Chapter 2102 Another big thing happened

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The Iga ninjas who were sitting on the plane heading to the United States were still feeling a little sad at this time.

Their tribe has survived in Japan for hundreds of years, and this is the first time that an entire tribe has left their homeland and fled.

Many people are reluctant to leave and are still looking forward to when they can return to their homeland.

However, they never dreamed that their hometown, which had a history of hundreds of years, had been blown to pieces under Ye Chen's instruction.

The raging fire was still burning crazily, and at this time, the Fei family's group of experts had suffered heavy casualties. Almost none of those injured in the explosion could escape, and those who were lucky enough to escape the explosion and fire were in a state of shock.

In the midst of it, he suddenly discovered that there were several helicopters flying around, and on both sides of each helicopter were counter-terrorists with live ammunition.

The bodies of these counter-terrorists were hung on both sides of the helicopter door by fixed ropes. They held highly lethal assault rifles in their hands, and the muzzles of the guns had already been locked on these masters who were like bereaved dogs.

The funny thing is, when these Fei family masters who had a chance to escape saw the anti-terrorist troops, the first thought in their hearts was not worry and fear, but a complete sigh of relief!

Now they feel that they are completely victims.

They flew all the way from Japan for more than ten hours, and when they arrived without doing anything, they encountered such a horrific explosion. This clearly meant that they had been attacked.

Moreover, they didn't know what kind of ambush these Iga ninjas had done besides planting bombs in their homes. If these guys had a back-up plan, then none of them would be able to escape.

Therefore, when they saw the anti-terrorist troops at this time, their first thought was that they were finally saved!

As a result, some of these Fei family experts actually stood up, waved to the helicopter, and shouted: "We are here! Come and save us!"

Others followed suit and shouted for help from the anti-terrorist forces.

Immediately afterwards, nearly a hundred members of the anti-terrorism force quickly descended from the helicopter to the ground by rope.

Before the Fei family's experts could react, these anti-terrorist force members pointed their guns at them.

"No one is allowed to move. Lie down on the ground immediately and raise your hands where we can see! No one is allowed to resist, otherwise they will be shot to death!"

The leader of the Fei family masters shouted loudly: "This is all a misunderstanding. We are also victims. The real person who planned the explosion was the ninja of the Iga family!"

These counter-terrorists did not listen to their explanation at all, and immediately rushed forward and handcuffed all of them behind their backs. At the same time, in order to prevent them from breaking free, they used very strong nylon ties to tie their wrists back and forth several times.

Subsequently, a number of special forces vehicles parked outside the gate of Iga County, and the commander gave the order and took all these people into the vehicle.

There were one hundred and thirty experts from the Fei family when they arrived, but now there were less than thirty people who were taken into the car.

Most of the remaining one hundred or so people were dead, and only a few were seriously injured. The scene was horrific.

Subsequently, a spokesman for the Japanese Homeland Security Department immediately issued an emergency announcement to the outside world. The announcement stated that the Homeland Security Department cracked a terrorist attack by an overseas terrorist organization in Iga City tonight.

The heroic special forces trapped all the terrorists in a residential house in Iga City before the terrorists caused a large-scale explosion. The terrorists then detonated the bombs with the intention of dying together with the anti-terrorism forces. However, the anti-terrorism forces were experienced and succeeded.

This terrorist organization's terrorist attack plan was prevented, and the anti-terrorist forces suffered no casualties or civilian casualties during the arrest process. It can be said to be a great victory.

This news suddenly detonated Japan at night.

Following the last chaos in Tokyo, Japan has finally been calm for several months. Unexpectedly, there was a new terrorist attack today.

However, fortunately, their special forces fought bravely and avoided tragedy.

This fact has indeed made many Japanese people extremely happy, and it has also greatly improved everyone's impression of the homeland security department.

But there are still many people who can't figure out why these terrorists from abroad didn't target big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, but instead found a quiet place between Osaka and Nagoya.

Carrying out a terrorist attack?

This question also resonated with many people on the Internet.

Everyone really can't figure it out. It feels like a well-organized group of thieves traveled thousands of miles to come to your house. They didn't steal anything before, but just took an egg from the henhouse.

The Japanese security department was busy taking the suspects captured at the scene to Osaka for interrogation, and their person in charge was also immersed in the joy of this turnaround. When he saw the increasing number of doubts on the Internet,

When I was growing up, I felt a little overwhelmed all of a sudden.

But he didn't get too entangled in this issue. After all, the stories were told by people. Anyway, he did arrest a group of foreign forces. The more than 100 people who were killed and alive were not the actors he hired. This

The credit cannot be erased no matter what.

Ye Chen has been paying attention to the public opinion situation in Japan. Seeing Bai's gift to the Japanese security department, they were a little unable to grasp it, and for a while they felt that iron could not become steel.

Seeing that the doubts on the Internet were getting louder and louder, and the Japanese Land and Resources Department did not come out to explain further, Ye Chen couldn't help but sweat for them.

So, he immediately called Ito Nanako and asked her to help arrange some navy troops and quickly find replacements for Japan's homeland security department.

Soon a voice appeared on the Internet. Someone told netizens as an insider that in fact, these terrorists just deliberately chose Iga City, a place where no one can shit, as their base. Their real purpose is to

After Iga City completed its assembly and completed all preparations, it immediately divided its troops into two groups to launch terrorist attacks on the two nearby large cities, namely Osaka and Nagoya.

It is precisely because of the early detection by Japan's homeland security department that these two major cities were spared.

So from this point of view, Japan’s land and resources department takes the greatest credit.

As soon as this statement came out, those doubts immediately disappeared.

After all, this statement is reasonable and well-founded. Iga City, a peaceful place, happens to be sandwiched between these two big cities. It is indeed reasonable and reasonable to hide here and plan attacks against these two cities.

As a result, there was once again overwhelming praise for the Department of Homeland Security on the Internet.

At this time, the Department of Homeland Security was also very confused. They didn't expect such rhetoric. They didn't expect that someone would help them find such a good solution. Isn't this just like someone passing you a pillow when you are dozing off?

So, they simply packaged up this rhetoric and released it immediately.

This time, the situation was completely stabilized instantly.

At the same time, news from Japan also reached the ears of the Fei family.

Fei Xuebin hurried to his father Fei Shanhai and said breathlessly: "Dad! Something big happened again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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