since the flatbed transport truck has no fence at all, these coffins are all fixed to the flatbed truck with bright red ropes.

What’s even more outrageous is that these coffins are not only fixed with bright red ropes, but there is also a huge red flower woven from red satin hanging on each coffin!

In Chinese funeral customs, black and white are the main colors, supplemented by yellow and purple.

The color red is extremely taboo!

The dark coffin with red ropes and red satin flowers gives people a strange feeling.

When the Ye family's bodyguards saw this scene, they became alert.

Hundreds of people immediately blocked the opponent's convoy and locked the gate of the manor.

A nursing home manager stood up and shouted at the Les Les convoy: "This is the center of the Ye Mansion! No one can get close! If you don't retreat, don't blame us for being rude!"

At this time, the Rolls-Royce at the front slowly stopped.

Immediately, the car door opened, and Lu Haotian, the white-robed Tiger King of Wanlong Palace, stepped out.

The head nurse of the Ye family stepped forward and asked coldly: "Who are you? What do you mean?"

Lu Haotian sneered and said: "Who am I? You, a mere local dog guarding the courtyard, don't deserve to know! Go and tell the direct members of the Ye family that the coffins prepared by our palace master for them have been delivered! Let them give it to them one by one.

I crawled out on my knees to sign for it!”

The head nurse of the Ye family was immediately furious and blurted out: "How outrageous! You are so brave! If you don't get out of here, I won't be polite!"

The director of the nursing home of the Ye family is a three-star warrior, and his strength is comparable to that of Mr. He of the Su family. In the martial arts field that he knows, the only four-star warrior is He Hongsheng of the He family, and no one else is possible.

Higher than four stars.

And Lu Haotian's strength is that of a real six-star warrior, so the head of the nursing home of the Ye family can't see his strength at all.

At this time, Lu Haotian glared at him and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "A country dog ​​like you is worthy of shouting in front of me?"

After saying that, he frowned and shouted angrily: "Die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Haotian immediately punched the Ye family manager in the abdomen.

The punch was so fast that everyone present could not see clearly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Ye family's nursing home manager suddenly flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, blood spurted out from his mouth with great pressure, drawing an arc-shaped blood mist in the air...

After flying upside down for dozens of meters, the most powerful nursing home manager of the Ye family hit the door of the Ye family manor heavily. His eyes widened, his face was as pale as paper, and his abdomen

, a large piece of it has deflated visible to the naked eye!

Immediately afterwards, he slipped from the door like a free fall, fell to the ground, and died!

This chapter has been completed!
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