Chapter 1791 One hundred billion a year is not difficult!

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After Ye Chen and Lai Qinghua said goodbye to each other on the phone, Chen Zekai also drove the car to the door of Tianxiang Mansion.

Also coming out to greet Hong Wu was Wei Liang, the general manager of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.

Seeing Ye Chen, Wei Liang hurriedly stepped forward respectfully and said: "Master Ye!"

Ye Chen didn't expect Wei Liang to arrive so quickly, so he couldn't help but smile: "Why did you arrive so quickly?"

Wei Liang said hurriedly: "Mr. Chen said you had something to do with me, so I came over quickly."

Ye Chen nodded and said with a smile: "I want to talk to you about the new medicine. Let's go in and talk."

Hong Wu quickly said: "Master Ye, the diamond box is ready, please take it!"

Ye Chen then said: "Let's all come together."

Several people came to the diamond box with Ye Chen. After taking their seats, Ye Chen went straight to the point and asked Wei Liang: "How is the recent business situation of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical?"

Wei Liang couldn't hide his excitement and said: "Master Ye, our Jiu Xuan Wei Powder is currently selling very well, and has successfully entered the markets of some developed countries in Europe and the United States. The global monthly sales exceed 2 billion yuan, and it is still rising.

It’s definitely no problem for annual sales to exceed 30 billion.”

Ye Chen didn't feel much when he heard this data. Instead, Chen Zekai was shocked and asked: "Just for Jiuxuan Weisan, the global sales in one month exceeded 2 billion yuan?"

Wei Liang smiled and said: "Mr. Chen, this is only the situation where we only enter half of the developed countries in Europe and the United States. You must know that Jiuxuanwei is scattered overseas. No matter which country's currency it is, the actual pricing converted to the US dollar exchange rate is approximately

It’s about 100 US dollars, which is equivalent to about 600 yuan in RMB. After deducting production costs, tariffs and corporate income taxes, and then deducting channel expenses, publicity expenses and logistics expenses, the net profit is about 40% to 50%.”

Chen Zekai couldn't help but exclaimed: "If all European and American countries win, wouldn't it be possible to double the number?"

"Yes." Wei Liang explained: "Many countries in Europe and the United States have strict approval requirements for overseas imported drugs, requiring us to provide relatively complete pharmacological experiments and clinical trial data, and even pharmacokinetics, which also require us to provide detailed information.

Data, the most troublesome thing is that they require us to publish the prescriptions, and we are still mediating with the relevant local agencies on this."

Ye Chen said calmly: "It is absolutely impossible for Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's prescription to be leaked. They don't even have to think about it."

Wei Liang said with some embarrassment: "But Master Ye...if the other party insists, if we don't agree, the other party will not approve our drugs to be marketed in their country."

Ye Chen asked back: "Are there no exceptions to this policy?"

"Yes, yes..." Wei Liang explained: "If it is a special drug related to a major disease with a high mortality rate, it can be specially approved in some cases, but it is basically for cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc.

These serious diseases with high mortality, or chronic diseases such as diabetes that require long-term medication, if there are specific drugs in these fields, they will usually open an opening and let the drugs in first."

Speaking of this, Wei Liang said awkwardly: "However, our Jiuxuanweishan cannot reach this level of urgency. After all, ours is a conditioning stomach medicine, which is mainly used to solve patients' long-term or sudden gastric discomfort.

Symptoms such as indigestion are not serious illnesses."

Ye Chen nodded and asked him: "Which countries have not entered yet?"

Wei Liang said: "The biggest unentered market is the United States. The FDA's requirements in the United States are indeed too strict and the process is cumbersome, so it is more difficult. However, we have successfully entered its two neighboring countries, Canada and Mexico. As for Europe,

The biggest ones that have not yet entered the market are Germany and the UK."

Speaking of this, Wei Liang sighed: "Actually, the three countries, the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, have great potential!"

"Moreover, the alcohol consumption in these three countries is very high, so the probability of their people suffering from gastric discomfort is much higher, and the demand for various gastric medicines is also the highest in the world. If our Jiuxuanweisan can successfully enter the market

In these countries, I predict that our annual sales will exceed 200 million boxes!"

"Among them, the domestic market accounts for about 30 to 50 million boxes, and the rest are all in overseas markets. In that case, the sales volume will be around 100 billion, and the net profit will be around 45 billion."

Zekai Chen couldn't help but exclaimed: "A drug sells for 100 billion a year... This is too scary..."

Wei Liang said hurriedly: "Mr. Chen doesn't know something. The sales volume of global best-selling drugs is indeed amazing. In recent years, the global drug sales champion is almost 20 billion US dollars. Among the top ten, the lowest one is several billion dollars."

U.S. dollars, any of those world-famous drugs, if you take any of them, their annual sales are over one billion U.S. dollars."

With that said, Wei Liang added: "Our country's gastrointestinal drugs alone exceed 50 billion yuan a year. Combined with the relatively low drug prices in our country, the annual global sales of gastrointestinal drugs are estimated to be around 500 billion yuan."

, and our Jiuxuan Wei Powder itself is the most effective one, and the price sold overseas is a very high premium. So based on this calculation, as long as we can enter the world, it is not difficult to sell 100 billion yuan a year.


Hong Wu couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder the pharmaceutical industry is said to be the most profitable. Even the money printing press may not be able to match this revenue capability!"

Chen Zekai smiled and said: "Hong Wu, the pharmaceutical industry has to make money in order to stimulate those pharmaceutical companies to develop more and better drugs. You have to know that a large part of the reason why the average life expectancy has increased so fast in the past few decades is that

In fact, they are all supported by various special medicines."

"That's right." Wei Liang said in agreement: "The continuous improvement of medical standards in recent years is a very important reason why the average life expectancy has increased significantly. Many diseases were still terminal illnesses a few decades ago, but now they have been gradually overcome by modern medicine.

He has made great contributions to both medical treatment and drug research and development, which is why I personally have great enthusiasm for the pharmaceutical industry!"

Hong Wu suddenly interjected from the side: "Oh, by the way, I heard that cancer will also be conquered now?"

Wei Liang shook his head and smiled: "There are just some new treatments, including the latest immunotherapy and cell therapy, but they are still far from being conquered. When will the treatment of cancer be as simple as treating ordinary infections?

It’s called complete conquest.”

Hong Wu said with a smile: "I think with the current speed of scientific development, cancer should be conquered very quickly!"

Wei Liang said seriously: "Actually, I personally am not that optimistic about conquering cancer. However, I do think that using specific drugs and targeted drugs to gradually turn cancer into a chronic disease so that patients can survive with cancer for a long time will be the future treatment."

A general direction for cancer.”

Speaking of this, Wei Liang said with a look of longing: "Think about it, everyone, if the treatment of cancer in the future can be like the treatment of diabetes now, and patients can only use drugs to maintain their survival for a relatively long time, then they will already be human beings."

A huge victory for the medical field."

After saying that, Wei Liang continued: "If any pharmaceutical company can develop such a special medicine, it will become the most popular and loved company by the people in any country!"

Ye Chen heard this and asked him curiously: "Wei Liang, if any company can really produce such a special medicine, will those countries still have so many requirements for the inbound sales of medicines?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Wei Liang said almost without thinking: "Master Ye, if anyone can develop such a drug, I am afraid that any country in the world will desperately invite their products to be sold in their own country..."

After a pause, Wei Liang added: "Moreover, if the production capacity of this drug is not enough to support the world's demand, then I believe that many countries may even fight over drug quotas!"

This chapter has been completed!
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