Chapter 498

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Chapter 498

Xiao Yiqian looked at the head of the Wei family coldly and shouted: "Wei Yongzheng, haven't you thought of a way yet?"

Wei Yongzheng's heart trembled, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, I have sent people to other places to find famous doctors for you, and I have also mobilized the Wei family's contacts in the pharmaceutical industry to find some more broad-spectrum and more effective medicines.

Antibiotics will definitely cure you."

Although he said that, Wei Yongzheng didn't have any confidence in his heart.

He originally hoped that Wei Changming could invite Shi Tianqi here, but Shi Tianqi didn't give him any chance at all. After he was kicked out of Jishitang by Shi Tianqi, he went to find several famous Chinese medicine doctors in Jinling. But when everyone heard that it was Xiao Yiqian,

No one wants to come.

Things that didn't work at Xiao Yiqian's place have long been spread throughout Jinling, and everyone knows that taking medicine randomly caused ulcers there.

Moreover, the doctors at the People's Hospital have long said that the only option for his condition is amputation. Who dares to take trouble now?

If he couldn't be cured, not only would he be ridiculed, but he might also be retaliated by Xiao Yiqian. After all, it was because the Wei family gave him the wrong medicine and suffered retaliation from him that they sought help from doctors all over the world.

Wei Changming searched a lot but couldn't find anyone to treat Xiao Yiqian. In desperation, he could only go home to recover for the time being.

The experiences of the other Wei family members were similar to those of Wei Changming. Anyway, as soon as everyone heard that Xiao Yiqian was being treated, 11 out of 10 doctors were unwilling to come, no matter how much money they gave him.

When Wei Yongzheng saw this, he immediately felt that the future of the Wei family was bleak.

The rate of decay in Xiao Yiqian's place is not too slow. If it continues at this rate, he will probably be rotten in two days. By then, the Wei family will probably die without knowing how...

Wei Changming on the side couldn't help but pulled Wei Yongzheng aside and whispered: "Dad...what should we do now? How about we escape?"

Wei Yongzheng had a gloomy face and turned to look at him. The more he looked at him, the angrier he became, and he reprimanded in a low voice: "If you know how to escape, where can you escape to? Do you think Xiao Yiqian won't cause trouble for us if he escapes from Jinling?"

After saying that, Wei Yongzheng looked at him angrily and blurted out: "I asked you to ask Shi Tianqi here no matter what, but you came back alone, what a waste!"

Wei Changming said dissatisfied: "Dad, you can't blame me. When that old guy Shi Tianqi heard that he wanted to treat Xiao Yiqian, he immediately refused. It was obvious that he had a grudge against Xiao Yiqian. What can I do?"

Wei Yongzheng raised his hand and gave him a slap in the face, and cursed angrily: "I've been like this since I was a child. Whenever something goes wrong, I shirk responsibility. If I don't invite Shi Tianqi, do you think you won't be blamed? Have you ever thought about who was wrong in the first place?

To win over Xiao Yiqian, do you have to give Xiao Yiqian medicine that has not been clinically proven?"

Speaking of this, Wei Yongzheng coughed angrily and cursed angrily: "If you hadn't done this, how could we be where we are today? The foundation that I have worked so hard for all my life is about to be destroyed right now.

It’s in your hands!”

Wei Changming has been pampered since he was a child, and his father Wei Yongzheng has almost never slapped him. But at this moment, Wei Yongzheng's slap was particularly hard, full of anger and disappointment.

Wei Changming's expression was very ugly after being beaten. He also knew that he was the one who caused the trouble, so it was impossible to clear himself of this responsibility.

He could only cover his face and hesitantly said: "Dad, I'm sorry, I was wrong, but I also wanted to make our Wei family go further. After all, Xiao Yiqian is the chairman of Qiancheng Group. If we can climb up

His relationship will definitely develop more smoothly in the future..."

Wei Yongzheng sighed with despair. Wei Changming's words touched him to some extent. His son did not mean to harm the Wei family. He indeed hoped that the Wei family would be better...

Could it be that this is the fate of the Wei family?!

Or maybe it's because I owed too many love debts when I was young, and now I'm finally going to suffer retribution?

Just when he was slumped, someone in the Wei family crowd suddenly shouted excitedly: "Wei Liang is back with Miracle Doctor Shi and a young man!"

This chapter has been completed!
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