Chapter 1833 Intelligence Network

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After hearing that Rutgers asked him to lead a team to China for investigation and research, Nakamura Shunpei was extremely excited.

He agreed without hesitation, stood up straight like a soldier, then bowed and said: "Please rest assured, Mr. Rogers, I will do my best to complete the task!"

Rogers was very satisfied with Nakamura Junpei's attitude and said: "When you arrive in China, you must give me all the details and don't let go of any clues!"

Nakamura Junpei nodded repeatedly and said without hesitation: "I will do my best next time!"

Shunpei Nakamura has been in the United States for so many years. Although he has been working very hard, because he is Asian, he has never received much attention in the team dominated by Europeans and Americans, so he has never received good promotion opportunities.

As he continues to grow older, Nakamura Shunpei has begun to worry about his future in the past two years.

His current income cannot be said to be much in the United States, but it is certainly a lot to say it is small.

But because his wife is a very traditional Japanese woman, her daily job is to take care of her husband and raise children at home, so he has to bear all the expenses of the entire family by himself.

Nakamura Junpei has three children. The eldest one is about to go to college, and the two younger ones are studying in middle school. However, because the children immigrated halfway, their English proficiency is not very good. In American schools, their grades are only

Can be considered medium.

Especially his eldest son, who is about to go to college, but has no chance of getting a college scholarship, so all the expenses for college in the future will cost at least thirty to forty thousand dollars a year.

Coupled with the mortgage loan, car loan, property taxes and other expenses, Nakamura Junpei is under increasing pressure.

Therefore, Shunpei Nakamura, who has passed middle age, now only wants to climb higher.

At the very least, it must be such that my wife and children can easily cope with their future life and studies without being wronged.

Because of this, when he heard the exchange between Rutgers and Smith just now, he volunteered to stand up and win Rutgers' favor with his remarks.

Rogers was indeed very satisfied with him and said: "Your Japanese cultural customs are all derived from China. I believe that you must be closer to the core essence of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical than everyone here, and you are an Oriental person like you."

Face, after arriving in China, you will be safer than others, so you must not let me down. After arriving in China, if you have any needs, just ask, and I will do my best to satisfy you."

"Okay, Mr. Rogers!" Nakamura Shunpei said excitedly: "Then I will start preparations and set off as soon as possible!"

Rogers nodded and said to the others: "Any one of you, as long as you are selected by Shunpei Nakamura, must unconditionally obey his arrangements and dispatches. He is the captain of this task force and the only supreme commander!


Everyone dared not have any objections, so they all nodded in agreement.

Nakamura Junpei immediately began to select his team members.

While he was actively preparing for his trip to China, the person in charge of the military here reported Rutgers' decision to the White House.

After the White House learned that reverse research and development had encountered some difficulties, it immediately instructed the CIA to immediately send agents to Jinling to try to obtain the entire formula of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill directly from within Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.

For them, this drug is of great significance and they cannot put all their hopes on the path of reverse research and development.

At the same time, Jinling, China.

The popularity of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills in the news remains high around the world.

This not only made Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical famous, but also caused the sales of Jiuxuan Weisan to rise rapidly.

Patients who had never used Jiuxuan Weishan before took the initiative to choose Jiuxuan Weishan because of the huge breakthrough of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill.

Jiuxuanweishan, with its powerful medicinal effect, makes these patients look at Jiuxuan Pharmaceuticals with admiration.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Wei Liang began the publicity work of Jiuxuan Liver Protective Tablets and Jiuxuan Gujin Powder.

When the outside world learned that Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical had a new drug and a new health product that were about to be launched, almost everyone was waiting for the official release of these two products.

Because in their opinion, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical can even develop specific cancer drugs, and Jiuxuan Weisan itself is extremely easy to use, so the level of other products will naturally not be any worse, and may even be among the best.

Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's several factories in China and Japan are operating at full capacity. According to Wei Liang's plan, in one month, Jiuxuan Liver Protecting Tablets and Jiuxuan Gujin Powder will be officially launched simultaneously worldwide.

The entire work at Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical was in full swing, but Wei Liang noticed something unusual.

Ever since the news about Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill came out, he found that there were more and more people of all kinds near the factory of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical.

The largest number of them are media reporters.

They all wanted to interview Wei Liang and ask him for more information about Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill.

Wei Liang is already used to this.

In addition, there were more patients and their family members who wanted to come over and buy some Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills. Although the security guards kept patiently explaining to them that Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills were not yet on the market, they still did not want to leave.


But this didn't make Wei Liang think there was anything strange.

What really made Wei Liang notice something unusual was that since yesterday, there had been many people of unknown origin near the factory.

Many security guards and employees reported that there were more people dressed as tourists around the factory, and there were many vehicles of various types parked on the roadside around the factory, and the traffic control staff could not drive them away even if they posted signs.

In addition, there are people who absentmindedly hand out flyers near the factory, and there are even people who hide a few kilometers away and fly drones to hover over Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical to take pictures.

After receiving these feedbacks, Wei Liang felt that Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical seemed to have been targeted by countless people, which made him somewhat uneasy.

So, he reported the news to Ye Chen. There were still many Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills in his office, and he became increasingly worried that someone would take advantage of these pills.

Ye Chen immediately asked Chen Zekai to arrange for a number of Wanlong Palace soldiers to be stationed at Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical. The only task of these people was to secretly ensure the safety of Wei Liang's office.

The incident of Ichiro Kobayashi stealing medicine was still fresh in Ye Chen's mind. Now that the popularity of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill has skyrocketed around the world, we must strictly prevent such things from happening.

As soon as he finished giving instructions to Chen Zekai, Ye Chen received a call from Wan Pojun. As soon as the call came through, Wan Pojun said respectfully on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Ye, I heard that the United States is currently reverse-engineering your Jiu Xuan.

Zaozao Pill!”

Ye Chen asked curiously: "Really? How did you know?"

Wan Pojun said: "Our intelligence network covers the United States, and we have informants in all walks of life. It happens that one of my informants is currently in one of the reverse research and development teams."

With that said, Wan Pojun roughly reported to Ye Chen what he had heard.

After Ye Chen heard this, he was not surprised by the United States' approach.

When he asked Wei Liang to take Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill to the United States, he expected that the other party would go all out to reverse engineer the drug.

However, he didn't care about it at all, because he knew very well that even if the United States emptied its entire treasury to develop Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill, it would never be successful.

Therefore, instead of worrying about their reverse research and development, Ye Chen was worried that they would not be fooled.

Once they fall for this trick, what awaits them is a never-ending dead end.

However, what really surprised Ye Chen was Wan Pojun's intelligence network.

He asked Wan Pojun: "I'm a little curious, why would a pharmaceutical research and development expert become your informant? Also, how could he think of revealing this news to you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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