Chapter 432

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Chapter 432

The traffic policeman said coldly: "Okay, insult the law enforcement officers! You are already openly resisting the law! Then don't blame us for being rude!"

After saying that, he immediately took out the pepper water and sprayed it on Liu Ming's face.

Liu Ming instantly felt that his eyes were so hot that they almost hurt to death. He subconsciously reached out and rubbed them. It didn't matter. The two big bloody characters on his forehead were instantly exposed.

"I'll go..." one of the traffic policemen sighed: "Look at his forehead, he actually has a poor man carved on his forehead!"

"What kind of tattoo is this? It's really hardcore!"

"Hahaha, no wonder this kid likes to call others poor. It turns out he has these two words engraved on his forehead!"

When Liu Ming heard this, he hurriedly went to cover his forehead, but at this moment, his eyes were swollen and painful, and he didn't see several traffic policemen reaching out!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ming was dragged out of the car and pushed to the ground.

The traffic police immediately put his hands behind his back and handcuffed him behind his back. In this way, he could not move forward at all, let alone cover the big word "hang" on his forehead.

Later, the traffic police took him and the plastic surgery face to the roadside and asked them to squat on the roadside. Then they called the team and asked the team to send personnel to take this guy back for investigation.

This is the intersection with the largest flow of people in the city center!

Almost everyone who passes by can see a young man with red and swollen eyes squatting on the roadside. The most terrifying thing is not his eyes that have been sprayed with pepper spray, but the two huge characters on his forehead: Poor.


Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Liu Ming was so ashamed and angry that he squatted on the spot and tried to turn around and face the passers-by with his butt.

However, the traffic police directly held him down and said in a cold voice: "Don't move, don't you like to say these two words? It's just right, let's show it to the citizens here!"

Liu Ming wanted to die...

If I had known this, why would I have bothered to show off to that van driver? If I had just endured it, I would have arrived home by now.

At this moment, an old BMW parked on the side of the road, and a young man got out of the car. He ran over with a bit of flattery and asked: "Oh, Mr. Liu, what's wrong with you? Oh, your forehead."

What's going on?! Who carved a hole for you and hung it on top?"

Liu Ming, who had been lowering his head desperately, suddenly heard someone calling him Mr. Liu, and he wanted to die even more. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to be recognized, but he was recognized...

At this moment, he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone!

He looked up and saw that the person speaking looked familiar, so he couldn't help but ask: "Who the hell are you?"

The man hurriedly explained diligently: "I am Hailong! Xiao Hailong from the Xiao family. We have had dinner together before, with Wang Yunfei, the young master of the Wang family. Don't you remember me?"

Liu Ming gritted his teeth and looked at him. Suddenly, a mouthful of bloody phlegm spat on his face, and he cursed angrily: "Go away, you will make the Xiao family poor. If you dare to come here to see my joke, believe it or not, I will kill you if you turn around."


This chapter has been completed!
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