Chapter 2413 If you want to pay back, you must pay first

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When James Smith saw Ye Chen, he was extremely surprised, and at the same time he was as excited as if he had grasped a life-saving straw in a desperate situation.

Ye Chen asked curiously: "Mr. Smith, why are you here?"

Smith subconsciously and respectfully replied: "Back to Mr. Ye, the FDA has several clinical projects in cooperation with Fisher Medical Technology Center. I came here today to complete some routine work..."

After saying this, before Ye Chen could speak, he knelt on the ground with a plop and said with tears: "Mr. Ye, I have been really hoping to meet you again for a long time, but I have never had the chance.

I've been to Jinling several times, but neither the people from Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical nor that Mr. Hong Wu are willing to help me matchmaking... That Mr. Hong even charged me several introduction fees, but he just kept putting off helping me.


Hong Wu, who was behind Ye Chen, curled his lips and said: "You foreign devil wants to see Mr. Ye all the time. You have no good intentions. I don't know what the hell you are. Don't you just want to buy Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pills from Master Ye and take them back to the United States?

Reverse research and development? Let me tell you clearly, I will not refund a penny of the introduction fee you gave me. If you can, just sue me!"

When Smith heard this, he was startled, and then he realized that Hong Wu was following Ye Chen.

He hurriedly explained to Ye Chen: "Mr. Ye... I am not looking for you to reversely develop Jiuxuan Zaozao Pills. As the person in charge of the FDA, I sincerely want to introduce Jiuxuan Zaozao Pills into the US market...


As he spoke, he added: "In addition, there is also my son's illness... The twenty boxes of Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pills I bought from you have all been looted by the privileged class in the White House. They can really be used."

My son has been treated with very few Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pills. His previous condition finally got better, but since there has been no Jiu Xuan Zai Zao the recent situation has started to deteriorate again..."

At this point, he couldn't help but swallow: "Mr. Ye, my son is only twelve years old this year, but he has been tortured by cancer for several years. If you don't save him, he may not survive this summer!"

Ye Chen looked at him, smiled slightly, and said: "Smith, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical originally hopes to bring Jiuxuan Zaozao Pills to the United States for sale, but I think no one knows what happened better than you, right?


"In the beginning, it was because of your personal arrogance and prejudice that you rejected our medicine on the spot. At the same time, you also spoke nonsense to Manager Wei of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical. It was Manager Wei who felt that the child was really pitiful and did not want him to die because of your arrogance and prejudice.

Stupid, that’s why I left you a box of Jiuxuan Zaozhao Pills!”

"Later, you bought our medicine and did reverse research and development. Don't think that I know anything about this matter. The United States has always been billed as the country that pays most attention to intellectual property rights and patent protection in the world, but the FDA actually cooperated with the U.S. military.

This is a shameless act with no professional ethics and no concept of intellectual property protection!"

Saying that, Ye Chen continued: "After that, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical captured a large number of American agents. Almost all of these American agents were sent to China by the U.S. military and the CIA. What did they want to do when they infiltrated Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical?

, you should know it very well without me saying it, right?"

Smith was instantly ashamed.

As the person in charge of the FDA, he actually knows this matter very well.

After proving that Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill has an excellent therapeutic effect on cancer, the White House is very eager to master the core formula of this drug.

In the United States, although everyone usually talks about respecting intellectual property rights, this kind of bullshit is just a piece of cake.

If Harry Potter, written by J.K. Rowling, is very profitable but has no strategic value to the United States, then the White House will not be interested in the book, let alone infringe upon it;

But if other countries or other companies discover any patents with strategic value, the White House will definitely be the first to find a way to obtain this patented technology.

The amazing thing about Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill is that it doesn’t matter what kind of cancer the patient has or what stage the patient has reached, even if it has metastasized throughout the body or even caused organ failure and can lead to death at any time.

As long as patients take this medicine, they will see immediate improvement!

If this kind of medicine is only used to make money, then it will definitely attract money all over the world. Whether rich or poor, once they get cancer, they will probably try their best to put their life savings in the hands of Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical;

If this kind of medicine is regarded as a strategic material, not only can it make money from other countries, but it can even be used as a bargaining chip to force the other party to make more concessions.

Therefore, the first thought of the White House is that they must get such a good thing!

Smith saw Ye Chen's dissatisfaction and said with a sigh of relief: "Mr. Ye, the matter you are talking about is beyond my control. After all, I am only the person in charge of the FDA, responsible for the approval and supervision of drugs. As for the military,

I really have no ability to interfere with whether Fang and the CIA send agents..."

With that said, Smith looked at Ye Chen and begged: "Mr. Ye, I just ask you to consider that I am the father of a child with cancer and sell me some Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills so that my son can live."

Come down..."

