Chapter 2083 Brooklyn

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Brooklyn, once the most famous ghetto in New York,

Although the environment has improved to some extent, relatively speaking, it is still the most chaotic area in New York with the worst public security.

Especially in North Brooklyn, there are a lot of blacks and Hispanics, and it is simply the best and largest source of recruits for the major gangs in New York.

Many young people here have been carrying guns around the city since they were twelve or thirteen years old, and they have begun to serve in the gang reserve.

By the time he was fourteen or fifteen years old, he was already engaging in eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, smashing, looting, and all kinds of evil.

Public security in this kind of place is extremely poor. If you pick ten young men at random on the street, you would expect to find eleven guns. On weekdays, not to mention ordinary people, even the police would not dare to patrol this kind of place.

Hattori Kazuo also agreed to Ye Chen's request and invited Fei Xuebin here.

Fei Xuebin saw the message and hurriedly said: "Dad, someone sent me a text message saying that if I want to know the whereabouts of Haoyang, I have to go to Brooklyn!"

When Fei Shanhai heard this, he slammed the table and said angrily: "Go! Get someone ready immediately! Also, quickly give your phone number to the intelligence department and ask them to monitor the location of this phone immediately!"

Fei Xuebin was slightly startled and asked, "Dad, should I go?"

"Nonsense!" Fei Shanhai blurted out: "If you don't go, why should I?"

Fei Xuebin said nervously: "The security in Brooklyn is too bad, and I'm worried that this is a trap..."

Fei Shanhai waved his hand and said: "There is nothing to worry about. Just go and let the warriors follow you. In addition, I will bring two teams of bodyguards to secretly protect your safety. In this case, even the special forces cannot kidnap you."


Seeing his father's insistence, Fei Xuebin had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Then I'll ask him for his specific address."

After that, he sent his mobile phone number to the Fei family's intelligence team, picked up the phone, replied to the message, and asked: "Where should I go to meet you?"

After sending it, the message was lost.

The intelligence team also reported that the mobile phone number is now in shutdown mode and cannot be located.

When Fei Xuebin saw this, he knew that the other party was a veteran, and he felt even more uneasy.

Fei Shanhai didn't give him a chance to hesitate, and ordered: "If the other party can kidnap Haoyang, he must not be an ordinary little thief. He is probably already watching us secretly. Just go to Brooklyn. I believe you will arrive."

When you get to Brooklyn, he will contact you."

Fei Xuebin didn't dare to refuse, so he had no choice but to agree.

Although he was anxious when his son was kidnapped, he hoped to solve the problem with money or people under the Fei family instead of risking his own life.

But now he has no other choice but to follow his father's instructions, arrange manpower, and prepare to set off.

Soon, three motorcades drove out of the Fei family's manor one after another.

Two of the convoys were bodyguards of the Fei family. As soon as the cars left the villa, they spread out and infiltrated. They had two tasks. The first was to secretly protect Fei Xuebin's convoy, and the second was to wait for information from the intelligence team.

When the other party's mobile phone is turned on and their location is found, they will immediately take control of it;

Fei Xuebin's motorcade was led by three bulletproof Rolls-Royces, followed by three bulletproof Cadillac full-size off-road vehicles.

Fei Xuebin himself did not sit in the Leslie, but got into the middle one of the three Cadillacs.

In his opinion, if the other party wants to attack him this time, he will definitely mistakenly think that he is in the Rolls-Royce in the middle. In this way, if something happens, the Rolls-Royce will be able to attract firepower, and he will

The safety factor is naturally higher.

But even so, when the car drove into Brooklyn, Fei Xuebin couldn't help feeling nervous.

There is a law as universal as gravity, that is, the richer a person is, the more afraid he is of death.

Fei Xuebin is naturally no exception.

Although he is the eldest young master of the Fei family and the current heir to the head of the Fei family, he still feels a little scared when he comes to a place like this.

