Chapter 2122 I'm here tonight!

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After Fei Shanhai drank a glass of white wine, his eyes began to see double images, and his head felt as if someone had punched him hard, feeling dizzy and swollen.

Fei Xuebin didn't dare to cheat his father, so he could only wait for Fei Shanhai to finish one glass, and then quickly drink up the rest of the liquor in his own glass.

At this time, Ye Chen's stopwatch had not reached one minute.

Seeing the father and son panting like dogs, and their faces turning red, Ye Chen smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Come on, have a second drink, please fill up the bottle, Mr. Fei!"

Fei Xuebin's legs were already starting to wobble a little, but when faced with Ye Chen's instructions, he didn't dare to disobey, so he had to pick up the wine glass tremblingly and poured two more glasses for himself and his father.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen looked at the stopwatch again and said, "We still follow the old rules and give you one minute to drink your own glass of wine. If anyone exceeds the time limit, then we will reward you with another glass."

Fei Shanhai lamented: "Young hero... if you drink like this, you will really die..."

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Don't worry, you won't die. If you really die, just come to me."

"This..." Fei Shanhai was about to cry but had no tears, and thought to himself: "I am already dead, how can I come to you then?"

Ye Chen said casually at this time: "To be honest, you two, father and son, should really find a place to have some fun. I just let you two drink some wine. A father and son had offended me before and have been transformed by me.

There was also a father and son who offended me. I had someone use a knife to carve the word "poor and poor" on his son's forehead, and the four words "father of poor and poor" on his father's head to compete with them.

Get up, you have no idea how lucky you are."

After saying that, Ye Chen added: "If you are interested, I can call my man who is good at human body calligraphy and ask him to leave a calligraphy for you."

Fei Shanhai trembled in fright at Ye Chen's words, while Fei Xuebin felt an explosion of pain in his forehead when he thought of someone having his forehead carved.

When he was nervous, he couldn't help but look at his father Fei Shanhai and whispered: "Dad! I've already finished one cup. Grit your teeth and drink the remaining two cups and you'll be fine..."

Ye Chen stretched out a finger and shook it, and said seriously: "Master Fei, you have three glasses left!"

Fei Xuebin nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes... Mr. Ye said yes... I have three cups left..."

At this time, Fei Shanhai could feel the alcohol coming to his head quickly. He rubbed his temples vigorously and said with all his might, "Okay... I'll drink!"

After saying that, he picked up the wine glass, hesitated for three seconds, and poured it into his stomach in large gulps.

Fei Xuebin did not dare to delay and quickly drank the second cup.

By the time Fei Shanhai finished his second glass of wine, he had lost control of his body. He sat down on a chair, feeling a splitting headache and unable to raise his eyelids at all.

Immediately afterwards, I heard him murmuring: "Young... Young Hero... I... I... I can't do it anymore..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly fainted.

Ye Chen used his spiritual energy to check and found that the old man was indeed unconscious, so he said to Zhang Chuan who was kneeling aside: "Come here, come over and pour the third cup for him."

How dare Zhang Chuan disobey, he quickly stood up, walked up to Fei Shanhai, filled a glass of wine with a trembling voice, opened Fei Shanhai's teeth, and carefully poured the white wine into Fei Shanhai's mouth.

Fei Shanhai was unconscious at this time and was at the mercy of Zhang Chuan, so after choking several times, he swallowed the third glass of wine.

At this time, Ye Chen looked at Fei Xuebin, who was full of fear, and said, "Master Fei, do you think you should do it yourself, or should I ask him to do it for you?"

Fei Xuebin said quickly: "I will do it myself, I will do it myself!"

After that, he hurriedly filled up another glass of wine, endured the severe dizziness, and drank it.

Later, he felt that the alcohol was getting stronger and stronger, and he did not dare to delay any more. He quickly filled up the last glass while he was still unconscious, and drank it all in one gulp.

After finishing the last glass of wine, Fei Xuebin's whole stomach was already on fire. After four glasses of white wine, he was already on the verge of collapse. Seeing that the task was completed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then he felt his eyes go dark and lost his mind in an instant.

Unconscious, he fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing that both father and son were unconscious, Ye Chen stood up and said to Gu Qiuyi: "Nanny, I don't have much appetite watching two drunkards eating. How about we change places."

Gu Qiuyi stuck out her tongue and said, "Okay, brother Ye Chen, I'm almost drunk just from the smell of wine. I'm afraid I'll get drunk if I stay any longer..."

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Then let's leave quickly."

Seeing that Ye Chen was about to leave, Zhang Chuan on the side quickly asked nervously: "Senior... you... when can you restore my cultivation for me..."

Ye Chen said lightly: "After we leave, you ask someone to send them both for gastric lavage. As for you, just come back and kneel until I come back! If they wake up and come to trouble you, you will

Tell them that I will come again tonight and let them be ready to welcome you!"

Zhang Chuan said on the verge of tears: "Senior... I have lost my cultivation now. Once the Fei family and his son wake up, they will definitely come to me to accuse me... I won't be able to protect myself by then, and I'm afraid I won't be able to survive."

you are back……"

Ye Chen said coldly: "Tell them that no one can make things difficult for you until I come back, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Having said that, Ye Chen added: "As for your cultivation, just wait patiently. After the person who handles you arrives, I will decide whether to restore it for you depending on the situation."

When Zhang Chuan heard this, he could only nod helplessly.

Ye Chen didn't speak any more, stood up, and walked out of the restaurant with Gu Qiuyi in an open and fair manner.

When the servants and bodyguards of the Fei family saw the two coming out, no one dared to stop them.

Because they all knew that Gu Qiuyi was a big star and a guest invited by the Fei family and his son. If the guest wanted to leave, no one would dare to stop him.

However, many people are also curious as to why there is no movement at all inside.

It stands to reason that after the guest leaves, at least one of the master and the young master must come out to give him a piece of cake and be polite.

Just when someone wanted to go in to see what was going on, Zhang Chuan came out and said to everyone: "The master and the eldest young master drank too much. Send them to the medical department for gastric lavage immediately!"

In the huge Fei family manor, there is also a very high-level medical department, which is staffed with many top doctors and nurses 24/7. It is like a small hospital, specifically responsible for the health problems of the Fei family.

The servants and bodyguards were a little surprised at first when they heard that Fei Shanhai and Fei Xuebin had drunk too much, but when they thought that Zhang Chuan, as a top expert, could not lie to everyone, they had no doubts.

A group of people rushed in and took the drunken and unconscious father and son to the medical department.

Just as the father and son were sent to the medical department, Ye Chen also took Gu Qiuyi out of the Feijia Manor.

After sitting back in the car, Gu Qiuyi asked Ye Chen: "Brother Ye Chen, where should we go to eat?"

Marven said without thinking: "Let's go to Chinatown, let's go find Uncle Zhong to eat roast goose!"


This chapter has been completed!
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