Ye Chen smiled calmly and said: "I'm sorry, there is something I didn't tell you. Because the raw materials and production capacity of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills are extremely limited, so after Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's careful decision, Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills will

To give up overseas markets indefinitely, please listen clearly, is to give up all overseas markets, not just the United States."

In fact, Jiu Xuan Zao Zao Pill was created by Ye Chen specifically to stimulate the FDA.

At that time, the FDA was very hostile to Chinese patent medicines, so it was difficult for Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical’s Jiuxuanwei Powder, Jiuxuan Liver Pills, and Jiuxuan Gujin Powder to pass the FDA’s review.

Failure to pass FDA review not only means that these three drugs cannot be marketed in the United States.

Because throughout Europe and the United States, many countries draw heavily on the U.S. FDA in their medical standards.

If a drug passes the review of the US FDA, many countries in Europe and the United States will open their doors to this drug.

But once this drug is rejected by the US FDA, the review process for this drug in other countries will be many times more stringent, and they may even refuse approval like the FDA.

Therefore, Ye Chen used the Sanxuejiuxin Dan and Jiuxuan Gujin Powder to create Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill, which is regarded by the FDA as the number one effective drug for cancer.

However, this Jiuxuan Zaizao Pill itself is not a drug that can be truly mass-produced.

Moreover, Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pill has already made Jiu Xuan Pharmaceutical famous. In this case, Jiu Xuan Zai Zao Pill's mission has been successfully completed.

When Smith heard Ye Chen's words, tears burst into his eyes, and he cried and said: "Mr. Ye, I heard that Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical in China provides free intensive treatment for end-stage cancer patients with family difficulties. I beg you, can you give it to me?"

There is only one quota for my son. My little Jimmy is so pitiful. I can’t bear for him to continue to suffer from cancer..."

Ye Chen said with a serious expression: "You said it yourself, Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical's free medical treatment is for terminal cancer patients with family difficulties. The first condition is family difficulties. In this regard, it seems that you and your son do not meet the standards.

What's more, strictly speaking, this activity is only for Chinese patients. Countless Chinese patients have not been able to wait for this opportunity. How can I give the precious quota to a foreigner who does not meet the standards at all? So no.

Sorry, I can't help you with this."

Smith cried and said: "Mr. Ye, if you don't help him, he will die soon. You can't just watch a twelve-year-old child take away his life from cancer..."

Ye Chen nodded and said seriously: "Speaking of the issue of death, countless people die of illness every day. Among them, there are many children who are about the same age as your son, or younger than him. We cannot and do not have the ability.

Heal everyone.”

"So Mr. Smith, this low-level strategy of moral kidnapping has no meaning to us!"

"Instead of morally kidnapping me here, why don't you ask drug companies like Ruihui and Novartis? Why do they still set the price of their drugs so high when so many children die from leukemia every year around the world? Why?

Not giving medicines to every child with leukemia?”

"There are so many children in Africa who still have insufficient food to fill their stomachs. If one of the 100 million American families helps one family, 100 million African children can be fed and clothed. If one family helps two, the hunger problem of African children will probably be completely solved.

But why don’t you do this?”

"Apple makes 50 billion U.S. dollars a year. Why do you watch those fools selling their kidneys to buy an iPhone? Why don't you just give one to them?"

"Elon Musk's Tesla will sell more than one million vehicles globally this year, but there are so many people in third world countries who can't afford cars. Why doesn't Tesla give them cars?"

Seeing that Smith was speechless for a moment, Ye Chen said calmly: "Actually, you also know in your heart that the first goal of a company is to survive, and the second goal is to make profits. Whether it is a pharmaceutical company, a technology company, or a manufacturing company, they all need a lot of

Funds are used to support the research and development and production of products. If they are required to provide drugs for free, then no one will continue to develop new products in the future, and technology will lose its momentum for advancement. This is the law of the market."

After saying that, Ye Chen said again: "So let's put it back to the topic, we are all adults, so there is no need for such tricks as moral kidnapping, it's too low."

Smith's expression suddenly fell into despair.

Ye Chen thought of something at this time and said: "Oh, by the way, if you really want to do something to save your son's life, you must first show enough sincerity."

Smith blurted out: "I have enough, 100% sincerity!"

Ye Chen said lightly: "Then I suggest you quit your job and take your son to China. First, do your best and do some charity in China without asking for anything in return. If you really put your mind to it, maybe nine

Xuan Pharmaceutical can give you a chance."

After saying that, Ye Chen reminded again: "But you have to remember, what I say doesn't mean that you will definitely get what you want in return for your efforts, but in this society, if you want to get something in return, you must pay first."

What's more, you have to pay for your arrogance and prejudice against Jiuxuan Pharmaceutical. If Manager Wei hadn't repaid evil with kindness and left you a box of Jiuxuan Zaizao Pills, your son would have been killed by you, so

If the final result disappoints you, you should first look for the reason within yourself!"

This chapter has been completed!
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