After all, in a place like this, it has happened once or twice that someone was shot because of an iPhone.

When Fei Xuebin's motorcade drove into Brooklyn, it indeed attracted the attention of many street youths.

In Brooklyn, only gang bosses can afford Rolls-Royce, but the local gang members know the Rolls-Royce license plates of those bosses by heart, so they can tell at a glance that these cars are imported.

Some gang members couldn't help but have weird thoughts when they saw this convoy.

However, seeing that there were six cars on the other side, they could only watch helplessly due to their rationality.

At this moment, Fei Xuebin suddenly received a text message in the car.

This time, the other party changed the number and the content of the message was: "To North Brooklyn Wharton Motel."

Motels are the lowest-end express hotels in the United States.

It has the worst rooms, the worst location, the laxest management and the worst security.

You don't need any documents to register when staying in a motel. You park your car at the door, walk in and hand the cash to the boss, and you will get a room key. You don't need to show any documents during the whole process.

The boss also has the mentality that doing more is worse than doing less. He just collects money and doesn't bother to ask about the identity of the residents. He doesn't even want to look at the residents twice to avoid getting into trouble.

Therefore, this kind of place is a mixed bag, full of fugitives, prostitutes and drug addicts.

Fei Xuebin did not expect that the other party would set the location in such a place. He first sent the other party's mobile phone number to the intelligence team, hoping that the other party could locate the person's location.

However, the intelligence team reported back that the other party had shut down its phone again.

Since it was a new number, there was no way to prepare it in advance, so the positioning failed again.

Failure in positioning meant that Fei Xuebin could only go to this motel according to the other party's request.

Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he could only go there bravely.

And this motel is just on the edge of North Brooklyn.

As soon as the convoy arrived at the door of the hotel, they saw at least seven or eight scantily clad women standing at the door. These women would wave to men whenever they saw them driving, and the male drivers would immediately stop next to them and lower their windows to "communicate" with them.


The content of the exchange is nothing more than what kind of services are provided and how much remuneration is required.

If an agreement is reached, the woman will get into the man's passenger seat or go to the motel room with the man to complete the dirty deal.

Fei Xuebin looked at the surrounding environment and frowned in disgust.

At this time, several street girls also discovered their fleet. Some of them were somewhat self-aware, knowing that prostitutes like themselves, who paid tens of dollars a time, could not win the favor of Rolls-Royce owners.

But there are also some women who have been high on drugs, and confidently come to the Rolls-Royce, knock on the car window, and keep posing.

However, no matter how hard they knocked, the drivers of the Rolls-Royces in front did not open their windows.

So, several people knocked on the windows all the way to the car where Fei Xuebin was sitting.

Fei Xuebin looked through the window at these skinny women with rotten teeth and even severe tooth loss at a young age. As if he had seen a ghost, he cursed in the car: "What the hell are these?

Shit! Get them away and keep them away from my car!"

The bodyguard in the passenger seat turned around and explained: "Master, these women are just like that. We don't need to worry about her. They will leave on their own if they can't knock on the window."

As he spoke, he added: "Have you seen a lot of discarded disposable syringes on the roadside? They are all used by these women. Each of them is an addict. They earn some money by standing on the street every day.

Many people who buy contraband have AIDS, so for the sake of safety we should not open the windows."

"Fuck!" Fei Xuebin felt nauseated and cursed angrily: "It's so damn disgusting!"

Fortunately, the women didn't bother. Seeing that no one opened the window, they all returned to the roadside and continued to look for other targets.

At this time, Fei Xuebin's cell phone rang again.

He quickly lowered his head to look, only to see that this time it was another text message from a new unknown number, and the content of the text message was: "Did you see the blond woman on the side of the road who lost two front teeth? Get out of the car and walk to

Go to her, stuff a thousand dollars into her collar, and she will give you something. My people are watching you, so don't play any tricks, otherwise, just wait to collect your son's body!"

This chapter has been completed!
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