Chapter 2314 the dust settles

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Fei Kexin's words with a smile on his face made all the reporters at the scene stunned.

Although everyone speculated that Fei Kexin might know Liu Jiahui, no one expected that Fei Kexin could give Liu Jiahui face like this.

As the chairman of a trillion-dollar company, Liu Jiahui was already very proud to be here as a distinguished guest. But who could have expected that she would be invited by Liu Jiahui to make a guest appearance at this housewarming ceremony?

Host, in the eyes of everyone, this is really giving Liu Jiahui too much face.

You know, compared to the Fei family, Liu Jiahui's assets are only one percent of the Fei family's.

Seeing the horrified expressions of these reporters, Liu Jiahui felt more comfortable than ever before.

No one doesn't care about face, and at this time, Liu Jiahui only feels that his old face has never been so bright in his life.

With Fei Kexin coming forward, the reporters who originally wanted to see Liu Jiahui's jokes put away their usual gossipy attitude and began to take the housewarming ceremony extra seriously.

Fei Kexin also used her perfect eloquence and personal charm to express 100% of what Ye Chen wanted her to express.

When she said how much she admired the two old friends Liu Jiahui and Chen Zhaozhong for burying the hatchet, the media reporters at the scene suddenly had the same feeling.

At this time, when they looked at Liu Jiahui and Chen Zhaozhong, they no longer had the mentality of watching a good show before, but really thought that these two people could laugh and forget their grudges after twenty years, which was simply a story of the century.

With Fei Kexin's guidance, the housewarming ceremony became full of humanistic spirit. Reporters on the front line sent the situation back to the headquarters, and countless Hong Kong media immediately wrote a large number of very positive news reports.

For a time, the entire Hong Kong Island was moved by the reconciliation between the two men after 20 years.

In this way, it can be regarded as giving Liu Jiahui the best step and greatly saving his face.

As for Chan Siu Chung, he can finally live an upright life on Hong Kong Island, and no one will try to kill him or go to Lau Ka Fai for hidden flowers.

Chen Zhaozhong's family not only had a family reunion, but their lives also experienced earth-shaking changes.

In the past, because they were relatives of Chen Zhaozhong, they suffered all kinds of ostracism on Hong Kong Island.

However, starting from today, this situation will change 180 degrees.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen finally felt relieved.

Help Uncle Zhong come back, help him and his family establish a solid foundation in Hong Kong Island, and at the same time get Uncle Zhong's promise.

From then on, there was an additional general in his business empire.

Moreover, he was highly recognized by his father back then, and he was even the general he had appointed.

After the housewarming ceremony, Liu Jiahui arranged for his assistant Amin to give a big red envelope to all the media reporters present in the name of Chen Zhaozhong. It was nominally for travel expenses, but it was actually Liu Jiahui's little trick to please the media reporters.

After the media reporters left with satisfaction, Liu Jiahui arranged a sumptuous banquet in the villa.

In addition to Chen Zhaozhong's family, there were also Liu Jiahui, Fang Jiaxin, and his daughter Liu Manqiong at this banquet.

There were still two VIP seats reserved for Ye Chen and Fei Kexin.

After Ye Chen sat down, Liu Jiahui stood up with a glass of wine and said to Ye Chen with great gratitude: "Mr. Ye, everything is thanks to you today. The gratitude in my heart to you cannot be described in words. In order to express my gratitude to you,

Thank you so much, I’ll do it first as a tribute!”

After that, without waiting for Ye Chen to speak, he drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and asked him: "Are Mr. Liu satisfied with today's affairs?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!" Liu Jiahui nodded his head and said excitedly: "Mr. Ye's arrangement today, I will be satisfied with a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand! Oh no! It's not satisfaction, it's gratitude! I'm so grateful.

Mr. Ye!"

Ye Chen nodded and said calmly: "It's best if you are satisfied. This matter will be settled today!"

Liu Jiahui said quickly: "Yes, yes, everything has settled and there are no more variables!"

At this time, Chen Zhaozhong also stood up with a wine glass in hand and said respectfully: "Master Ye, it is thanks to your help that I can return to Hong Kong Island and reunite my family. I would like to give you a drink!"

After that, he drank it all in one gulp like Liu Jiahui.

Marven first hugged Liu Jiahui's fists and said, "Mr. Liu, there is something I want to ask you for help with."

Liu Jiahui was flattered and said: "Mr. Ye, if you have any orders, just ask, go up the mountain of knives, go down to the sea of ​​fire, and never blink an eye!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said: "It's not that troublesome. I just want to ask you to take care of Uncle Zhong's family in the future. After all, your two families live so close to each other now, which is relatively more convenient."

Liu Jiahui said without hesitation: "Don't worry, Mr. Ye! From now on, Ah Zhong's family is my family, and I will definitely take good care of it!"

As he said that, he looked at Chen Zhaozhong and said seriously: "Zhong, if you go to the mainland to develop in the future, your family can rest assured to leave it to me!"

Then, he pointed at the villa and said: "I have already given instructions. From now on, I will bear all the expenses of this villa. I will also bear the labor of the driver, Filipino maid, and housekeeper. In addition, I will bear the labor of the driver, Filipino maid, and housekeeper every month."

Another million dollars for living expenses!”

Ye Chen said seriously: "Of course you can't make money and work for this kind of thing, so I still have to pay for it."

Chen Zhaozhong said hurriedly: "Master Ye, my family has been used to being frugal all their lives, and we simply can't use so much money..."

Ye Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, it will be counted as part of your future salary. I just let your family keep it for you."

Chen Zhaozhong said nervously: "Master Ye, I have been running the roast goose shop in Chinatown for so many years and have never done any serious work. If you need my old bones, I will fight to the death, but how can I

De Heneng, how can I get such a high salary from you? As long as you prepare a place for me to stay in Jinling and give me a meager salary, it will be enough for me to live in Jinling..."

Ye Chen said seriously: "Uncle Zhong, you are someone that even my father admires very much. Uncle Gu has always praised you highly. I believe that the vision of the two of them will never go wrong."

Saying that, Ye Chen added: "What's more, human society has developed for so many years. Only science and technology are constantly developing, but human nature and the basic logic of the operation of the entire society have not changed in any way. As the saying goes, everything can never change without departing from its origins.

, I believe you will be able to create great value.”

Liu Jiahui on the side also chimed in: "Ah Zhong, you are the smartest person I have ever met in my life. I have always thought so for so many years. I believe that you will definitely become Mr. Ye's right-hand man when you are by his side in the future.

Open up new territory for Mr. Ye’s business territory, and I believe Mr. Ye must have the same idea as me, otherwise he wouldn’t have put so much thought into you.”

Speaking of this, Liu Jiahui couldn't help but sigh: "Actually, I was lying in bed last night and thought a lot, and I wanted to understand one thing, that is, with Mr. Ye's strength, if I just help you solve my trouble, it would be really difficult.

It's too simple, as long as he says a word, the soldiers of Wanlong Palace may make me die inexplicably, and then you can naturally return to Hong Kong Island safely, and he doesn't have to come in person at all;"

"But the reason why Mr. Ye wants to come to Hong Kong Island in person is to help you completely open up your heart. Not only will you have no worries, but you will also be able to rediscover the Chen Zhaozhong who dominated Hong Kong Island back then!"

This chapter has been completed!
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