Chapter 2187 Tired of hiding

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Meanwhile, New York's Chinatown.

Because it was lunch time, Chen Zhaozhong's restaurant was doing very well.

It's just that he and his assistant are already very busy.

However, while Chen Zhaozhong was entertaining guests, he had been quietly looking outside the door.

Because, he discovered that since this morning, there was always a car parked across the road in front of his store.

Although the other party changed four cars and moved to different locations, Chen Zhaozhong could still see that although the four cars chose different locations, they could all see the front entrance of his roast goose shop.

This made him feel slightly uneasy.

He knew that the New York police must be targeting him.

Being targeted by the police made Chen Zhaozhong inevitably nervous.

The waiter noticed something was wrong with him and quickly stepped forward and asked: "Uncle Zhong, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay..." Chen Zhaozhong laughed sarcastically and said, "You go and do your work first, don't worry about me."

The waiter nodded slightly and said, "If you are tired, go down and rest for a while. I can do it by myself."

Chen Zhaozhong nodded happily, but had no intention of leaving.

At this time, the car on the other side of the road suddenly started and drove away from Chinatown.

Chen Zhaozhong originally thought that the other party would soon switch to another car to come over for rotation, but he did not expect that after this car passed by, no other suspicious vehicles appeared.

This gave him a little relief.

But soon, his brows furrowed again.

He immediately took off his sleeves and apron, and said to the waiter: "Qiang Zai, please sign up as temporarily closed. After the customers leave, just close the door and come find me downstairs."

The waiter didn't know why he was so anxious all of a sudden, so he nodded quickly and said, "Okay, Uncle Zhong, I understand!"

After Chen Zhaozhong finished speaking, he went to the basement alone. There were two rooms below, which were his and his buddy Qiangzi's bedrooms.

When Chen Zhaozhong returned to his room, the first thing he did was to pack his luggage. He only picked out the things that were most important to him and put them into his suitcase. In addition, he didn't even have a change of clothes.

Not tidied up.

Half an hour later, Chen Zhaozhong packed a small suitcase.

The waiter Qiangzi walked down the stairs quickly and said at the door: "Uncle Zhong, all the guests have left, I have closed the door."

"Okay." Chen Zhaozhong said, "Qiang Zai, please come in."

"Okay." Qiangzi opened the door and as soon as he walked into the bedroom, he found Chen Zhaozhong packing his things, so he asked in surprise: "Uncle Zhong, where are you going?"

Chen Zhaozhong looked at Qiang Zai and said: "Qiang Zai, I may have to return to Hong Kong Island in the near future. After I leave, this store will be handed over to you. You have learned almost all my skills over the years.

From now on, if you run this store well, life shouldn't be too difficult."

Qiangzi asked in surprise: "Uncle Zhong... you... how can you go back to Hong Kong Island? That man named Liu will kill you..."

Chen Zhaozhong smiled slightly: "I stayed in the United States illegally and was considered an illegal immigrant. Since the police have already found me, it is estimated that there will not be much time left before I am deported. Even if I don't want to leave, I can't help it."

Qiang Zai blurted out: "Uncle Zhong, you can't just wait to be deported! Why don't you leave New York and hide for a while!"

"No." Chen Zhaozhong waved his hands and said calmly: "I have been hiding for more than twenty years and I am tired of hiding. If I keep hiding like this, I will despise myself."

After that, he looked at Qiang Zai and said seriously: "I have always wanted to go back, but I have never been able to muster the courage. I just took this opportunity to go back and help me make a decision."

Qiangzi said nervously: "Uncle Zhong! You can survive by hiding! If Liu doesn't plan to let you go, you will die if you go back!"

Chen Zhaozhong laughed and said: "Even if he wants my life, he has to wait for the right time. He can't just kill me at the customs when I was just repatriated, right? Besides, I was repatriated to Hong Kong Island.

The customs officers will definitely take me there to go through the process. I believe that no matter how capable Mr. Liu is, he would not dare to go to the customs to attack me. In this way, I can notify my family in advance and ask them to come to the customs to see me.

, as long as I can meet my family, even if he kills me when I go out, I will admit it."

Speaking of this, Chen Zhaozhong smiled slightly and said: "Qiang Zai, you don't need to persuade me on this matter. I have my own decision. You can just run this roast goose shop. Don't worry about anything else."


Qiang Zai choked up with red eyes: "Uncle Zhong... I don't want to run a roast goose shop, I just want to be a waiter by your side..."

The relationship between Qiang Zai and Chen Zhaozhong is very deep.

He was originally from Southeast Asia, and his parents went to Southeast Asia to work hard in the early years. However, they encountered some unrest there, so they smuggled their young son to the United States with the intention of taking root in the United States.

However, the ship used by the smugglers to transport them ran aground and sank near the U.S. coastline. Dozens of illegal immigrants on one ship drowned more than half of them.

Qiang Zai's parents both died at sea in that disaster, and the young Qiang Zai drifted on the sea for several hours relying on a small piece of wood, and was finally rescued by a Chinese who ran away from the boat.

In that accident, those who survived were all children as young as Qiangzai. It was only because the parents gave the children life-saving floating objects that they survived.

The Chinese who ran the boats, like Chen Zhaozhong, were all illegal immigrants or illegal immigrants in the United States. These illegal immigrants helped each other on weekdays and had their own small circle.

After several children were rescued and returned to New York, these Chinese gathered together for a meeting.

They felt that the situation of these children was too miserable. If they were not taken in, they would either starve to death on the streets, be deported by the U.S. government, or be sent to an orphanage. So after everyone discussed it, those who were able each adopted an orphan.

Qiang Zai was adopted by Chen Zhaozhong.

He had just turned ten when he was brought back to this roast goose restaurant by Chen Zhaozhong. Now, he is already twenty-two years old.

Since he had no legal status, Chen Zhaozhong opened a shop and taught Qiang Zai to read at the same time. Then Qiang Zai began to help him do whatever he could in the kitchen.

Later, when I became an adult, I simply started working as a waiter in a roast goose restaurant.

Qiang Zai is very grateful to Chen Zhaozhong for his upbringing, and has always treated him as a father. He has even made up his mind to stay with Chen Zhaozhong and help him throughout his life, and to take care of him when he is old.

But I never expected that Chen Zhaozhong would now decide to return to Hong Kong Island and die.

Chen Zhaozhong saw that his eyes were red and tears were flowing, so he smiled and said: "Qiangzi, I have no children. Since you came here, I have been cooking roast goose in the kitchen for these years, and I have never hidden my skills from you.

I believe you have learned my craft very well. From now on, as long as the police don’t find you, you can run this store well, save more money, and if you have the chance, go back to Southeast Asia and get your original self back.

identity, then marry a wife, have children and settle down."

After that, he looked at Qiang Zai and smiled slightly: "Of course, if I am lucky enough to survive this time when I return to Hong Kong Island, you can also come to Hong Kong Island to find me in the future!"

This chapter has been completed!
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